New GOP: Looks a lot like the old GOP

First its funny you talk about useing arcane rules to pass laws...why was it they used that rule...thats right becuse they only could get 59 votes out of 100 ( vs 41 against it) because of....ding ding ding...survay says...use of Arcane rules to overrule..the majority ( see Dems have the house and Sentate and white house...they are the majority..not you even if you like to think lost all the branches...)

also if you bothered to know anything before you talked...and this would be a shock to would know I am actually not a Dem...I am a member of the independence party, and we have former members of both parities, and are in the Candidate for a Former Republican, who has the backing and support of our very popular formed Gov ...who was republican as well.

That said, Dems have compromised the hell out of many bills...Republicans have just said no and offered nothing to work with...nothing....
At least Republicans have done more to fight leftist liberal baby-killing abortionist supporters in American than have those who support the corrupt Democrat party.