Netanyahu says "no one will stop us" in Gaza


Well-Known Member
May 1, 2014
1. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said on Saturday that no one would stop Israel from achieving victory in its war against Hamas in the Gaza Strip.

"No one will stop us -- not The Hague, not the Axis of Evil and no one else. It is possible and necessary to continue until victory and we will do it," Netanyahu told a televised press conference as the war in Gaza moves into its 100th day on Sunday.....

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2. Poster's Comment:

No one else? Not even the United States?

His bragging comes as no surprise because of Uncle Sam's unquestioned backing of his country in the Middle East. It is reminiscent of a dog owner allowing himself to be walked by his pet in one of my tales in the "The Old Man of the Mountain".

Perhaps decades later, a statue or sculpture of "a dog walking a man" (which may become as famous as the statue of "Baron Munchausen riding half a horse, 1811, in Bodenwerder") from my fairy tale will appear somewhere in the world.

3. Additional Reference:
