Biden blames Trump for the Capitol riot in a Jan 6 speech


Well-Known Member
May 1, 2014
1. President Joe Biden on Thursday directly and bluntly blamed his predecessor former President Donald Trump for the January 6 insurrection in a speech on its first anniversary and called him a “liar” who had spun a web of lies about his defeat because of his “bruised ego” and because he “values power over principle”.

“He’s not just a former president,” Biden said training his sights on his predecessor and adding as he leaned into the microphone, “He’s a defeated former president.”....

President Biden spoke forcefully and bluntly to mark the anniversary of the insurrection by a mob of Trump’s supporters who had attacked US Capitol, home to American congress, on January 6 to prevent a joint sitting of lawmakers from certifying Biden’s election as the next president, a routine practice. He spoke from the Statuary Hall, a portion of the US Capitol building that had been ransacked by the rioters that day....


2. The following is "one of the most famous soliloquies in all of Shakespeare":

"Tomorrow, and tomorrow, and tomorrow,
Creeps in this petty pace from day to day
To the last syllable of recorded time,
And all our yesterdays have lighted fools
The way to dusty death. Out, out, brief candle!
Life’s but a walking shadow, a poor player
That struts and frets his hour upon the stage
And then is heard no more: it is a tale
Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury,
Signifying nothing.


By the way, Tom Cotton Brain seems right to propose that Chinese students should study Shakespeare & the Federalist Papers in America.

3. The two-faced gas-emitting White House incumbent did not name Trump even once though he referred to him at least 16 times in a speech lasting nearly 25 minutes. It shows that he is still hesitating to go for an all-out attack on his bitter political rival.

Instead of the sound and fury, the US president should order the round-up and imprisonment of his predecessor and all the war criminals, crooked politicians and well-connected fraudsters pardoned by the self-declared "Messiah". At least he should order the public release of his predecessor's tax returns which seems to forever remain one of the greatest mysteries in history. That would immediately end all the earthly political ambitions of the self-declared "Messiah” .

Then the self-declared "Messiah" "huge mushroom head" ex-president will be on the ground crying for mommy. He will say, "Mommy, mommy, please take me home.” 😇

Additional Reference:

1. President Joe Biden on Thursday directly and bluntly blamed his predecessor former President Donald Trump for the January 6 insurrection in a speech on its first anniversary and called him a “liar” who had spun a web of lies about his defeat because of his “bruised ego” and because he “values power over principle”.

“He’s not just a former president,” Biden said training his sights on his predecessor and adding as he leaned into the microphone, “He’s a defeated former president.”....

President Biden spoke forcefully and bluntly to mark the anniversary of the insurrection by a mob of Trump’s supporters who had attacked US Capitol, home to American congress, on January 6 to prevent a joint sitting of lawmakers from certifying Biden’s election as the next president, a routine practice. He spoke from the Statuary Hall, a portion of the US Capitol building that had been ransacked by the rioters that day....


2. The following is "one of the most famous soliloquies in all of Shakespeare":

"Tomorrow, and tomorrow, and tomorrow,
Creeps in this petty pace from day to day
To the last syllable of recorded time,
And all our yesterdays have lighted fools
The way to dusty death. Out, out, brief candle!
Life’s but a walking shadow, a poor player
That struts and frets his hour upon the stage
And then is heard no more: it is a tale
Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury,
Signifying nothing.


By the way, Tom Cotton Brain seems right to propose that Chinese students should study Shakespeare & the Federalist Papers in America.

3. The two-faced gas-emitting White House incumbent did not name Trump even once though he referred to him at least 16 times in a speech lasting nearly 25 minutes. It shows that he is still hesitating to go for an all-out attack on his bitter political rival.

Instead of the sound and fury, the US president should order the round-up and imprisonment of his predecessor and all the war criminals, crooked politicians and well-connected fraudsters pardoned by the self-declared "Messiah". At least he should order the public release of his predecessor's tax returns which seems to forever remain one of the greatest mysteries in history. That would immediately end all the earthly political ambitions of the self-declared "Messiah” .

