Black Panthers

I think anything that interferes with people legally voting is of importance. Equally. How can you think something is a problem only if it affects your candidate? Don't you care about fair voting for all??? Tell me it's not gone this far...
If MSNBC was the only station reporting that skinheads were outside of a polling place intimidating voters, I would be equally skeptical. It isn't about which candidate is affected for me - it is about biased outlets in the MSM.
First Faux News now Michelle Malkin, hey Drudge has got it up too...better hurry on over.

Until this is reported by somebody other than a right wing outlet, it remains much ado about nothing.
I don't know Malkin. *shrug*

Being in denial about things you don't care about, no matter how morally wrong they are, must be great.

Certainly glad we have people left with any shred of character...
First Faux News now Michelle Malkin, hey Drudge has got it up too...better hurry on over.

Until this is reported by somebody other than a right wing outlet, it remains much ado about nothing.

Why would the rest of the media report it? They would scare people away and may cause the messiah the election...
I don't know Malkin. *shrug*

Being in denial about things you don't care about, no matter how morally wrong they are, must be great.

Certainly glad we have people left with any shred of character...

You have Malkin's name in your previous post:

"Black Panther intimidation at the polls?; NBPP: “We will be at the polls in the cities and counties in many states to ensure that the enemy does not sabotage the black vote, which was won through the blood of the martyrs of our people”
By Michelle Malkin • November 4, 2008 12:25 PM "
I don't know Malkin. *shrug*

Being in denial about things you don't care about, no matter how morally wrong they are, must be great.

Certainly glad we have people left with any shred of character...
Michele Malkin is a female blogging version of Hannity. If this does prove true, I will soundly denounce it (as I did in my first post on this thread). However, I would not put it past FOX News to report distortions of the truth to try to rile up the GOP-supporting electorate. I have virtually no faith that anything I see is FOX or MSNBC is true.
Yes, this is a piece I found when I googled it. So, this persons name on it! I don't *know* her or her political leanings!! Got it?
The "new black panther party" is a black supremacy group that formed when the old 'black panther party' failed to endorse their radical views. I can easily believe they would use intimidation at polling places. I would find it difficult to believe the current 'black panther party' would do something like this. Despite their more radical past, they have been working in the mainstream of politics for some years now and have had no reported violence at all in many decades.
ROFLMAO!!!! Too funny man! It's just another failure to smear.

Every hit I get on Google is right-wing blog sites, no news sites (not even FOX even after searching their site specifically), no TV stations, no newspapers, no AP, no story, just another chicken yelling "The sky is falling!!!!!!!"

It's just republican candidate supporters going through their death throes.
Is it? I just saw another clip of a Black Panther member "talking" to a reporter and being filmed standing menacingly in front of the polling place. Full Panther garb.

They then interviewed a black lady and guy who talked about the incident.
The group doing this stuff are the "New Black Panther Party".. They have absolutely nothing to do with the "Black Panther Party". The "New Black Panther Party" has about as much credibility as the KKK - and for somewhat the same reasons. Both believe that political gain via intimidation is legitimate.

I soundly denounce such tactics regardless of who is using them.

The blogs are already saying Obama has been seen in the company of Black Panthers and therefore supports or is behind this behavior. I'm calling bullscat on that notion. The Black Panther party has been a peaceful part of the mainstream political landscape for decades - the "New Black Panther Party' is a newcomer and it doesn't appear they plan to be peaceful. Let's dump them on the garbage heap with the KKK and skinheads