How dictatorships are created

mark francis

Well-Known Member
Jan 15, 2021
The latest Salvadoran election has proven dictatorships can be created by politicians with power in spite of the objections of the subjected citizens. I would like to point out the similarities between the newly reelected government of Nayib Bukele and the modern Democrat measures and consequences of the left's consolidation of power in the US in spite of the will of the majority of Americans.

A dictatorship is born ( 2-09-24
A dictatorship is born

Salvadoran President Nayib Bukele and his wife, Gabriela Rodríguez, address a crowd of supporters from the presidential balcony on Sunday night.© Bienvenido Velasco (EFE) ...

Before the polling stations had even counted the votes, Nayib Bukele declared himself re-elected, becoming the first Salvadoran president in eight decades to proclaim victory for a second consecutive term.
He who controls the elections controls the outcomes. The Dominion voting machine official who said he was not going to allow Trump to win the 2020 election knew exactly what he was going to do to stop Trump from winning.

In El Salvador, presidential re-election is explicitly prohibited by six articles of the Constitution. But there are no longer any institutions capable of imposing sanctions or limits on Bukele’s exercise of power. He controls the three branches of government, the judicial system, the prosecutor’s office, the police, the Army and the Supreme Electoral Tribunal. Salvadorans have lost our constitutional rights, and the country has endured an election under an indefinite ‘state of exception’. Last week, Vice President Felix Ulloa told The New York Times: “We are not dismantling democracy. We are eliminating it, replacing it with something new.” But it’s nothing new. We are witnessing, live, the birth of a dictatorship.
Democrats now control the US government through dictatorial control and influence over major departments of the government, schools, courts, media outlets, and so forth.

Pending results, it appears that the majority of those who voted in last week’s election opted to consign democracy to the grave, which is precisely what the president is offering when he argues that limits to power were an obstacle to achieving what no previous government has been able to accomplish: dismantling the gangs that held the population hostage with terror. This has, truly, been a transformative development for most citizens. When you’ve lived with a gun to your head, security takes priority over constitutions and laws and democracy. Most of those who voted have decided to give up their rights and concentrate all power in the hands of one person, in exchange for security. ...

By allowing Democrats to cheat themselves into office and to violate the rights of non-Democrats on a large-scale, Americans have given up their rights to Constitutional freedoms and protections in exchange for the false promises of hope and changes that will never be found to benefit them more than old-fashioned Constitutional freedoms and liberties.

The National Civil Police demand daily quotas of detainees from their agents, to fill President Bukele’s prisons. What is happening is what always happens: young people arrested because an agent said they looked “nervous”; neighbors accusing neighbors of gang ties; cab drivers denouncing their competitors to get rid of them; men arrested for competing with a policeman over the love of a woman. That’s how the quotas get filled. Police officers extorting money from innocent people in exchange for not taking them away.
Unjust law enforcement officials arrest Americans on the basis of rumors, encourage friends and neighbors to make false allegations against their enemies so those enemies can be arrested without knowing who accused them or being able to have their accusers face them in court, and so forth. Democrats absolutely refused to allow Trump to call witnesses in his impeachment trial and was never allowed to challenge the so-called whistleblower accuser in court.

In El Salvador, every detainee is guilty until proven innocent, and it’s nearly impossible to prove otherwise. They are summarily processed in mass trials by anonymous judges, ... “It’s a fair process because it’s legal. Before, it was individual trials, but we changed the law.”
Democrats have changed laws to make what was once illegal legal and enemies of Democrats are assumed to be guilty until proven innocent, like President Trump has been unjustly judged for years by fascist Democrats.

El Salvador’s security forces have not enjoyed such impunity since the days of our civil war, when the army, the police and paramilitary forces (the death squads) detained, tortured and disappeared thousands of people without fear of accountability or punishment.
Democrats have tortured Jan 6 detainees and violated their rights for years in DC dungeons and are currently going through millions of surveillance records looking for more anti-voter fraud protesters to haul into jail and court.