Then the self-declared "Messiah" "huge mushroom head" ex-president will be on the ground crying for mommy. He will say, "Mommy, mommy, please take me home.” 😇

Additional Reference:

Trump's J6 rally was to protest the SUSPECTED theft of the 2020 Election.

"Biden blames Trump for the Capitol riot in a Jan 6 speech"

The Democrats bear almost all the blame.

They stole the election or they failed to do what was necessary to allay all doubts about the results of the vote, so they failed to put to rest any remaining questions about the integrity of the nationwide referendum.

Furthermore, the Left orchestrated a firewall to stop any appeal process.

And if that wasn't evil enough, I believe they set up an ambush & frame up to make Trump and his patriots look like insurrectionists.

The Capitol Police attacked the PEACEFUL (to that point) PROTESTERS with stun grenades and incited them into a raging mob.

The police triggered ALL OF THE J6 VIOLENCE.

And you know it!
1. President Joe Biden on Thursday directly and bluntly blamed his predecessor former President Donald Trump for the January 6 insurrection in a speech on its first anniversary and called him a “liar” who had spun a web of lies about his defeat because of his “bruised ego” and because he “values power over principle”.

“He’s not just a former president,” Biden said training his sights on his predecessor and adding as he leaned into the microphone, “He’s a defeated former president.”....

President Biden spoke forcefully and bluntly to mark the anniversary of the insurrection by a mob of Trump’s supporters who had attacked US Capitol, home to American congress, on January 6 to prevent a joint sitting of lawmakers from certifying Biden’s election as the next president, a routine practice. He spoke from the Statuary Hall, a portion of the US Capitol building that had been ransacked by the rioters that day....


2. The following is "one of the most famous soliloquies in all of Shakespeare":

"Tomorrow, and tomorrow, and tomorrow,
Creeps in this petty pace from day to day
To the last syllable of recorded time,
And all our yesterdays have lighted fools
The way to dusty death. Out, out, brief candle!
Life’s but a walking shadow, a poor player
That struts and frets his hour upon the stage
And then is heard no more: it is a tale
Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury,
Signifying nothing.


By the way, Tom Cotton Brain seems right to propose that Chinese students should study Shakespeare & the Federalist Papers in America.

3. The two-faced gas-emitting White House incumbent did not name Trump even once though he referred to him at least 16 times in a speech lasting nearly 25 minutes. It shows that he is still hesitating to go for an all-out attack on his bitter political rival.

Instead of the sound and fury, the US president should order the round-up and imprisonment of his predecessor and all the war criminals, crooked politicians and well-connected fraudsters pardoned by the self-declared "Messiah". At least he should order the public release of his predecessor's tax returns which seems to forever remain one of the greatest mysteries in history. That would immediately end all the earthly political ambitions of the self-declared "Messiah” .

Then the self-declared "Messiah" "huge mushroom head" ex-president will be on the ground crying for mommy. He will say, "Mommy, mommy, please take me home.” 😇

Additional Reference:

Biden blames trump and putin for everything the man cant tell the difference between his wife and sister thinks his crack head con man pervert son is the smartest man he knows has to have the easter bunny tell him where to go and thinks he just passed a bill that has not even been voted on claims he was a truck driver and a coal miner and grew up in a Puerto Rico neighborhood in the 40s LOL hes about as in touch with reality as a cartoon
Trump's J6 rally was to protest the SUSPECTED theft of the 2020 Election.
Really? That's not we saw in tv.
"Biden blames Trump for the Capitol riot in a Jan 6 speech"

The Democrats bear almost all the blame.
How was the democrats responsible Einstein?
They stole the election or they failed to do what was necessary to allay all doubts about the results of the vote, so they failed to put to rest any remaining questions about the integrity of the nationwide referendum.
Here we go again. The warm weather has all the conspiracy theorists out if hibernation to resurrect those scabby old sores.
The democrats are not obliged to justify any results. That's the electoral system. Are you familiar with how the system works? Clearly not.
Furthermore, the Left orchestrated a firewall to stop any appeal process.
That's a blatant lie and you have no evidence of it and ignore Trump's 60 appeals that all failed. I love reminding you how you continually deliberately avoid the truth.
And if that wasn't evil enough, I believe they set up an ambush & frame up to make Trump and his patriots look like insurrectionists.
No. Yep did that leading up to the riots. Not a bleat from a Democrat about encouraging it. Patriots don't smash the capital trying to install a fascist. That's classic right wing extremists within brains lead by a total nut case.
The Capitol Police attacked the PEACEFUL (to that point) PROTESTERS with stun grenades and incited them into a raging mob.
Yes. Immediately they smashed windows and doors. The sad part is they did open up with automatic weapons and let the blood run down the mall.
The police triggered ALL OF THE J6 VIOLENCE.

