Chinese Scientists Invent Lightbulbs That Emit Wi-Fi

The (not) funny thing is .... the wacko environmentalist here in the US are outlawing the incandescent light bulb ......
According to the site you referenced,
"Chinese people are quickly replacing old fashioned incandescent bulbs with LEDs."
If we were to adopt that technology we would have to do the same.
According to the site you referenced,
"Chinese people are quickly replacing old fashioned incandescent bulbs with LEDs."
If we were to adopt that technology we would have to do the same.
We already have this technology .... the problem is, it is so much more expensive ... it is not practical!
Capitalist communists?

There's a new concept.

It was a lot easier to compete with them when they were just Communists.
I have friends there ..... try having a baby ... especially a girl child without notifying the authorities ..... try buying a house or any private property for that matter ... try exercising your US 1st Amendment Right on the Internet and see what happens .....

Yes ...... Chi-Coms!!!!
I have friends there ..... try having a baby ... especially a girl child without notifying the authorities ..... try buying a house or any private property for that matter ... try exercising your US 1st Amendment Right on the Internet and see what happens .....

Yes ...... Chi-Coms!!!!
Communism is more than an overbearing and overly powerful government. That they still have. Communism is also an economic system, one that failed them, and one they've replaced.