Biden building wall on border

Biden is now caught in the 'house divided against itself' dilemma of his own making. Democrats had been supporting increasing inflows of illegal aliens from at least the mid 1990s when illegals voting Democrat provided the narrow theft of Bod Dornan's seat in California. Now, however, with the advancements made in computer voting machines, illegals are no longer the key component in Democrat fraud and since Democrat mayors all over the country are calling on Washington to provide billions of dollars for supporting homeless illegals in big cities, Biden must do something to address that issue.
You can prove how illegals voted? Prove it
Nobody knows how many illegals voted because government officials refuse to all investigators to examine the election and immigration records.
Well you can't be an investigator and do anything you want because your side lost
There are laws and processes to follow, and for good reason
Remember that every so called immigration reform bill that democrats supported going back to the Bush administration involved barriers. Kennedy-McCain(good bill by the way) involved 370 miles of additional fencing.

Based on what we have been told by the libtards ANY barriers of ANY type is racist. It is a barrier to keep people out! They are all hypocrites.

Biden building wall on border​

"Biden's" Border Wall, Explained....So Even Clueless MAGATS "Get It"
