Raging Queens

unite check this out, i forgot to post it yesterday. Charlie rose and brokov talked a few days before the election and both admitted they dont really know obama and neither do we.

charlie rose said yesterday that obama is sort of creepy and well he went on let me post some

Newsweek’s Evan Thomas and Jon Meacham shared a bizarre Obama love-fest session with Charlie Rose on the PBS host’s program on Wednesday. Meacham stated that he was "very struck watching the stagecraft" of Obama and pointed out how Obama gave his victory speech by himself: "...[H]ave you ever seen a victory speech where there was no one else on stage? No adoring wife, no cute kid -- he is the message." Thomas went one step further in this vein: "There is a slightly creepy cult of personality about all of this." Rose confronted him on his use of this phrase, and he explained that it made him "a little uneasy that he's so singular. He's clearly managing his own spectacle. He knows how to do it. He's a -- I think, a deeply manipulative guy..." Later, all three marveled about how it was "amazing" that Obama "watches us watching him."

Thomas and Meacham appeared during the second segment of Rose’s program on Wednesday night. The host first asked Thomas about how Obama seemed to be "always in charge of this campaign." After giving an anecdote about a meeting in which Obama discussed his vice presidential pick with his advisers, Thomas commented that Obama is very inclusive, yet very self-contained. It's an unusual leadership style."

here is the link to find more...

I KNEW this would happen - AFTER they get him safely elected - the lib media will begin to point out what is obvious to all but the Koolaid-Krazed Kindergarten.
Do you mean that neocons like you and someObamanation would continue to invent silly stories rathr than just admit the better guy won?

You sounded ridiculous beefore the election

You sound worse now
Some delicate morsel of a woman (I think) is "disgusted" with those who voted it down and isn't going quietly into the night. Who knew the night could get so lucky.

I think it's a matter of time before we wake up in a country that looks back at this time similarly to the 50s and 60s where blacks were seeking civil rights. We will shake our heads in disbelief that we denied rights to human beings based on their sexual orientation. Until then, it's just so lovely to hear such sweet words being written by all of you. :)
I think it's a matter of time before we wake up in a country that looks back at this time similarly to the 50s and 60s where blacks were seeking civil rights. We will shake our heads in disbelief that we denied rights to human beings based on their sexual orientation. Until then, it's just so lovely to hear such sweet words being written by all of you. :)

That's nonsense and an idiotic comparison. Blacks had been granted civil rights in the U.S. Constitution in the 1870s. There has never been any "right" for gays to marry. And don't use the word "we" - speak for yourself.
That's nonsense and an idiotic comparison. Blacks had been granted civil rights in the U.S. Constitution in the 1870s. There has never been any "right" for gays to marry. And don't use the word "we" - speak for yourself.

Blacks had some rights, but still had to sit in the back of the bus and drink from separate water fountains. They couldn't eat at some restaurants. Read a little history of the segregated South why don't you, before you call me idiotic? Why do you think they marched to further civil rights?

And you're right, I shouldn't use the word "we" - i should have said "most". you'll be the wretched old guy blaming the "homos" for everything...Wait...you're doing that now...
Blacks had some rights, but still had to sit in the back of the bus and drink from separate water fountains. They couldn't eat at some restaurants. Read a little history of the segregated South why don't you, before you call me idiotic? Why do you think they marched to further civil rights?

One of the problems talking to people at your level is you can't read. OF COURSE I know about the segregated south. I SAID blacks had the legal rights in the constitution - that they weren't enforced is a separate subject. With me so far, einstein? :rolleyes: Gays by contrast NEVER had any right to marriage guaranteed anywhere - you can't deprive them of "rights" they never had.

And you're right, I shouldn't use the word "we" - i should have said "most". you'll be the wretched old guy blaming the "homos" for everything...Wait...you're doing that now...

"Old guy"? :D And I've blamed the homos for everything? Riiiiiiiight. :D
One of the problems talking to people at your level is you can't read. OF COURSE I know about the segregated south. I SAID blacks had the legal rights in the constitution - that they weren't enforced is a separate subject. With me so far, einstein? :rolleyes: Gays by contrast NEVER had any right to marriage guaranteed anywhere - you can't deprive them of "rights" they never had.

"Old guy"? :D And I've blamed the homos for everything? Riiiiiiiight. :D

Gays are seeking to expand their rights, similar to blacks. Whether or not they were afforded previously in the constitution is irrelevant. Got that, Einstein? Really, you are about the rudest person I've seen posting on message boards. Please do try to have a civil conversation.

And, honestly I don't know how old the heck you are. But you remind me of the crotchety old man or woman in everyone's neighborhood that won't give kids their ball back if it lands in his/her yard. You just seem to complain about everything.
Gays are seeking to expand their rights, similar to blacks.

No - it has NO SIMILARITY to blacks, as I have already shown. And there's no such thing as expanding your own rights - the very idea is silly. :D What if farmer john decides to "expand his rights" so that he can marry his pig?

Do you mean that neocons like you and someObamanation would continue to invent silly stories rathr than just admit the better guy won?

You sounded ridiculous beefore the election

You sound worse now

the story is not made up, and they are not even conservatives who are telling how creepy he really is.

its liberals on public broad cast.... LibMedia