Anti Wall st Protests

70 billionaires go to a beach full of people. Not one single person there is using sunscreen. At the end of the day, all the people at the beach have bad sunburns. The 70 billionaires blame sunscreen while ignoring the fact it was never used. They further conclude there must be some problem with how the sunscreen is formulated and decide to meet in Davos to redisign its formulation. The media praises the billionaires for their compassion, trusts their wisdom on the subject as infallible, and eagerly shares the billionaires recommendation that people coat themselves in Crisco to protect themselves from the sun.

Nice spin. . .not very applicable, but very creative!
Nice spin. . .not very applicable, but very creative!
You guys are claiming a system we weren't using is responsible for the US economy getting burned and now 70 billionaires are getting together to discuss how to remake the system we weren't using. The only spin is trying to blame the failures of our Mixed Market economy on the Free Market and Capitalism.
the answer to what government has brought is not more government
Leftists see the following multiple choice question when confronted with government failure:

The most recent government attempt to fix the economy has failed, why?

A. Not enough funding, need to raise taxes
B. Not enough government intervention, government needs more power
C. Not enough regulations, the market is too free
D. Republicans screwed it up
E. All of the above
The lack of regulation on the finance Market has led to the collapse of the US economy

The lack of state provided healthcare leaves the US with one of the worst healthcare systems in the world

The lack of a strong progressive taxation system leaves the US as the most unequal society on earth

And what results is a society beset by crime, drug and alcohol abuse, racism, poverty, obesity and international notoriety.

Well done the right. You have fucked up the US right royally

Oh and before you start....the democrats are nearly as bad as the republicans

By the standards of most countries many democrats are very right wing
The lack of regulation on the finance Market has led to the collapse of the US economy

The lack of state provided healthcare leaves the US with one of the worst healthcare systems in the world

The lack of a strong progressive taxation system leaves the US as the most unequal society on earth

And what results is a society beset by crime, drug and alcohol abuse, racism, poverty, obesity and international notoriety.

Well done the right. You have fucked up the US right royally
As I said, when confronted with government failure the Leftists worldview is limited to those answers previously outlined in the multiple choice. Dawkins chose E in his reply.
Your gullibility is breathtaking

The right tells you the banks failed because of too much government

And you just accept their crap which then allows their banker friends to carry on raping the world

The banks failed because they corruptly packaged up and sold worthless debt and conspired with the ratings agencies to falsely rate the packages at triple A. When Moody's was asked why they did this they said because if they didn't S&P would and they'd lose the customer.

You are either too thick to understand it, too lazy to research it properly or too gillible

Or E, all of the above

Selling stuff in America must be a piece of cake. The people believe any old shit

But then they have evolution denyers standing for president and are beset by religious fundamentalism

I suppose hoping for a reasoned understanding of the sub prime mortgae fiasco is is a tad too optimistic
So when it comes to 9/11, the US government is to be considered an evil murderous lot that conspired to kill over 3000 of it's own citizens as an excuse to kill untold millions of people in the Middle East (according to the 9/11 truthers like you)... But when it comes to the economy, the US government is to be considered pure as the wind driven snow, an entirely altruistic entity who only uses it's power for the safety and protection of the American public (according to the Radical Leftists like you).

And who says your views contradict themselves?
Not at all

The government's error was too little intervention to stop this massive fraud from being perpetrated

You are at least right about too much government intervention when it comes to 9/11
You say "not at all" but then agree with everything I said about your position... Foreign policy, the US government is an evil empire that's not to be trusted because it works against the best interests of the American people. Economy, the US government is the most virtuous and morally upstanding entity on earth and should be trusted without question to look after the best interests of the American people.
There is nothing inconsistent in what i say

The US is a tyrant

The US government is complicit in 9/11

The finance crisis was caused by banks acting fraudulently unhindered by the government

Nothing inconsistent in that
What nation in the world in your opinion is the best?
It would have to be a totalitarian state that ensured equality of outcomes through a massive welfare state and a total redistribution of wealth, the aggressive banishment of religion and religious freedom, complete government control over the means of production and transportation, and most importantly only Radical Left-Wing Anti-Theists could hold public office... For some reason his Utopian ideal sounds familiar... :rolleyes:
It would have to be a totalitarian state that ensured equality of outcomes through a massive welfare state and a total redistribution of wealth, the aggressive banishment of religion and religious freedom, complete government control over the means of production and transportation, and most importantly only Radical Left-Wing Anti-Theists could hold public office... For some reason his Utopian ideal sounds familiar... :rolleyes:

Yes. The USSR must be the nation he/she/it greatly admires. CRAZY!!!