Democrats despise American values and traditions

To find advancement in the modern democrat party a candidate must accept and promote anti-God and anti-American democrat policies and narratives. May God deliver us from the devil and his followers who promote wicked and foolish democrat ideas

Far-left Philly mayor not happy that Columbus statue — covered by box since 2020 rioting — has been ordered uncovered by court - TheBlaze

Far-left Philly mayor not happy that Columbus statue — covered by box since 2020 rioting — has been ordered uncovered by court



December 10, 2022

Jim Kenney, the far-left mayor of Philadelphia, is not happy that a city statue of Christopher Columbus — covered by a box since the height of 2020 rioting on the heels of George Floyd's death — has been ordered uncovered by a court.

The Commonwealth Court of Pennsylvania ruled Friday that the plywood box that's been covering the statue at Marconi Plaza in south Philly since June 2020 must be removed, PhillyVoice said.

What's the background?

City officials had the monument covered after an armed group protecting the statue threw down with another group demanding its removal, the outlet said.

Indeed, about 100 people guarded the statue from potential vandalism on June 13-14, 2020 — and wielded bats, golf clubs, sticks, and guns to convince those who might hold opposite opinions to stay away.

During the prior week, protesters across America beheaded, toppled, and vandalized statues and monuments in their fury over Floyd's death. Meanwhile Philly leftists ignorantly vandalized the statue of Matthias Baldwin — an abolitionist — outside City Hall, spray-painting "murderer" and "colonizer" on its pedestal.

Don't miss out on content from Dave Rubin free of big tech censorship. Listen to The Rubin Report now.

At the time, Kenney indirectly referred to the behavior of those guarding the Columbus statue as "vigilantism," and District Attorney Larry Krasner called the statue defenders "criminal bullies."

The Friends of Marconi Plaza sued to have the Columbus statue displayed again, PhillyVoice said. But Kenney had ordered the statue’s removal, WTXF-TV reported, calling it a matter of public safety. Kenney also said Columbus — revered for centuries as an explorer — had a "much more infamous" history and treated Indigenous people with brutality, the station said.

A judge last year reversed the city’s decision to remove the statue, saying officials failed to provide evidence that the move was necessary to protect the public, WTXF said.

"It is baffling to this court as to how the City of Philadelphia wants to remove the Statue without any legal basis," Judge Paula Patrick wrote, according to the station. "The City’s entire argument and case is devoid of any legal foundation."

In October, the city painted the box with the colors of the Italian flag ahead of Columbus Day, the station said.

'Very disappointed'

After the court's ruling to remove the box covering the statue, Kenney's office released a statement, WTXF said.

"We are very disappointed in the Court’s ruling," the statement read, according to the station. "We continue to believe that the Christopher Columbus statue, which has been a source of controversy in Philadelphia, should be removed from its current position at Marconi Plaza. We are continuing to review the Court’s latest ruling and are working to comply with the Court’s orders, including unboxing. While we will respect this decision, we will also continue to explore our options for a way forward that allows Philadelphians to celebrate their heritage and culture while respecting the histories and circumstances of everyone’s different backgrounds."

No 'tyants or dictators'

But George Bochetto — attorney for Friends of Marconi Plaza — had a different reaction to the court's ruling: "Today's ruling stands for the proposition that we do not elect as our mayor tyrants or dictators. We elect representatives who are supposed to obey the law and follow the law."
Democrat Rep Katie Porter said “pedophilia is not a crime ... it is an identity”

To find advancement in the modern democrat party a candidate must accept and promote anti-God and anti-American democrat policies and narratives. May God deliver us from the devil and his followers who promote wicked and foolish democrat ideas

Far-left Philly mayor not happy that Columbus statue — covered by box since 2020 rioting — has been ordered uncovered by court - TheBlaze

Far-left Philly mayor not happy that Columbus statue — covered by box since 2020 rioting — has been ordered uncovered by court



December 10, 2022

Jim Kenney, the far-left mayor of Philadelphia, is not happy that a city statue of Christopher Columbus — covered by a box since the height of 2020 rioting on the heels of George Floyd's death — has been ordered uncovered by a court.

The Commonwealth Court of Pennsylvania ruled Friday that the plywood box that's been covering the statue at Marconi Plaza in south Philly since June 2020 must be removed, PhillyVoice said.

What's the background?

