Wouldnt it be nice.....

Without having any architectural knowledge, I'm going ask this question:

Why did ANY of the buildings collapse the way they did? Were they not designed with various forms of "stress" to the entire structure, etc. taken into consideration? Is it possible that brilliant "mankind the engineer", can't be sure how such structures might react when an unforseen, unexpected force threatens them?

Just asking... Give me the cliff notes.

Buy hey, I'm kind of a skeptic on certain issues. I don't believe that aliens from galaxies far away are necessarily going to visit earth in little spaceships made in shapes that the physical laws of our planet support, to date anyway.....or that they will be made out of steel!!!!

"...Without having any structural engineering knowledge..."
9-11 happend because Bill Clinton failed to get Bin Laden. All 9-11 did was to give Mr Bush a reason to Invade IRAQ. The IRAQ invasion had nothing to do with WMDs it was all because Saddam tried to kill his daddy. George W Bush reminds me lof a DALLAS Charater J.R EWING. You see if you mess with Jock Ewing (J.Rs dad) J.R will come after you. Thats exactly why George W Bush wanted the white house for. So he can take down Saddam himself. Well CIA had Bin Laden right in front of their eyes waiting for authozing to assassinate him. Well secritary Madame Albright told the CIA that we couldnt authorize them to take out Bin Laden. She said if we bomb and murder innocent women and children how will the Voters respond? My job is to get Al Gore elected and were not gonna let that oppitunity fail.

You see if Clinton would done his Job and take out Bin Ladden because of the USS COLE bombing 9-11 wouldnt have took place. Ther fact was Clinton was so soft on the terrorist. He choose to Invade KOSOVO instead. And Milovich didnt even have WMDs and he wasnt a threat to America. Remember this?

Actions speak louder than words
Anyone who thinks our government is competent enough to pull off a false flag operation needs a serious reality check.
You see if Clinton would done his Job and take out Bin Ladden because of the USS COLE bombing 9-11 wouldnt have took place. Ther fact was Clinton was so soft on the terrorist. He choose to Invade KOSOVO instead. And Milovich didnt even have WMDs and he wasnt a threat to America. Remember this?

So, when the next terrorist attack happens, will that be because Bush and Obama failed to take out Bin Laden? He is still out there, and still planning terrorist attacks. Why hasn't that cockroach been sent to whatever the Muslims view as Hell by now?
Apathy said:
Anyone who thinks our government is competent enough to pull off a false flag operation needs a serious reality check.
They can do more than you realise bud!