Worst War Movie


Well-Known Member
Apr 10, 2007
We've heard people chime in on their favorite war movies, but what about the real clunkers out there? What gets your vote as the worst war movie of all time?

My pick is Alexander, which I call a war movie since the brunt of the action actually takes place during Alexander's conquests (all those scenes from his childhood are supposedly flashbacks).
We've heard people chime in on their favorite war movies, but what about the real clunkers out there? What gets your vote as the worst war movie of all time?

My pick is Alexander, which I call a war movie since the brunt of the action actually takes place during Alexander's conquests (all those scenes from his childhood are supposedly flashbacks).

I thought Alexander was one of the best movies I've ever seen. :) Up there with The Longest Day, The New World, All Quiet on the Western Front, and Thin Red Line. Hmmm. What is the worst? I'd have to go with Three Kings or Jarheads.
I thought Jarhead was alright, but I'm no real fan of war films compared to some people. In fact I havn't really liked a film thats got in the average cinema lately, and at the same time don't bother looking for underground ones.
The worst war movie would have to be jarhead the main character only saw action like twice and didnt even fight or kill~
Im not saying killing is good though it just looks good in the movies.
It makes reality sad~
Flyboys and Pearl Harbor were both horrible, I thought.

I was so hopeful about Flyboys, too, because to my knowledge there isn't a really good WWI film out there. All Quiet is just plain old boring and A Very Long Engagement wasn't even really about the war (and it was a French film - lots of extremely random sex - which isn't necessarily a bad thing, just, well, unnecessary).
I was hopeful as well. The previews made it appear to be an amazing film, but it was a huge letdown. I think that they tried to hard to tie in romance to the movie, which was unnecessary. It hade great potential, but it didn't work out.
I hated Hart's War. Pearl Harbor is definately right up there too. I think Jarhead is one of the most misunderstood movies in recent memory. Its a pretty mediocre movie, but its easy for people on both sides of the isle to go into it with a preconcieved political view and come out thinking that the movie has just backed up their own notion of what war is. In truth, I think that the movie is just trying to say "respect your marines," but in the end it only amounts to one of those "donnie darko" type movies in that you only come out of it with what you have going into it.
Jarhead has to be the worst war movie in my opinion

Pearl Harbor dosent count it was a remake of Tora Tora Tora
"My pick is Alexander, which I call a war movie since the brunt of the action actually takes place during Alexander's conquests (all those scenes from his childhood are supposedly flashbacks)."
--I agree! It takes a lot for me to not like a morie, but I couldn't even finish it the first time I watched it. Later on, some friends had it on and I saw the end. That movie was AWFUL! I hope I don't end up saying the same about the new Rambo movie that's comming out. I have the feeling It'll be awsome. Best war movie so far: Full Metal Jacket--the best war movie of all times!
The Green Berets Hands down. It came at a point where the viet nam war was already lost and just running on inertia spouting cliched lies that got us in... damn that sounds familiar.
Jarhead is not a war movie in my opinion, it is a story of mental maturity with war as the backdrop.
For me it was Ben Afleck and Pearl Harbor, bar none hands down. Its a shame that the name of that atrocity of film making was called Pearl Harbor.