Whos afraid of Kim Jung?


Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2007
Way Down South
Im not a bit scared of him even he does have nukes.Cause North Korea can only hit Hawaii, Alaska,State of Washington.Oregon or even California.Kim Jung has only 5 or 6 nukes.He isnt gonna just hit the US hes gonna hit China and Japan. So we have defense missles to take out Kim Jungs nukes so why not test him? Again im not a big afraid of the lil guy.
Well I gotta tell you, I live in Alaska and I am not thrilled about a crazy despot having that sort of weapon in the range of my family. I have seen first hand the so called missle shield and it is not all it is cracked up to be, I dont trust it, nor do I think we should give him the ability to continue these efforts. You may not be afraid, and I certainly dont lose sleep over the thought, I am not afraid, but I would rather not have it. The Russians and Chinese can hit anywhere in America without a problem. Hell Russia is only 700 miles from where I live. But NK does have the ability to wipe out my town by the press of a button and that isnt a nice thought.
BUNZ the Navy has hi tech defense weapons can stop 10 Warheads. but not a full scale nuclear war.Just be glad when Kin Jung Heats up Bush will put those ships hear honolulu and near alaska.And you will see Jung wasted his weapons that cost him billions to make all for nothing.
Im not a bit scared of him even he does have nukes.Cause North Korea can only hit Hawaii, Alaska,State of Washington.Oregon or even California.Kim Jung has only 5 or 6 nukes.He isnt gonna just hit the US hes gonna hit China and Japan. So we have defense missles to take out Kim Jungs nukes so why not test him? Again im not a big afraid of the lil guy.

He is not afraid. Well, that certainly takes the pressure off. How reassuring. We can all rest easy now. Our resident scholar of international studies advises that the US should test the resolve of the little dictator. And he is such a genius that he apparently also holds the chair for resident scholar of military science. His reference to an imaginary missle defense system reveals a powerful intellect. Or maybe just a horse's ass, shooting his fool mouth off.
We should test him Just use a Naval Blockade 1000 mile radus around North Korea. No Food,No Medicine, No Oil and No goods get though there.Then youll see North Koreans Starving getting Sick and No gas for their autos and then if Kim Jung gets pissed LET HIM ! He makes the first move. The only way we end the blockade that he destroys and dismantle his nuclear weapons by US imspectors. We simply dont trust Kin Jung or the UN.Then Second he accepts an energy deal ether between China or South Korea to supply him Electricy and Oil deals. So this way we solve the crises.
BUNZ the Navy has hi tech defense weapons can stop 10 Warheads. but not a full scale nuclear war.Just be glad when Kin Jung Heats up Bush will put those ships hear honolulu and near alaska.And you will see Jung wasted his weapons that cost him billions to make all for nothing.

While the concept is there, the reality is not. I have read the reports about the missle defense system in AK, right now it cant be guaranteed to hit a test missle where they know what time and where from it is being fired and what the trajectory and altitude etc is. There is talk of even scrapping the program altogether. So the idea of a missle shield of any size is false advertisement in truth.
We should test him Just use a Naval Blockade 1000 mile radus around North Korea. No Food,No Medicine, No Oil and No goods get though there.Then youll see North Koreans Starving getting Sick and No gas for their autos and then if Kim Jung gets pissed LET HIM ! He makes the first move. The only way we end the blockade that he destroys and dismantle his nuclear weapons by US imspectors. We simply dont trust Kin Jung or the UN.Then Second he accepts an energy deal ether between China or South Korea to supply him Electricy and Oil deals. So this way we solve the crises.

Couple of little problems with your stategy admiral. How does a naval blockade effect Noth Korea when most of their goods come through China? Also, while the upgraded version of the Aegis system is supposed to be effective against ballistic missiles, only a few ships have recieved the upgrade so far. Fifteen more are to be converted by 2009. How many ships do you think it would take to establish a missile shield around Korea? Ten? Twenty? Probably more. And they couldn't be on station indefinately. They would have to rotate on a regular basis with other ships. How many ships will you need now? Thirty? Forty? That would be about half of the US Navy escort vessels. Vessels that normally escort carrier groups. What then?
China is pissed of at Kim Jung. You think they would give em the goods after they went though? But my deal is they get the electricy from them not by their own nuclear power. Ill bet you china would welcome that deal. You buy the enegry and oil from them though pipeline. So Kim Jung cant produce any more nukes.
China is pissed of at Kim Jung. You think they would give em the goods after they went though? But my deal is they get the electricy from them not by their own nuclear power. Ill bet you china would welcome that deal. You buy the enegry and oil from them though pipeline. So Kim Jung cant produce any more nukes.

So your foreign policy relies on the cooperation and good will of China?
We should test him Just use a Naval Blockade 1000 mile radus around North Korea. No Food,No Medicine, No Oil and No goods get though there.Then youll see North Koreans Starving getting Sick and No gas for their autos and then if Kim Jung gets pissed LET HIM ! He makes the first move. The only way we end the blockade that he destroys and dismantle his nuclear weapons by US imspectors. We simply dont trust Kin Jung or the UN.Then Second he accepts an energy deal ether between China or South Korea to supply him Electricy and Oil deals. So this way we solve the crises.

uhm, how will this change anything? Do you know anything about NK? The people there are already sick, starving, and beaten into the ground. Nothing we can do would turn them against the power that allows them to breathe. The situation in North Korea is so dire for those people.

As for his nukes, I'm not sure I worry too much, I don't know how proficient they'd be at hitting anything. He has 6, how many would dud? They're not super high tech, and I doubt they use any sort of false target/spoof warheads, I mean they're simply something he has to say he has them. The world doesn't fear those nukes, not us anyhow. And well we shouldn't.
Im not a bit scared of him even he does have nukes.Cause North Korea can only hit Hawaii, Alaska,State of Washington.Oregon or even California.Kim Jung has only 5 or 6 nukes.He isnt gonna just hit the US hes gonna hit China and Japan. So we have defense missles to take out Kim Jungs nukes so why not test him? Again im not a big afraid of the lil guy.

I live I Oregon! And I get the impression that you don’t see Hawaii, Alaska, Washington, Oregon and California as important parts of the country or that they are possibly expendable?

Also its not that we should fear him, he is not just a simple crazy dictator as many people think, We need to work more with compromise and try and work out a diplomatic policy rather than discuss battle plans.