Paul Krugman mocks the teabaggers


Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2007
Washington state
Great piece by the Nobel Prize winning he puts the teabaggers and all their foolishness into perspective but also offers a word of warning.

This is a column about Republicans — and I’m not sure I should even be writing it.

Today’s G.O.P. is, after all, very much a minority party. It retains some limited ability to obstruct the Democrats, but has no ability to make or even significantly shape policy.

Beyond that, Republicans have become embarrassing to watch. And it doesn’t feel right to make fun of crazy people. Better, perhaps, to focus on the real policy debates, which are all among Democrats.


it turns out that the tea parties don’t represent a spontaneous outpouring of public sentiment. They’re AstroTurf (fake grass roots) events, manufactured by the usual suspects. In particular, a key role is being played by FreedomWorks, an organization run by Richard Armey, the former House majority leader, and supported by the usual group of right-wing billionaires. And the parties are, of course, being promoted heavily by Fox News.
Great piece by the Nobel Prize winning he puts the teabaggers and all their foolishness into perspective but also offers a word of warning.

Of course the main problem is, it isn't very accurate. For example, he points to the "usual suspects" being FreedomWorks. Which is hilliarous given I wager most people have never heard of FreedomWorks. Another problem is claiming it's run by billionaires, when most of the people in the organization, are not billionaires. Further he claims it isn't grass roots, when in fact it is very grass roots. Having both known people who went to some of the tea parties, and having seen footage from other tea parties, they are clearly grass roots events. These are quite simply average people, who are pissed off at the gross misconduct of our government, and want their voice heard.

Now if you really want to talk about fake:

A November 13, 2003 article in The Economist[53] reads: "A glance through his past columns reveals a growing tendency to attribute all the world's ills to George Bush…Even his economics is sometimes stretched…Overall, the effect is to give lay readers the illusion that Mr Krugman's perfectly respectable personal political beliefs can somehow be derived empirically from economic theory."

Krugman routinely morphs his economic theory, into whatever political stance he takes, and ultimately is amazingly partisan. Anyone who takes his views on politics, as being anything more than a political hack, is greatly over estimating him.
Of course the main problem is, it isn't very accurate. For example, he points to the "usual suspects" being FreedomWorks. Which is hilliarous given I wager most people have never heard of FreedomWorks. Another problem is claiming it's run by billionaires, when most of the people in the organization, are not billionaires. Further he claims it isn't grass roots, when in fact it is very grass roots. Having both known people who went to some of the tea parties, and having seen footage from other tea parties, they are clearly grass roots events. These are quite simply average people, who are pissed off at the gross misconduct of our government, and want their voice heard.


Are you disputing Krugman's assertion that FreedomWorks is chaired by former GOP House Majority Leader Dick Armey?

You can call it "grass roots" all you want but FreedomWorks is a right wing organization.

Average people? You mean pissed off Republicans, not so much because of Obama's policies, though that plays a part.. after all they are Republicans, but because they find themselves completely out of power with no real voice for the first time in years. In other words, the teabaggers are a bunch of losers making noise.

Do you take issue with Krugman's claim that the tea parties are being "promoted heavily by Fox News"? The tea parties are partisan events pushed by organizations and individuals with right wing agendas....why pretend otherwise?

Watch Faux News actively promote the tea parties:

Of course the main problem is, it isn't very accurate. For example, he points to the "usual suspects" being FreedomWorks. Which is hilliarous given I wager most people have never heard of FreedomWorks.
(Kinda like how unfamiliar you are, with complete-sentences???)

Well.....everyone's familiar with FreedomWorks, NOW!!!!



THANKS, PAUL!!!!!!!!
So let's see Popeye.

You are against people that don't want our deficit to 'TRIPLE' in the next 5 - 10 years. ou are against politicians reading bills before they are read.
You are against holding the politicians to their promisies and to a higher standard.

Wait.. you voted for Obama. How silly of me to even ask!
Are you disputing Krugman's assertion that FreedomWorks is chaired by former GOP House Majority Leader Dick Armey?

