Aurora Trial--Watch This Turn Into a Dog-and-Pony Show in Record Time

Johnny Tremain

Well-Known Member
Jun 14, 2012
It will be interesting to watch this trial become another brick in the wall of the liberalism-paralyzed judicial system.

All the "usual suspects" will chime in and give us a dazzling array of verbal horseshit.

Wait and see.
I suspect 300,000 counselors will be parachuting into Colorado to help everyone, and each drawing an overtime federally-funded paycheck with an Hawaiian Conference paid-for every 4 weeks.
Remember the O.J Trial?

Remember it?
Hell--I lived in Los Angeles at the time. Oh yeah--I remember!
AND the riots.
Loved how after the riots--they locals complained they had to take a bus 15 miles to get groceries because they burned all the local ones down.
Maxine Waters would stand on a flatbed truck at Nickerson Gardens Projects and yell the city OWED them new grocery stores.
It was many years before some crummy ones run by Koreans were built there and opened up--at murderous prices. Good.

Looks like the Joker in Court

Looks like the Joker in Court

Hollywood--at it's best.
Convincing the weak of mind to act--just like shown on the screen.
Euthanize this dip-shit--save us all the aggravation.
Megan Kelly brought up something interesting. The last three senseless murder spreess were young men in their early 20's. There are some mental conditions that manifect themselves in the 19-25 bracket. I saw it happen to a young woman around that age. She became very paranoid and imagined people were out to get her. Her personality changed, and not for the better.

We are finding out that this guy was delusional and was living like a cartoon character. Pretty bizzar for a brilliant PHD student.
Look college can take a lot of stress out of you. Its harder than high school. Just like some jobs can take stress out of you. Stress causes you react in a stressful way. Take traffic jams for example. Youre in a car sitting for hours moving 5mph and stopping and go. Doesnt that make you turn into violence? Remember those California freeway shootings back in the 80s? I got a solution to highway madness. Cal Pools and charge drivers $5 per trip during rush hour. Just like what London is doing.

Start making college a little easier. And Prositcute bad bosses. Having a bad Boss is still considered bullying under anti bully laws. Means if your boss is treating you unfairly report him to the government means the feds would be investgating him. That would eliminate bad bosses.
Megan Kelly brought up something interesting. The last three senseless murder spreess were young men in their early 20's. There are some mental conditions that manifect themselves in the 19-25 bracket. I saw it happen to a young woman around that age. She became very paranoid and imagined people were out to get her. Her personality changed, and not for the better.

We are finding out that this guy was delusional and was living like a cartoon character. Pretty bizzar for a brilliant PHD student.

Liberal propagandists teach these young people about things that do not exist--nor will they ever--and thoroughly confuse them.
They then point to anyone not left-wing and cry-- "SIC 'EM!!"
It is no different--in any way--than young islamic terrorists--going for the 72 Virgins.
Same model. Same crowd.
Have you ever known a schizophrenic when they are in their manic zone? They don't sleep and behave very scary. The only way to protect others and them from themselves is to hospitalize and medicate them. I bet that's what we are going to find out about this Joker murderer too.
Have you ever known a schizophrenic when they are in their manic zone? They don't sleep and behave very scary. The only way to protect others and them from themselves is to hospitalize and medicate them. I bet that's what we are going to find out about this Joker murderer too.

Having lived in urban CA for almost 30 years, LA and SF, I have seen insanity of all variants--up close and too personal.

We need to have a serious conversation--nationally--about forced institutionalization of the profoundly insane. Jails and prisons are full of them.
Otherwise--we should not be surprised when the most heinous acts imaginable happen daily in the name of liberalism--the ones who emptied the insane asylums to "protect their rights".

Save their "rights"--and let your children be raped and sliced into pieces when they feel like it.

US History is chock-full of examples of this over and over and over and over and over again since they closed the "nut-houses".