Government grants to nonprofits are being used to finance Democrat candidates and causes

mark francis

Well-Known Member
Jan 15, 2021
Democrats have become masters at promoting government funding of nonprofits that kick back portions of the donated government funds to Democrat causes.

The Money Machine Behind Progressive Election Efforts | The Epoch Times 2-22-24

The Money Machine Behind Progressive Election Efforts
The left’s equivalent of the Koch network, Arabella Advisors, is a powerhouse distributor of mega money to progressive PACs and Democrat campaigns.

Arabella Advisors is the biggest name in politics you’ve never heard.
The firm is deeply involved with some of the most prominent financiers of progressive policies and Democratic Party candidates. It manages a complex network of tax-exempt, nonprofit organizations that quietly funnels money to progressive organizations, political action committees, and the campaigns of Democratic Party candidates.
In 2020 and 2022, according to federal election finance filings and nonprofit tax forms, groups linked to Arabella were active in financing Democrats and left-leaning get-out-the-vote efforts. A leader of one of the funds connected to Arabella has already promised to keep up their efforts in 2024.