Being gay can shorten your life by as much as 37 percent

If you think God condones modern slavery and genocide then you are deceived. What kind of Bible translation are you getting that nonsense from?
Obviously, the Biblical character called "God" had nothing against slavery in either the old or the New Testaments. God, by definition is ALWAYS RIGHT. You are suggesting that somehow between Jesus vanishing around 27 AD and the US Civil War, God changed his mind about slavery and decided it was a bad thing. Paul told slaves to obey their masters even if they thought they were being mistreated.

God told the Hebrews to exterminate entire tribes of people. The Canaanites were happily enjoying living in Jericho and then along comes Joshua and their walls get destroyed and they are either exterminated or driven away. But now "God" no longer wants to wipe out entire tribes of people. After all, Netanyahu has only killed 36,000 Palestinians. There are easily another 1,964,000 more to go.

If God is ALWAYS RIGHT, then can he change his mind about anything? Can something like genocide and slavery be fine and dandy one day and totally immoral another?
God has not changed His mind. You have just failed to follow His teachings properly.

So now I am guilty of slavery and genocide? Is that what you are saying?
I am entirely AGAINST slavery AND genocide.

I was merely pointing out that "God" is okay with slavery and genocide at one time and then against it another

It would seem that you are incapable of using your brain n any logical manner.
So now I am guilty of slavery and genocide? Is that what you are saying?
I am entirely AGAINST slavery AND genocide.

I was merely pointing out that "God" is okay with slavery and genocide at one time and then against it another

It would seem that you are incapable of using your brain n any logical manner.
no he thinks you are a moron I bet
The book was not written during modern slavery now was it Moron.
Of course not moron that's the whole point
God you are stupid
Mark is just desperate to justify his evil god
If God wanted a different way to address slavery he should rewrite his book but he hasn't
So God continues to condone slavery
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And how will you prove it the same way you you proved trump has a lap dance with his daughter ,lie ?
There is a photo widely spread on the Internet of Ivanka sitting on Trump's lap that looks very much like a lap dance.

I do not think it is possible to take a photo of what God is thinking, so no.
Slavery is slavery, just like murder is murder. There is no real distinction between old time biblical slavery and "modern" slavery.
Yes but you said where is it addressing modern slavery Modern is the key word num nuts ,. Hiw could it address something that has not happened yet.
Yes but you said where is it addressing modern slavery Modern is the key word num nuts ,. Hiw could it address something that has not happened yet.
why hasn't god addressed it if he doesn't like how the bible condones slavery?
until we get bible V2.0, all this talk of "modern slavey" is just right wing christian BS attempting to justify the evil in bible 1.0 :)
why hasn't god addressed it if he doesn't like how the bible condones slavery?
until we get bible V2.0, all this talk of "modern slavey" is just right wing christian BS attempting to justify the evil in bible 1.0 :)
I do not know do you ?
Is relgion hurting you and screwing up your liberal dreams