california illegals might break us

I wonder of ricky retardo from doofusdork has noticed the 5,5 nillion illegals that gave flowed in under biden and how states are complaining about it

how does that relate to "illegal policies", *****?

you realize that people claiming asylum are NOT illegals, right, *****? they have a LEGAL RIGHT to be here. duh.

my god you're stupid. lol

so, again, *****, which of his policies are ILLEGAL.
list them, *****. lol.

i bet you can't :)
how does that relate to "illegal policies", *****?

you realize that people claiming asylum are NOT illegals, right, *****? they have a LEGAL RIGHT to be here. duh.

my god you're stupid. lol

so, again, *****, which of his policies are ILLEGAL.
list them, *****. lol.

i bet you can't :)
I didnt say they were illegal but about illegals dumb ass
so you can prove that 5.5 million truly illegals came in? go for it.

and again, *****, list the illegal policies you claim biden has. duh
so you can prove that 5.5 million truly illegals came in? go for it.

and again, *****, list the illegal policies you claim biden has. duh
Yes I stood at the border and counted them all , lol

were encountered at our borders in FY 2022, bringing the total under President Biden to a whopping 5.5 million

encountered? lol. that doesn't mean they are living here, *****.

and regardless, which policies are illegal, *****?
New illegal immigrants cost US $4B more than Trump’s wall estimated 2.3 million illegal immigrants who have crossed the border and stayed since Joe Biden became president will cost taxpayers over $9,000 each a year in housing, food, medical, and other services, according to a new report.

The Federation for American Immigration Reform, which regularly tabulates the costs of illegal immigration, has put a price tag of $20.4 billion on providing “benefits and services” for the illegal immigrants being spread across the United States since Biden became president.

That, said the group, is on top of the $140 billion taxpayers are spending to provide services to illegal immigrants who were already in the U.S. before Biden replaced President Donald Trump and signaled that the border is now open.

For comparison, the added $20.4 billion annual bill is $4 billion more than the $16.4 billion the former Trump administration spent building and restoring hundreds of miles of the border wall.

Since January 2021, an estimated 1.3 million illegal immigrants have crossed through border facilities and are inside the U.S. Another estimated 1 million crossed undetected.

FAIR said the price for providing services to the new generation of illegal immigrants is $9,232 for each.

“Even in an age in which trillion-dollar spending packages are considered modest, the additional $20.4 billion the Biden border crisis has heaped onto the backs of American taxpayers is still staggering,” said Dan Stein, president of FAIR. He added, “$20.4 billion could address some very important needs of the American public, instead of covering the costs of the surge of illegal migration triggered by this administration’s policies.”

FAIR gave some examples of what the money could be spent on:
  • Providing every homeless veteran in America $50,000 per year for a decade, effectively ending veteran homelessness.
  • Giving every family in America earning $50,000 or less a grocery voucher of roughly $410.
  • Providing Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, or SNAP, benefits to more than 7 million additional needy families.
  • Funding and expanding the entire National School Lunch Program.
  • Hiring more than 315,000 police officers to combat rising crime across the country.
“These are the people President Biden pledged to champion. Instead, he is choosing to divert an additional $20.4 billion away from their needs, in order to fund a radical open borders agenda with no end in sight,” said Stein.
except trump's wall wouldn't have stopped them and illegals provide economic benefits that the "analysis" ignored.