Dems relieved because Biden did better than Obama... but he didn't do better than Ryan


Well-Known Member
Jan 23, 2009
San Diego, CA
Democrats are relieved, and happier than they were, because Biden did better than Obama had in the last debate. Unfortunately, he didn't do better than Paul Ryan.

Biden looked rude and dour, pushing his way in, snapping at Ryan most of the night. Ryan was well poised, absorbing Biden's punches unflappably and continuing smoothly to make his points. Biden scored some good points on substance, but Ryan scored more on substance.

Basically Ryan won on style and demeanor by a large margin, and also won by a smaller margin on substance.

Bottom line: Ryan won. He continued Republicans' enthusiasm and determination.

Since Biden was more aggressive than Obama and also more substantive, he jazzed up the hardcore Democrats. Unfortunately, independents will remember his anger and rudeness more than his occasional good points. So the votes Democrats really need, will not come to them as a result of this debate.

Democrats are still on defense, still playing catch-up... and they are losing that fight.

The Dems lost more women last night. Biden behaved like a lunatic.

If he had been drunk--he would have gone home and beat his wife. You know--The Bitch.

Democrats--the reason for the "theory of opposites"--where whatever a group/person SAYS is usually the diametric opposite of what they will really do.

Also known as lying.
And always accuse your opponents of lying, to obfuscate.

The democrat Tradition started by the political vomit of the 20th century--William and Hillary Rodham Clinton.
The Dems lost more women last night. Biden behaved like a lunatic.

I think you are right about that. The ladies do not like a rude arrogant egotistical man. My wife was very upset about his performance and she seldom gets worked up about politics.

I did not bother to watch it. It like all debates, is just more ********* while our nation implodes.