City officials had the monument covered after an armed group protecting the statue threw down with another group demanding its removal, the outlet said.

Indeed, about 100 people guarded the statue from potential vandalism on June 13-14, 2020 — and wielded bats, golf clubs, sticks, and guns to convince those who might hold opposite opinions to stay away.

During the prior week, protesters across America beheaded, toppled, and vandalized statues and monuments in their fury over Floyd's death. Meanwhile Philly leftists ignorantly vandalized the statue of Matthias Baldwin — an abolitionist — outside City Hall, spray-painting "murderer" and "colonizer" on its pedestal.

Don't miss out on content from Dave Rubin free of big tech censorship. Listen to The Rubin Report now.

At the time, Kenney indirectly referred to the behavior of those guarding the Columbus statue as "vigilantism," and District Attorney Larry Krasner called the statue defenders "criminal bullies."

The Friends of Marconi Plaza sued to have the Columbus statue displayed again, PhillyVoice said. But Kenney had ordered the statue’s removal, WTXF-TV reported, calling it a matter of public safety. Kenney also said Columbus — revered for centuries as an explorer — had a "much more infamous" history and treated Indigenous people with brutality, the station said.

A judge last year reversed the city’s decision to remove the statue, saying officials failed to provide evidence that the move was necessary to protect the public, WTXF said.

"It is baffling to this court as to how the City of Philadelphia wants to remove the Statue without any legal basis," Judge Paula Patrick wrote, according to the station. "The City’s entire argument and case is devoid of any legal foundation."

In October, the city painted the box with the colors of the Italian flag ahead of Columbus Day, the station said.

'Very disappointed'

After the court's ruling to remove the box covering the statue, Kenney's office released a statement, WTXF said.

"We are very disappointed in the Court’s ruling," the statement read, according to the station. "We continue to believe that the Christopher Columbus statue, which has been a source of controversy in Philadelphia, should be removed from its current position at Marconi Plaza. We are continuing to review the Court’s latest ruling and are working to comply with the Court’s orders, including unboxing. While we will respect this decision, we will also continue to explore our options for a way forward that allows Philadelphians to celebrate their heritage and culture while respecting the histories and circumstances of everyone’s different backgrounds."

No 'tyants or dictators'

But George Bochetto — attorney for Friends of Marconi Plaza — had a different reaction to the court's ruling: "Today's ruling stands for the proposition that we do not elect as our mayor tyrants or dictators. We elect representatives who are supposed to obey the law and follow the law."
To find advancement in the modern democrat party a candidate must accept and promote anti-God and anti-American democrat policies and narratives. May God deliver us from the devil and his followers who promote wicked and foolish democrat ideas
AMERICANS are raised better than others.
Democrat Rep Katie Porter said “pedophilia is not a crime ... it is an identity”

Some social media users misleadingly edited her comments and said they showed her suggesting that pedophilia is not a crime, but “an identity.” Full footage of her remarks at a congressional hearing shows she was condemning online content that wrongly labels members of the LGBTQ+ community as “groomers” or “pedophiles.”

you're such a *****. you believe anything you find. lol.
To find advancement in the modern democrat party a candidate must accept and promote anti-God and anti-American democrat policies and narratives. May God deliver us from the devil and his followers who promote wicked and foolish democrat ideas

Far-left Philly mayor not happy that Columbus statue — covered by box since 2020 rioting — has been ordered uncovered by court - TheBlaze

Far-left Philly mayor not happy that Columbus statue — covered by box since 2020 rioting — has been ordered uncovered by court



December 10, 2022

Jim Kenney, the far-left mayor of Philadelphia, is not happy that a city statue of Christopher Columbus — covered by a box since the height of 2020 rioting on the heels of George Floyd's death — has been ordered uncovered by a court.

The Commonwealth Court of Pennsylvania ruled Friday that the plywood box that's been covering the statue at Marconi Plaza in south Philly since June 2020 must be removed, PhillyVoice said.

What's the background?

City officials had the monument covered after an armed group protecting the statue threw down with another group demanding its removal, the outlet said.

Indeed, about 100 people guarded the statue from potential vandalism on June 13-14, 2020 — and wielded bats, golf clubs, sticks, and guns to convince those who might hold opposite opinions to stay away.

