My case for open carry

Wag more

Well-Known Member
Jul 14, 2017
I live in Orlando and was shocked like most of the country at the massacre of 49 at the Pulse night club.
For over a year I have heard all about the shooting and read probably a hundred stories in the press and not one story has dealt with what to me is obvious:

If the bartender or bar security or any patron had a gun the body count would have been much lower and the perp, Omar Mateen, would have been in Hell a lot earlier.
The Pulse night club was supposed to be a gun free zone. My guess is Mateen knew this and that is one readon he selected this site. If you take all the guns away from the law abiding citizens then only outlaws have guns.
The Pulse night club was supposed to be a gun free zone. My guess is Mateen knew this and that is one readon he selected this site. If you take all the guns away from the law abiding citizens then only outlaws have guns.
Don't know about Florida but many states prohibit weapons in bars citing the "danger" of alcohol induced shootings.
Despite old movies, the wild west was not that wild and the big reason was people were just more polite.
It encourages better behavior.

If you take all the guns away from the law abiding citizens then only outlaws have guns.
Gosh.. well ain't you just an expert of the friggin obvious!

An armed society is a polite society..... are you lot really so fucked up in the head you believe this shite?

...oh... and nice to meet you by the way...:)...welcome to the HOP.
Don't mind me I'm not American so I don't share you're enshrined psychosis.
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Despite old movies, the wild west was not that wild and the big reason was people were just more polite.
So, what's the drill then Marquis of Queensbury rules? Let’s explore the etiquette of the polite society… bit of role playing perhaps.

Chap A, a gentleman of duboius pedigree and of nefarious intent pulls his firearm on chap B and aims it at his head and politely asks chap B to hand over his cash.
Chap B, rather indignantly says to chap A "I say old boy I have to inform you in the strongest and most animated terms that I possess a concealed weapon!"
"Ah" says A "gosh well... I am most dreadfully sorry to importune you in this boorish manner my good fellow, however, I am rather in need of instant liquidity thus please hand over your stash"
Well, obviously B is rather put out over such a vulgar display of bravado and indignantly suggests "Look my good fellow this is all rather vexing for I also am in possession of a weapon and would rather like to bring it to hand and deter you from impeding me in this most boisterous manner!
“Ah” says A seemingly rather contrite but nonetheless determind “we seem to have reached a rather disagreeable impasse”. A ponders the matter for a moment and decides to blast B’s brains all over the pavement not quite understanding that perhaps the correct conflict resolution may have been attained in a more gentlemanly manner. As in the old west perhaps where a quick draw may have been more appropriate and certainly much more polite.
So, what's the drill then Marquis of Queensbury rules? Let’s explore the etiquette of the polite society… bit of role playing perhaps.

Chap A, a gentleman of duboius pedigree and of nefarious intent pulls his firearm on chap B and aims it at his head and politely asks chap B to hand over his cash.
Chap B, rather indignantly says to chap A "I say old boy I have to inform you in the strongest and most animated terms that I possess a concealed weapon!"
"Ah" says A "gosh well... I am most dreadfully sorry to importune you in this boorish manner my good fellow, however, I am rather in need of instant liquidity thus please hand over your stash"
Well, obviously B is rather put out over such a vulgar display of bravado and indignantly suggests "Look my good fellow this is all rather vexing for I also am in possession of a weapon and would rather like to bring it to hand and deter you from impeding me in this most boisterous manner!
“Ah” says A seemingly rather contrite but nonetheless determind “we seem to have reached a rather disagreeable impasse”. A ponders the matter for a moment and decides to blast B’s brains all over the pavement not quite understanding that perhaps the correct conflict resolution may have been attained in a more gentlemanly manner. As in the old west perhaps where a quick draw may have been more appropriate and certainly much more polite.
Chaps C d e f pull our their weapons and chap a has a sudden change of heart. Or perhaps he realizes plan a wasn't a likely success and doesn't bother.
Chaps C d e f pull our their weapons and chap a has a sudden change of heart. Or perhaps he realizes plan a wasn't a likely success and doesn't bother. the streets are liberally sprinkled with an ample supply of caped crusaders. Good to know, however, should no further chaps be avaliable to interfere as its a cold dark night and all superheroes are tucked up in front of their hearth stones with Bibles and cocoa then I rather fear that Chap B may still be in a spot of bother!

Alas, vigilantism seems to be your best alternative if you feel the rule of law is not sufficient or ill suited to the polite society. Better still just ban the wretched things and hurl bibles or harsh language at each other or do what we do in the UK... stab each other (y) the streets are liberally sprinkled with an ample supply of caped crusaders. Good to know, however, should no further chaps be avaliable to interfere as its a cold dark night and all superheroes are tucked up in front of their hearth stones with Bibles and cocoa then I rather fear that Chap B may still be in a spot of bother!

Alas, vigilantism seems to be your best alternative if you feel the rule of law is not sufficient or ill suited to the polite society. Better still just ban the wretched things and hurl bibles or harsh language at each other or do what we do in the UK... stab each other (y)
In the wild west they were. People were never far from a gun. The more people are carrying the more likely you are to think twice abut use of force.
To The Scotsman:
Actually the rage in the UK is acid attacks.
If you don't believe in an armed populice how would YOU prevent another hPulse massacre?
To The Scotsman:
Actually the rage in the UK is acid attacks.
If you don't believe in an armed populice how would YOU prevent another hPulse massacre?
Don't forget Chicago has draconian gun control laws but still they're dropping like flies. Criminals are not known for obeying laws.
The Swiss are required to keep weapons in their homes by way of having a national defence (quit laughing) but what's their home invasion rate ?
Actually the rage in the UK is acid attacks.
Yup mad huh! Who in their right mind would think of such a thing to do. Stabbing is the preference of the youngsters though as weapons in the UK are extremely hard to come by.

If you don't believe in an armed populice how would YOU prevent another hPulse massacre?
I think you have to examine the premise of your question as you have three distinct issues a) an armed populace b) a gun culture and c) terrorism. One is dealt through legislation and the other intelligence led policing and counter-terrorist operations. The cultural thing is solved over time.
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Don't forget Chicago has draconian gun control laws
So its not possible to bring firearms into Chicago?
The Swiss are required to keep weapons in their homes by way of having a national defence (quit laughing) but what's their home invasion rate ?
Ahhh that old chestnut... yeah the NRA love that one liner don't they sadly what they don't explain is the dramatic cultural difference between Switzerland and the US.
To The Scotsman:
Do you think the Pulse bartender could have saved lives if he had been armed? Simple question, yes or no. No liberal gobbledy gook needed.
So its not possible to bring firearms into Chicago?
Point is laws do not apply to criminals
Ahhh that old chestnut... yeah the NRA love that one liner don't they sadly what they don't explain is the dramatic cultural difference between Switzerland and the US.
Yes, they are a responsible people.
Kinda why it's a good place to mind your money.
So they are good with guns to encourage polite behavior.