You guessed it.

he has got fat and his hair seriously for a man whose a billionaire spend a few bucks get the implants . now as for inditements don't expect a bunch first there was no rebuttals allowed to contradict any testimony and the justice department is under no obligation to do so as I'm sure it looks at evidence a bit different then a politician . And no defense attorneys .

I had to make judgements on if people were going to jail and you would be suspired how often I sent them on the way .when others wanted them jailed .There's circumstantial evidence hard evidence eye witness evidence non substantiated evidence implied evidence video evidence to consider . its nit that simple as you can charge any one you want to for almost anything but you have to prove it in court against his lawyers who are probably a lot smarter in the legal area the the congressional panel he can afford the best .

Democrats have been on him like flies on fresh cow shat in the sun before he took office . Its become a never ending story of revenge and hate for the most part.
And its not over Im sure some gop will pay back Biden his son and staff and more when they have total control again .
Its really got stupid
No. He will be charged so get over it. As for your revenge on hunter, isn't that typical kid stuff.
Boris boris first I doubt any charge will stick it is all political revenge
No interested in what you think because that has not been your strong point.

I don't care what they do to him because the sedition thing is what is applicable to the constitution. Read it for yourself.