are you sick of Harry Reid?

It is also true :)

It is only true on paper. . .because "Church contributions" are recorded under "charitable contributions."

But, I have offered my opinion before, and Big Rob is well aware of my point of view on that. . .so I don't think I want to go back there and "beat a dead horse."
It is only true on paper. . .because "Church contributions" are recorded under "charitable contributions."

But, I have offered my opinion before, and Big Rob is well aware of my point of view on that. . .so I don't think I want to go back there and "beat a dead horse."

democrats and atheists can use the same deduction, they just don't as much

Mostly you see it in public figures, wealthy actors exc. the republicans tend to give more to charity and their political party where dems tend to give less.

I think its reasonable too

Republicans (not RINO's) believe we as individuals help other individuals and show it in what they give. Democrats believe in government programs and feel their portion was already taken in taxes so do not feel the need to give more.
democrats and atheists can use the same deduction, they just don't as much

Mostly you see it in public figures, wealthy actors exc. the republicans tend to give more to charity and their political party where dems tend to give less.

I think its reasonable too

Republicans (not RINO's) believe we as individuals help other individuals and show it in what they give. Democrats believe in government programs and feel their portion was already taken in taxes so do not feel the need to give more.

It is a well known fact that Republicans are more attached to "organized religion," are more often members of a church, and many are supposed to give 10% of their income to their church.

Also, there is without any doubt a huge gap in income between Republicans and Democrats' profile. Obviously, if a person makes $40,000 a year, he/she will provide for his/her family before giving to the Church. . .but he/she may practice charity in many different ways. . .that one cannot quantify.

But, I am done with this subject. You believe whatever you want. I know what my life experience is!
It is only true on paper. . .because "Church contributions" are recorded under "charitable contributions."

But, I have offered my opinion before, and Big Rob is well aware of my point of view on that. . .so I don't think I want to go back there and "beat a dead horse."
The right (of both parties) tends to be control freaks. They need the emotional rewards of handing out their charity to those who are appropriately grateful and humbled by the generosity bestowed upon them. Plus, they want to be sure that their charity goes only to the cute, not to the truly needy.

I worked for a number of years with the Unted Way, and it was a perennial problem. We had to publicize the cute needy, yet fund the truly needy. Some times it was a real fight to apportion the money by need rather than by cuteness.

However the experience taught me that charity does not solve systemic problems, on-going problems, and truly expensive problems. Bake sales can get a new kidney for Sarah, but what about the 5000 other Sarahs who will die because no one held bake sales for them?
It is a well known fact that Republicans are more attached to "organized religion," are more often members of a church, and many are supposed to give 10% of their income to their church.

Also, there is without any doubt a huge gap in income between Republicans and Democrats' profile. Obviously, if a person makes $40,000 a year, he/she will provide for his/her family before giving to the Church. . .but he/she may practice charity in many different ways. . .that one cannot quantify.

But, I am done with this subject. You believe whatever you want. I know what my life experience is!

Well, if you are done then I will not keep replying to your posts to me about the topic
The right (of both parties) tends to be control freaks. They need the emotional rewards of handing out their charity to those who are appropriately grateful and humbled by the generosity bestowed upon them. Plus, they want to be sure that their charity goes only to the cute, not to the truly needy.

I worked for a number of years with the Unted Way, and it was a perennial problem. We had to publicize the cute needy, but fund the truly needy. Some times it was a real fight to apportion the money by need rather than by cuteness.

However the experience taught me that charity does not solve systemic problems, on-going problems, and truly expensive problems. Bake sales can get a new kidney for Sarah, but what about the 5000 other Sarahs who will die because no one held bake sales for them?

That is one of the reasons I refuse to give to the United Way. You think you are helping one kind of people but instead you are paying for abortions or something else you disagree with all your heart.

I am the only person in my building that will not give to the United Way so the whole building is mad at me because we are not 100% like other buildings in our district.
That is one of the reasons I refuse to give to the United Way. You think you are helping one kind of people but instead you are paying for abortions or something else you disagree with all your heart.

I am the only person in my building that will not give to the United Way so the whole building is mad at me because we are not 100% like other buildings in our district.

I did much the same thing. I have always refused to give to the United Way because of their baby murder policies. The problem was I worked in an office full of liberals and they really disliked me because of this. They sought to hurt my career at every turn. What a bunch of back stabbing intolerant fools.

I was surprised to learn that the few other conservatives in the office gave to the baby killers because they did not want to be ostracized by the libs. Sad. Very sad.
I did much the same thing. I have always refused to give to the United Way because of their baby murder policies. The problem was I worked in an office full of liberals and they really disliked me because of this. They sought to hurt my career at every turn. What a bunch of back stabbing intolerant fools.

I was surprised to learn that the few other conservatives in the office gave to the baby killers because they did not want to be ostracized by the libs. Sad. Very sad.

Where I work almost all conservatives are closet and the few who are not are treated really crappy

I am lucky I guess because even though almost every one hates my political views they are nice to me personally. But I also do not mind when they make fun of me or my political beliefs. The worst part is when they write I LOVE OBAMA in the dirt on my car. I really hate that and have to wash my car more often than I want to because of it. But every building I have worked in I was the lone hold out on the United Way contributions. I am really proud of that