Ben Carson's Name REMOVED From High School By Detroit School Board

Carson thinks that the pyramids in Egypt were used to store grain in.
If you want to learn actual history, the Seventh Day Adventists is not the place to go.

I do not care one whit whether Detroit names a school after him or not.
He managed to stay on as Trump's official token Negro and not get fired for the entire term.
He was not even invited to join the Trumpian Lily White Parade to help Trump stand in front of a church and hold a Bible upside down and scowl menacingly. He suffered from an excess of melanin for that.

If you hire him for a job, do not put him in charge of furniture acquisitions.
Carson thinks that the pyramids in Egypt were used to store grain in.
If you want to learn actual history, the Seventh Day Adventists is not the place to go.

I do not care one whit whether Detroit names a school after him or not.
He managed to stay on as Trump's official token Negro and not get fired for the entire term.
He was not even invited to join the Trumpian Lily White Parade to help Trump stand in front of a church and hold a Bible upside down and scowl menacingly. He suffered from an excess of melanin for that.

If you hire him for a job, do not put him in charge of furniture acquisitions.
At least Dr. Carson has proven his intelligence while Biden's token black has nothing to prove.