And you know it!
The police orchestrated Trump to incite violence and encouraged people to attend because it "it's going to be wild"?
I never saw police involved in anything leading to it.
Can you post links showing the police did it all?
We'll see how good you are now comrade.

Biden blames trump and putin for everything the man cant tell the difference between his wife and sister thinks his crack head con man pervert son is the smartest man he knows has to have the easter bunny tell him where to go and thinks he just passed a bill that has not even been voted on claims he was a truck driver and a coal miner and grew up in a Puerto Rico neighborhood in the 40s LOL hes about as in touch with reality as a cartoon
What is worse is that the DNC had absolutely no qualms about submitting such a train wreck of a candidate to the voters to vote for.

Even worse than that is that they seemed to have assessed Biden's drawbacks and created a series of false accusations, which they told the voters, represented Trump's failings.

So, instead of being dismayed at Biden's actual characteristics, we were coaxed and manipulated to hate Trump, thinking he was the "owner" of all the alleged awfulness.

The Democrats believe they can get away with every 'slick' deceptive trick.

The mid term elections should be a wake up call to the "Woke."
What is worse is that the DNC had absolutely no qualms about submitting such a train wreck of a candidate to the voters to vote for.

Even worse than that is that they seemed to have assessed Biden's drawbacks and created a series of false accusations, which they told the voters, represented Trump's failings.

So, instead of being dismayed at Biden's actual characteristics, we were coaxed and manipulated to hate Trump, thinking he was the "owner" of all the alleged awfulness.
You've conveniently forgotten Trump's faults when all all knew and been proven.
The Democrats believe they can get away with every 'slick' deceptive trick.
There was no deception. If there was why didn't you say something beforehand. You assumed Trump would win and ignored his stupidity.
The mid term elections should be a wake up call to the "Woke."
Of course and they are woke already. They are totally woke to what happened under Trump and thats why they ousted the idiot.
You didn't mind the manipulation etc when you won. Now democracy gets rid of the nut suddenly democracy doesn't suit you. Go away. You'll have come up with something better than revenge, lies and sour grapes.
You've conveniently forgotten Trump's faults when all all knew and been proven.

There was no deception. If there was why didn't you say something beforehand. You assumed Trump would win and ignored his stupidity.

Of course and they are woke already. They are totally woke to what happened under Trump and thats why they ousted the idiot.
You didn't mind the manipulation etc when you won. Now democracy gets rid of the nut suddenly democracy doesn't suit you. Go away. You'll have come up with something better than revenge, lies and sour grapes.
Democrat put a guy in charge that ask to speak to dead person he had gave condolences to her family . and said he got a bill passed that hasn't even been voted on and of course he grew up in a coal mining family in a Puerto Rican neighbor hood and he claims he was arrested in south africa . talk about a nut .
Democrat put a guy in charge that ask to speak to dead person he had gave condolences to her family . and said he got a bill passed that hasn't even been voted on and of course he grew up in a coal mining family in a Puerto Rican neighbor hood and he claims he was arrested in south africa . talk about a nut .
IT DOESNT MATTER. It's the same democracy that gifted us a narcissistic Bully, a philandering whore jockey, a proven liar and impeached twice. Yet there's a problem with Joe. Really? Grow up you simpleton.
Bitch-monkey and chief taking kickbacks from the german vax mandate pac, who rigged the election, is what caused the righteous jan6 riots. I'm just ashamed of all the faggots who plead guilty.