During the prior week, protesters across America beheaded, toppled, and vandalized statues and monuments in their fury over Floyd's death. Meanwhile Philly leftists ignorantly vandalized the statue of Matthias Baldwin — an abolitionist — outside City Hall, spray-painting "murderer" and "colonizer" on its pedestal.

Don't miss out on content from Dave Rubin free of big tech censorship. Listen to The Rubin Report now.

At the time, Kenney indirectly referred to the behavior of those guarding the Columbus statue as "vigilantism," and District Attorney Larry Krasner called the statue defenders "criminal bullies."

The Friends of Marconi Plaza sued to have the Columbus statue displayed again, PhillyVoice said. But Kenney had ordered the statue’s removal, WTXF-TV reported, calling it a matter of public safety. Kenney also said Columbus — revered for centuries as an explorer — had a "much more infamous" history and treated Indigenous people with brutality, the station said.

A judge last year reversed the city’s decision to remove the statue, saying officials failed to provide evidence that the move was necessary to protect the public, WTXF said.

"It is baffling to this court as to how the City of Philadelphia wants to remove the Statue without any legal basis," Judge Paula Patrick wrote, according to the station. "The City’s entire argument and case is devoid of any legal foundation."

In October, the city painted the box with the colors of the Italian flag ahead of Columbus Day, the station said.

'Very disappointed'

After the court's ruling to remove the box covering the statue, Kenney's office released a statement, WTXF said.

"We are very disappointed in the Court’s ruling," the statement read, according to the station. "We continue to believe that the Christopher Columbus statue, which has been a source of controversy in Philadelphia, should be removed from its current position at Marconi Plaza. We are continuing to review the Court’s latest ruling and are working to comply with the Court’s orders, including unboxing. While we will respect this decision, we will also continue to explore our options for a way forward that allows Philadelphians to celebrate their heritage and culture while respecting the histories and circumstances of everyone’s different backgrounds."

No 'tyants or dictators'

But George Bochetto — attorney for Friends of Marconi Plaza — had a different reaction to the court's ruling: "Today's ruling stands for the proposition that we do not elect as our mayor tyrants or dictators. We elect representatives who are supposed to obey the law and follow the law."
HeirHeads Have No Right to Be Here. Send Them Back to the Crumbling Castles of Europe Where They Belong.

Great America proved two things: There are inferior races and there are no superior birth-classes.
October 12, 1492, the day when the Italian explorer Christopher Columbus officially set foot in the Americas, and discovered America

The Moon and Sixpence

The childish degenerate astrogeeks at NA$A have no rational right to compare their escapist Trekkie circuses to those skilled,, courageous, and world-changing explorers.

The ignorant take is, "We can put a man on moon but we can't fix X." The truth is that because we wasted time and mental talent on those silly spectacles, we neglected solving serious problems down here on earth. But our rulers are happy only when we are miserable.
Because the us has laws customs ethic and morals in our past culture . new democrats are radical and. perverted
Republicans like you yearn for the glory days of blatant racism, religion running everything and democracy an occassional interruption to authoritarianism.

As for your view of democrats, still no evidence to support it.
I must have missed that bit where you proved there is a god. Can you post it again please.
God has no intention of proving Himself to scorners.

Micah 3
King James Version

1 And I said, Hear, I pray you, O heads of Jacob, and ye princes of the house of Israel; Is it not for you to know judgment?
2 Who hate the good, and love the evil; who pluck off their skin from off them, and their flesh from off their bones;
3 Who also eat the flesh of my people, and flay their skin from off them; and they break their bones, and chop them in pieces, as for the pot, and as flesh within the caldron.
4 Then shall they cry unto the Lord, but he will not hear them: he will even hide his face from them at that time, as they have behaved themselves ill in their doings.​

wow, stupid "point".

yes, we are a constitutional republic, not a christian theocracy (thank

again, if god wanted "in" on our government, he couldn't just do it himself? is he that weak or stupid? :)
If the founders had wanted the US to be an atheist nation, they would not have made it illegal for lawmakers to trample Americans' right to freely believe and express their religious convictions.
Not according to me they're not and I'll say you have no evidence that your hideous god did either.
That might be what you believe but that doesn't make it fact.

You have no evidence your silly god even exists and you know it. Just another delusional godbotherer.
You have no scientifically valid clue how the universe came into existence and if you claim you do not know my God why do you refer to Him as hideous?