10 Planks of The Communist Manifesto

I think the lot of you had better have a cold shower.
There is no communist take over and never will be. You're all paranoid about democrats.

You should be focusing on the j6 riots which was a republican attempt to install fascism and you know it was.
While ever you elect complete idiots like Trump the country is in danger.
I think the lot of you had better have a cold shower.
There is no communist take over and never will be. You're all paranoid about democrats.

You should be focusing on the j6 riots which was a republican attempt to install fascism and you know it was.
While ever you elect complete idiots like Trump the country is in danger.

Best Argument for Trump reelection Charlie Kirk (6:11)

3 Years of Accomplishments

charlie kirk: "Satan Conferences should not be protected by the First Amendment. Satan Worship is not what the Founders had in mind when they referenced the "fruits of liberty""



what an anti-american ***** he is.

no wonder you like him :)
charlie kirk: "Satan Conferences should not be protected by the First Amendment. Satan Worship is not what the Founders had in mind when they referenced the "fruits of liberty""



what an anti-american ***** he is.

no wonder you like him :)