el tRumpo can't say that tho. Too busy taking kickbacks for approving vax.
Trump's J6 rally was to protest the SUSPECTED theft of the 2020 Election.
Bullshit. It was designed to specifically stop pence confirming it. By now that is evidenced by pence himself. Idiot.
"Biden blames Trump for the Capitol riot in a Jan 6 speech"

The Democrats bear almost all the blame.
How? There wasn't a Democrat present. Why are you shifting the blame to protect a fucking fascist dictator? What kind parasite patriot are you?
They stole the election or they failed to do what was necessary to allay all doubts about the results of the vote, so they failed to put to rest any remaining questions about the integrity of the nationwide referendum.
They followed the guidelines when Trump won and you never questioned it then. What's the difference now other than you were beaten?
Furthermore, the Left orchestrated a firewall to stop any appeal process.
Absolute rubbish. Over 60 challenges were presented to the courts and even republican judges refused to waste their time. You know nothing.
And if that wasn't evil enough, I believe they set up an ambush & frame up to make Trump and his patriots look like insurrectionists.
No they didn't. Trump and the ratbag right you support volunteered to brand themselves as insurrectionists. Stop shifting the blame dickhead. You are wrong so accept it.
The Capitol Police attacked the PEACEFUL (to that point) PROTESTERS with stun grenades and incited them into a raging mob.
The Capitol police defended the building as their job required. They should have shot the fucking lot of them. The worked themselves into a lather inspired by Trump's encouragement.
You seem to have missed most of it boy.
The police triggered ALL OF THE J6 VIOLENCE.

And you know it!
No police involved. It was all white house security.

These seditious ratbags are what you call patriots. The same judge who indicted Trump 2days ago has already sent dozens of them to jail so far.
She's working her way to the top and guess what. You're orange haired big fat slob will have his arse parked up in jail too.
Bullshit. It was designed to specifically stop pence confirming it. By now that is evidenced by pence himself. Idiot.

And what kind of faggot who knew damn well the german vax mandate pac rigged the election, would confirm it? And who in their right mind would confirm it for a slime bag he knew damn well just ran an afghan pederast heroin cartel dope epidemic warcrime coverup??? I can understand not confirming it for el tRumpo either, farmed tge most poison in human history, but confirm it for obiden? Oh hell no.

I knew for a fact el tRumpo knew the german vax mandate pac rigged it, why wouldn't pence know? That spineless faggot literally allowed our military to be forcibly vaccinated with a dangerous expiremental vax. What kind of vice president is that? Sounds more like something Benedict Arnold or obiden might do. It astounds me el tRumpo is still running for president but pence? You've got to be fking shting me.

Aaa heroin 2.png
Bullshit. It was designed to specifically stop pence confirming it. By now that is evidenced by pence himself. Idiot.

How? There wasn't a Democrat present. Why are you shifting the blame to protect a fucking fascist dictator? What kind parasite patriot are you?

They followed the guidelines when Trump won and you never questioned it then. What's the difference now other than you were beaten?

Absolute rubbish. Over 60 challenges were presented to the courts and even republican judges refused to waste their time. You know nothing.

No they didn't. Trump and the ratbag right you support volunteered to brand themselves as insurrectionists. Stop shifting the blame dickhead. You are wrong so accept it.

The Capitol police defended the building as their job required. They should have shot the fucking lot of them. The worked themselves into a lather inspired by Trump's encouragement.
You seem to have missed most of it boy.

No police involved. It was all white house security.

These seditious ratbags are what you call patriots. The same judge who indicted Trump 2days ago has already sent dozens of them to jail so far.
She's working her way to the top and guess what. You're orange haired big fat slob will have his arse parked up in jail too.
Hey Boris the church burner glad your back
A fascist is a faggot

See how these faggots just project when they have no valid arguments? If they had the balls to say christo-fascist that would be one thing. But instead these nutless foreign whores just show what kind of faggots they're proud to be, pinko-fascists regular.
It must have escaped you limited memory but it was a fascist committed by your lord and saviour dickhead Donny.
Fascists could be faggots but Trump wouldn't like the name. Im neither so it doesn't apply to me.

You're getting more outrageous and irrational with every post.
Let rip with another you dough boy.