Winning Hearts and Minds part 78


Well-Known Member
Apr 4, 2008
It is only a matter of time before the US imperialists go the way of the Soviet imperialists...

"...The worst massacre in recent weeks occurred July 6, when an American air strike wiped out an Afghan wedding party in the Deh Bala district—located in the eastern province of Nangarhar near the Pakistan border—and killed 47 people, including 39 women and children. Another nine were wounded.

The bride was among the dead.

A nine-member inquiry team appointed by the Karzai regime investigated the attack after reports of civilian casualties were arrogantly denied by the US military.

The team’s spokesman Burhanullah Shinwari, deputy speaker of Afghanistan’s senate and a leading official in the Karzai puppet government, told the media, “We found that 47 civilians, mostly women and children, were killed in the air strikes and another nine were wounded ... They were all civilians and had no links with the Taliban or al-Qaida.”

According to the Guardian, “Around 10 people were missing and believed to be still under rubble, he [Shinwari] said. The inquiry team were shown the bloodied clothes of women and children in a visit to the scene.”

The bride was on her way to meet her future husband as local tradition demands, along with a large party of villagers. Lal Wazir, who helped convey the wounded to a provincial hospital in Jalalabad, told the Associated Press (AP), “They stopped in a narrow location for rest. The [US] plane came and bombed the area.

“There were between 80 to 90 people altogether. We have carried six of the injured to this hospital, and more might be coming. The exact number of casualties is not clear.”
Well it is from the, World Socialist Web Site... They sound fair and balanced, Socialists NEVER make **** up, take things out of context or overexaggerate.
It is only a matter of time before the US imperialists go the way of the Soviet imperialists...

"...The worst massacre in recent weeks occurred July 6, when an American air strike wiped out an Afghan wedding party in the Deh Bala district—located in the eastern province of Nangarhar near the Pakistan border—and killed 47 people, including 39 women and children. Another nine were wounded.

The bride was among the dead.

A nine-member inquiry team appointed by the Karzai regime investigated the attack after reports of civilian casualties were arrogantly denied by the US military.

The team’s spokesman Burhanullah Shinwari, deputy speaker of Afghanistan’s senate and a leading official in the Karzai puppet government, told the media, “We found that 47 civilians, mostly women and children, were killed in the air strikes and another nine were wounded ... They were all civilians and had no links with the Taliban or al-Qaida.”

According to the Guardian, “Around 10 people were missing and believed to be still under rubble, he [Shinwari] said. The inquiry team were shown the bloodied clothes of women and children in a visit to the scene.”

The bride was on her way to meet her future husband as local tradition demands, along with a large party of villagers. Lal Wazir, who helped convey the wounded to a provincial hospital in Jalalabad, told the Associated Press (AP), “They stopped in a narrow location for rest. The [US] plane came and bombed the area.

“There were between 80 to 90 people altogether. We have carried six of the injured to this hospital, and more might be coming. The exact number of casualties is not clear.”

If the story is true (a BIG if) - what are you saying - because the US drops one bomb on the wrong place, we are the equivalent of the soviet union. The soviet union, which created the gulag, world communism, the Great Terror, the Ukrainian Famine, and countless other disasters, with a total toll in the twentieth century of 100 million dead.

Yaaaaa, sure.
As long as the US can keep claiming these events are just accidents things will be fine. If more accidents similar to the My Lai massacre are uncovered by the media then there will be some splainin to do.

But in any case it's not what Americans think that is important, it's what non-Americans think. It's not lookin too good American friends, your country did put to death Japanese prisoners of war for waterboarding Americans.
As long as the US can keep claiming these events are just accidents things will be fine. If more accidents similar to the My Lai massacre are uncovered by the media then there will be some splainin to do.

But in any case it's not what Americans think that is important, it's what non-Americans think. It's not lookin too good American friends, your country did put to death Japanese prisoners of war for waterboarding Americans.

Non-americans count for squat. With one buck and what we think of your opinions, you can buy a cup of coffee at McDonald's. ;)
Non-americans count for squat. With one buck and what we think of your opinions, you can buy a cup of coffee at McDonald's. ;)

You are actually demonstrating with your venomous attitude toward my comments that this Canadian matters quite a lot to you. ;-)
As long as the US can keep claiming these events are just accidents things will be fine. If more accidents similar to the My Lai massacre are uncovered by the media then there will be some splainin to do.

But in any case it's not what Americans think that is important, it's what non-Americans think. It's not lookin too good American friends, your country did put to death Japanese prisoners of war for waterboarding Americans.

I think that there have not been many incidents of soldier abuse in the war. Yes there have been some, nothing that compares to the My Lai Massacre, but the people responsible have been tried and if found guilty punished.

I disagree that waterboarding is torture, and legal precedent and firm OLC decisions backed up everything that the Bush White House acted on, so it will be tough to actually try, let alone convict, anyone for this.