What The ‘Gay Marriage’ Debate Is Really About

Commies do not care for Christian moral standards and neither do most leftist Democrats.
Why would any person care about Christian morals with all the slaughter of people in your Christian Bible?

The hypocrisy spewing from is like hot lava. You have no shame at all.
Prove it but you can't
Because you are a hateful lying moron
Just more fake christian hate
Proof or not atheistic communists have openly declared that undermining morality in the US to weaken its opposition to communism is one tool in their corrupt box of tricks and schemes.
Morality based on godly moral standards is essential to good government, which is why the Communist Manifesto openly declares its intention of destroying morals and religion in the US.

“Undoubtedly,” it will be said, “religious, moral, philosophical, and juridical ideas have been modified in the course of historical development. But religion, morality, philosophy, political science, and law, constantly survived this change.”

“There are, besides, eternal truths, such as Freedom, Justice, etc., that are common to all states of society. But Communism abolishes eternal truths, it abolishes all religion, and all morality, instead of constituting them on a new basis; it therefore acts in contradiction to all past historical experience.”
The Communist Manifesto has NOTHING WHATEVER to say about anything in the US. If "Eternal Truths" exist, then that cannot be abolished by anything. Nothing eternal can be abolished, that is what eternal means.

Marx has nothing at all to say about any LBGTQ people at all.
The Biblical character called "God" recommends murdering disrespectful children and refraining from wearing fabric of more than one fiber. Are those "eternal truths"?
You will noot be allowed to utter that blasphemy when standing before His judgment.
Strange scenes are taking place in your warped mind.

Jesus is the one that does the judging, according to the Book of Revelation. Not God, not St. Peter.
According to the Book of Revelation, every human that has ever lived, and ever since the very beginning, all those who have died are awaiting Jesus to come back and to judge them all. So no judgment has ever taken place.
Strange scenes are taking place in your warped mind.

Jesus is the one that does the judging, according to the Book of Revelation. Not God, not St. Peter.
According to the Book of Revelation, every human that has ever lived, and ever since the very beginning, all those who have died are awaiting Jesus to come back and to judge them all. So no judgment has ever taken place.
Jesus is God and He will not show mercy to unrepentant sinners who reject that fact.
Jesus is God and He will not show mercy to unrepentant sinners who reject that fact.
Jesus is at best a third of God. The Book of Revelation is the ranting of a deranged babbling fool.
It is not a sin to refuse to believe in talking snakes and Donald Trump.
Proof or not atheistic communists have openly declared that undermining morality in the US to weaken its opposition to communism is one tool in their corrupt box of tricks and schemes.

which doesn't prove gay marriage undermines society, moron.
you hateful fake christians want to deny freedom to fellow americans based on bigotry
I fail to see why gay people should not have the same rights as everyone else. They do you no harm by loving someone of the same sex. Nor is there any reason to legislate against transsexuals.
Marx had NOTHING to say about gays or lesbians.
Mark seems to resemble more and more what is condemned as Self righteousness.
Honestly. He makes me wonder if he is of sound mind. All the time the god thing is proposed as if it is essential for life's sustainment.
USA is full of low IQ people and this is a good example.
At 80 he still believes there's a god. It's very sad.