Would you give her a divorce?


Staff member
Apr 20, 2007
The Golden State
Yemen child bride Nujood Ali gets divorce

SANA, YEMEN -- The little girl was waist-high, so small that the lawyers, clerks and judges hurrying through the courthouse almost missed her.

As lunchtime arrived and the crowds of noisy men and women cleared away, a curious judge asked her what she was doing sitting alone on a bench.
"I came to get a divorce," 10-year-old Nujood Ali told the jurist.

Her impoverished parents had married her off to a man more than three times her age, who beat her and forced her to have sex, she explained. When she told her father and mother that she wanted out of the marriage, they refused to help. So an aunt provided her with bus money to travel to court and seek a divorce.

I saw this one in the morning paper. My reaction:

Holy crap!:eek:

What's your reaction?
You see a lot of that kind of thing over there. It ain't like here at all. Many rich families send buyers to Indonesia and other such places to buy them (little girls) like cattle.

I've been doing a research on Women’s Rights and Divorce Advocacy Information.

I think it's also a good idea to delve into the issue of child marriage and divorce. Child marriage is almost a custom in mostly Islamic countries such as Yemen and Saudi. Poverty has exacerbated the problem of child marriage, where the parents offer their female children to pay debt and get rich. They should have implemented a strict law on this so children will live a better life.
DISCUSTING and SHAMEFUL...the way in which our human race places such a burden upon the female gender for her 'VALUE' of her virginity.

{{heavy sigh}} In some cultures the method of assigning a marriage certificate to a baby at birth was a form of protection from other prying male members of the village/community...that allowed the young female the ability to grow with the umbrella of protection for her virginity until her wedding day to the other young man of her approximate age. And then the 'VALUE' for VIRGIN SLAVE TRADE became a money making proposition and many a lessor thinking: family member/community social order/religious deviant controlling leader found the method of barter/trading/selling off the young female members the rationale/reasonable thing to do.

Historically speaking; many a countries boundaries and alliances were firmed up and guaranteed by such a 'VIRGIN' trade/exchange.

SH!T HAPPENS to the female species and it ain't always NICE.:mad: But then again I may be overly sensitive since the onset of puberty the male species seem to think that stalking, cat calling, whistling and making crude remarks about my early onset of 'BOOBS' was something that I was proud of...GOOD GRIEF the humiliation that the female species suffers is horrible without having to worry about her virginity at that tender age of 10 or younger!!! IMO
That can only be described as barbaric. She should get a divorce, and her husband should be severly punished. I consider this proof of the dangers of a fundelmentalist culture.
It begs the question: No matter how barbaric another countrie's(Islamic), customs appear to us, how has interjecting U.S. moral values into other countries (Islamic) worked for us so far?
It begs the question: No matter how barbaric another countrie's(Islamic), customs appear to us, how has interjecting U.S. moral values into other countries (Islamic) worked for us so far?
By speaking in opposition to Islam, I do not support the US. I was speaking of all fundelmentalism, including the type found in small southern-US towns [and a small town near mine. 2 churches on every street].
That can only be described as barbaric. She should get a divorce, and her husband should be severly punished. I consider this proof of the dangers of a fundelmentalist culture.

By speaking in opposition to Islam, I do not support the US. I was speaking of all fundelmentalism, including the type found in small southern-US towns [and a small town near mine. 2 churches on every street].
They traffic a lot of their underage girls into sexual slavery, do they?

I have to admit that I believe in fundamentals... I believe that one should fundamentally live within their means instead of going into debt that there's no possible way they can pay back. I believe that one should fundamentally give back more to the community than they take. Stuff like that. So... I'm a bad guy?

Or do you just fundamentally dislike/abhor people with particular religious beliefs?
By speaking in opposition to Islam, I do not support the US. I was speaking of all fundelmentalism, including the type found in small southern-US towns [and a small town near mine. 2 churches on every street].

I was not referring to your post. My intent was to suggest that we should not stick our ethnocentric noses into another countries business; it has already caused us enough problems.
They traffic a lot of their underage girls into sexual slavery, do they?

I have to admit that I believe in fundamentals... I believe that one should fundamentally live within their means instead of going into debt that there's no possible way they can pay back. I believe that one should fundamentally give back more to the community than they take. Stuff like that. So... I'm a bad guy?

Or do you just fundamentally dislike/abhor people with particular religious beliefs?
Most religious people are reasonoble, responsible people until it gets to anything related to thier religioun. So, technically, its thier beliefs that I dislike.
It begs the question: No matter how barbaric another countrie's(Islamic), customs appear to us, how has interjecting U.S. moral values into other countries (Islamic) worked for us so far?

GOOD POINT...and who are we to say & react to this situation when we have our very own established communities that are living openly above and beyond the 'LAW' of our country...they have separated themselves from the Mormon Church but they are taking/allowing 'child brides' to be traded around their fellowship as goods or a marketable product for resale!!!

And this unfortunate little girl could well be the exception and 'not the rule' in this country too!