NYC crying illegals to cost 12 billion a year to care for

Yes illegals suck up resources for Americans paid for by Americans.
Increase our health care cost our housing cost law enforcement cost school etc
Yes illegals increase our gdp and pay into ss which they will never collect
Do you always try to look on the positive side of human atrocities by violators of human rights like Democrats who invite illegals into the US by the millions and then refuse to allow them to work for a living?

I love people like Jesus does
Unlike you hateful morons
Is that love? Encouraging millions of foreigners to immigrate to America where they are not allowed to work for a living and will be bussed around the country to live in shelters or on the street in cities where they are not wanted?

Is that love? Encouraging millions of foreigners to immigrate to America where they are not allowed to work for a living and will be bussed around the country to live in shelters or on the street in cities where they are not wanted?
Yes it is
You have appointed yourself the judge of love?
What an arrogant ***** you are
You're the one accusing innocent Americans of not loving immigrants by not wanting them to come to America to be cast into despair and suffering because America is not prepared to assimilate them into our society in such massive numbers.
You're the one accusing innocent Americans of not loving immigrants by not wanting them to come to America to be cast into despair and suffering because America is not prepared to assimilate them into our society in such massive numbers.
You're the one who thinks he's the god of love lol