Bukele’s great specialty is not security, but propaganda. He depends on a group of Venezuelan advisors plucked from the teams of Juan Guaidó and Leopoldo López — experts in making the right hand believe that what the left hides no longer exists. Bukele perceived the people’s weariness with politicians and rode to power on a discourse of fighting corruption. ...

Propaganda and control of the media is one of the Democrats' strongest weapons.

The pandemic and the emergency decrees allowed Bukele to suspend the rights of citizens, seal information on contracts and purchases, and engage in a systematic looting of the state, documented by journalists from the outset, that makes his predecessors look like rookies in the field of corruption.
Exactly what Democrats did to the US as a result of the pandemic. As famously repeated among political crooks: "never let a crisis go to waste."

In secret, Bukele made a pact with the county’s gangs, ...
Rioters and looters have openly admitted to being hired by Democrats to commit violence.

In May 2021, he struck a blow to the judiciary. He removed the attorney general along with the magistrates from the Supreme Court’s Constitutional Chamber and, skipping all the procedures established by the Constitution, hand-picked new judges and a new prosecutor that very same day. This, in practice, is when the dictatorship began. By nightfall, Bukele had control over all three branches of government. Everything. And so nobody was surprised when the unconstitutional magistrates of the Constitutional Court ruled in favor of his reelection.
Democrats now control many courts, especially federal courts of appeal, and continue their push to stack the SCOTUS with a comfortable majority of leftist justices willing to rule in favor of the Democrat party whether lawful or not.

The so-called “Bukele model,” whose only components are propaganda, the accumulation of power, and repression exercised in violation of the rule of law and human rights, has managed to garner an extremely high level of popular support. But, as history teaches, this support doesn’t last forever. ...
Trading Constitutional rights for increased financial or philosophical gains is a very bad trade and will lead to widespread enslavement, not freedom.

Every authoritarian project, every dictatorship, has a point of no return. It is this threshold that divides the desire to remain in power from the impossibility of leaving it, given the disastrous consequences it would have for him and his family. ...
Hillary said it well: "If Trump wins, we will all hang from nooses."
Bukele, like Trump is the leader of a personality cult.
Trump wants to be a dictator. He has said so.
He wants to deport millions, he wants to arrest anyone who has insulted him.
Bukele, like Trump is the leader of a personality cult.
Trump wants to be a dictator. He has said so.
He wants to deport millions, he wants to arrest anyone who has insulted him.
Democrats dishonestly claim Trum has a real desire to become a dictator which is just another crooked democrat lie. Trump is smart enough to know that Americans don't elect dictators and democrats are smart enough to know all dummass voters who can be dishonestly persuaded that Trump wants to be a dictator will not vote for him.

Democrats dishonestly claim Trum has a real desire to become a dictator which is just another crooked democrat lie. Trump is smart enough to know that Americans don't elect dictators and democrats are smart enough to know all dummass voters who can be dishonestly persuaded that Trump wants to be a dictator will not vote for him.

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Dictators aren't elected ****** duh
You lie! Trump himself said he wanted to be a dictator. He said he wants to arrest liberals.
Trump will fuck overv our country and rob us blind and leave ruins behind.
You lie! Trump himself said he wanted to be a dictator. He said he wants to arrest liberals.
Trump will fuck overv our country and rob us blind and leave ruins behind.
You obviously fail to understand his real meaning. Biden claimed he was the first black woman VP in history but we understand his real meaning.
Exactly, which is why only a ***** would falsely accuse an American politician of running for office of dictator.
He is being accused of wanting to be a dictator and would try to do his best to become one

We love this guy,” Trump said of Hannity. “He says, ‘You’re not going to be a dictator, are you?’ I said: ‘No, no, no, other than day one.

God you are so stupid
You obviously fail to understand his real meaning. Biden claimed he was the first black woman VP in history but we understand his real meaning.
You've and others have been bellowing about his dementia for years now suddenly he makes another gaffe and you take it literally.
In a previous thread you said I mistook trumps meaning but then you do the same. It's you with dementia.