In-Search Of The Largest Concentration Of Loonies; TEXAS vs. FLORIDA


Well-Known Member
Mar 12, 2022
"That appears to be Texas Gov. Greg Abbott’s latest strategy for reaching the White House, given his decision to deliberately snarl traffic on the U.S. southern border — leaving food to rot and critical components for cars and other manufacturing to remain inaccessible to U.S. companies and consumers.

Abbott must have known his stunt had
risks. The quantity of cross-border trade — in food, auto parts, retail goods — is enormous, and of enormous consequence to the Lone Star State’s economy. Roughly $9 billion worth of fresh produce alone — 1.28 billion pounds — crosses into Texas from Mexico annually, according to the Texas International Produce Association.

Even fellow Republicans have criticized Abbott’s policy, with Texas Agriculture Commissioner Sid Miller calling the inspections “economy killing” and warning that they will soon drive produce prices higher, if the produce is available at all.

“Your inspection protocol is not stopping illegal immigration,”
Miller, an early supporter of Donald Trump, wrote in an open letter. “It is stopping food from getting to grocery store shelves and, in many cases, causing food to rot in trucks — many of which are owned by Texas and other American companies.”

Abbott might presume that angry voters will see backlogged traffic, empty store shelves and struggling businesses and blame President Biden, even though this latest contribution to supply-chain woes comes courtesy of Abbotts own policies. If that sounds far-fetched, recall that Abbott and other Republicans have tried to blame Biden for mounting covid infections and deaths, even as these same politicians have deliberately sown distrust in vaccines and undermined or outright barred efforts to increase vaccination and other covid-prevention measures."
"That appears to be Texas Gov. Greg Abbott’s latest strategy for reaching the White House, given his decision to deliberately snarl traffic on the U.S. southern border — leaving food to rot and critical components for cars and other manufacturing to remain inaccessible to U.S. companies and consumers.

Abbott must have known his stunt had
risks. The quantity of cross-border trade — in food, auto parts, retail goods — is enormous, and of enormous consequence to the Lone Star State’s economy. Roughly $9 billion worth of fresh produce alone — 1.28 billion pounds — crosses into Texas from Mexico annually, according to the Texas International Produce Association.

Even fellow Republicans have criticized Abbott’s policy, with Texas Agriculture Commissioner Sid Miller calling the inspections “economy killing” and warning that they will soon drive produce prices higher, if the produce is available at all.

“Your inspection protocol is not stopping illegal immigration,”
Miller, an early supporter of Donald Trump, wrote in an open letter. “It is stopping food from getting to grocery store shelves and, in many cases, causing food to rot in trucks — many of which are owned by Texas and other American companies.”

Abbott might presume that angry voters will see backlogged traffic, empty store shelves and struggling businesses and blame President Biden, even though this latest contribution to supply-chain woes comes courtesy of Abbotts own policies. If that sounds far-fetched, recall that Abbott and other Republicans have tried to blame Biden for mounting covid infections and deaths, even as these same politicians have deliberately sown distrust in vaccines and undermined or outright barred efforts to increase vaccination and other covid-prevention measures."
Delaware and dc have the biggest idiots in them and deserve all the illegals that biden sent to florida and texas . no vetting just let them in so the states of texas and florida can loose jobs to low paid illegals the crime from then and the burden on our social programs and housing markets and police forces .
Maybe you state will get them next and your mom can sate one of them and one can take your job
"The Florida Department of Education announced Friday that the state has rejected more than 50 math textbooks from next school year's curriculum, citing references to critical race theory among reasons for the rejections.

In a news release, the department stated that 54 out of 132 of the textbook submissions would not be added to the state's adopted list because they did not adhere to Florida's new standards or
contained prohibited topics."

"The Florida Department of Education announced Friday that the state has rejected more than 50 math textbooks from next school year's curriculum, citing references to critical race theory among reasons for the rejections.

In a news release, the department stated that 54 out of 132 of the textbook submissions would not be added to the state's adopted list because they did not adhere to Florida's new standards or
contained prohibited topics."
Ron DeSantis: "Reopening Schools Same As Killing bin Laden"
August 13, 2020
Liberals pit toilets that are portable on the streets to provide toilets for homeless drug addicts cost is 30 bucks per flush another great plan from you local demo morons