Government Motors Rides Again - If You Can Get It Started

Saved what? The economy? The one that resulted in a constant 6.5% unemployment only by lying to the American people and manipulating the reporting process? That economy? Or, the economy that has resulted in the lowest labor participation rate in the past 80 years? Really a good economy, huh? Could it be the one that has resulted in over 40% of citizens relying on handouts from the government to survive? Damn, that just gives you a tingle, doesn't it?

Or, is it the one that ran the national debt up to $17 trillion? Or, maybe it's the one that has resulted in the number of long-term unemployed at just about a million people? That one the economy you're so proud of? Or, the additional 2.2 million who looked for a job in the past 12 months and have just given up? Would that be the one? Maybe, you're getting all excited about the economy that has resulted in an average per-home income loss of $6,000 per year? Funny thing to get excited about, wouldn't you say?

They saved nothing ... absolutely nothing.
and they went bankrupt anyway
im sorry you don't understand a organized bankruptcy and reorganization vs a company is dead one. Its a pretty important detail, go read up on it sometime
The point made to the public was that gm must not go bankrupt and only buying the company
so they biught the thing, made arrangements that would not have been acceptable in a reorganuzation then filed fir bankruptcy (and chaper reorg) after they declared that unacceptable. If invedtors or vankers did that yhey would be in prison. And filks like yourself cannit understand why this was not just illegal but wrong.