You can call it "grass roots" all you want but FreedomWorks is a right wing organization.

Grass roots, and 'right-wing' are not mutually exclusive terms. Further, simply because FreedomWorks supports the Tea Parties, doesn't mean it isn't grass roots. If it wasn't grass roots, Freedom Works could support it all they wanted, and no one would show up. The fact people are taking time out of their busy lives, to come let their voices be heard, indicates they are grass roots. These are not welfare people, or homeless people bussed in from other states, like you see the democrats do often.

Average people? You mean pissed off Republicans, not so much because of Obama's policies, though that plays a part.. after all they are Republicans, but because they find themselves completely out of power with no real voice for the first time in years. In other words, the teabaggers are a bunch of losers making noise.

Do you need another 'grow up' moment? First time in years? It was 1992 that Clinton had a democrat controlled house and senate. He lost both, and then Bush became president. So really... big deal.

Do you take issue with Krugman's claim that the tea parties are being "promoted heavily by Fox News"? The tea parties are partisan events pushed by organizations and individuals with right wing agendas....why pretend otherwise?

You do understand the difference between a commentator, and a news reporter? Right? Or don't you?

This is a news report by a reporter.

Notice how he simply reports (shocking) what's going on.

Now this is Glenn Beck. Beck is not a reporter, he's a commentator. Notice how he is commenting on what's going on? He's also support it.

Now as far as Fox News goes... I think the important question is less about why is Fox News covering mass rallies all over the country, but rather, why are they the only ones covering the mass rallies all over the country? Fox is covering this so much, because no one else is.

What is really being shown, is the obvious media bias against these events. What you really point out, is not that Fox is partisan, but that everyone else is partisan. Everyone else is completely ignoring the voices of the people in rallies all over the nation, while Fox is doing something extraordinary... known as 'reporting'.

Another thing you might notice from the second clip, is the two mothers who organized the Orlando tea party? Not exactly the Republican Billionaires your idiot Krugman said, eh?
(Kinda like how unfamiliar you are, with complete-sentences???)

Well.....everyone's familiar with FreedomWorks, NOW!!!!



THANKS, PAUL!!!!!!!!

I've been looking through some of the tea parties that have happened, and the organizers were all average people, and not one cited "FreedomWorks" as being the prime mover, or an affiliation. In short, Krugman lied, and you gullible liberal idiots, believed him.
I've been looking through some of the tea parties that have happened, and the organizers were all average people, and not one cited "FreedomWorks" as being the prime mover, or an affiliation.
Yeah....right....and, Dick Cheney wasn't running The Oval Office, during The Dumbya Years, either, right?

Conservalemmings will believe anything!

Further he claims it isn't grass roots, when in fact it is very grass roots.


Rupert Murdoch is a real grass-roots kind o' guy.

I never heard of this group ... but I did hear how Obama went on to control signage at his rallies after a fool sat in the front row of his wifes rally holding a sign upside down.

we are aware of the thought police and how they fear the facts generated by the right
Yeah....right....and, Dick Cheney wasn't running The Oval Office, during The Dumbya Years, either, right?

Conservalemmings will believe anything!


So, in your world, coming up with two unsupportable conspiracy theories, makes them right? And you, who are consistently the least reliable source of information on this forum, want to talk about someone else believing anything? Which one was it that said Coulter blamed the soldiers for losing Vietnam?


Rupert Murdoch is a real grass-roots kind o' guy.



Which one is Murdock in there? Oh and note the two mothers in the prior video clip. I suppose they are both Robert Murdock in drags?

You still known nothing about the topic. Best go home now.

Which one is Murdock in there? Oh and note the two mothers in the prior video clip. I suppose they are both Robert Murdock in drags?

You still known nothing about the topic. Best go home now.

Hey, check out the diversity in that all white tea party brought to you by the all white party.
Average people? You mean pissed off Republicans, not so much because of Obama's policies, though that plays a part.. after all they are Republicans, but because they find themselves completely out of power with no real voice for the first time in years. In other words, the teabaggers are a bunch of losers making noise

I agree. A bunch of whining republicans.