rudy loses defamation lawsuit, disgusting behavior by trump also of course


Well-Known Member
Apr 7, 2022
Late last month, Giuliani conceded that he made defamatory statements about Freeman and Moss and that he didn’t contest their accusations that he had smeared them after the 2020 election.

Giuliani’s statements about them, which Freeman and Moss say are false, included calling them ballot-stuffing criminal conspirators. Giuliani also drew attention to a video of them after the election, which was first posted by the Trump campaign and showed part of a security tape of ballot counting in Atlanta. On social media, his podcast and other broadcasts, Giuliani said the video showed suitcases filled with ballots, when it did not capture anything but normal ballot processing, according to the defamation lawsuit and a state investigation.

Moss said her privacy was destroyed when she learned that Giuliani had accused her mother, Freeman, of passing some kind of USB drive to her like “vials of cocaine or heroin” as part of an elaborate vote-stealing scheme, she said. In reality, the object in question was a ginger mint. In his controversial call when he asked Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger to find votes to help him overturn his 2020 loss, Trump attacked Moss 18 times, and the former president called Freeman a “professional vote scammer” and a “hustler.”

The leading gop candidate for re-election is a disgusting human being, who only hires the "best people" like pathetic rudy

the "party of family values" has become "the party of hate and being obsessed with gays and transgenders"
Late last month, Giuliani conceded that he made defamatory statements about Freeman and Moss and that he didn’t contest their accusations that he had smeared them after the 2020 election.

Giuliani’s statements about them, which Freeman and Moss say are false, included calling them ballot-stuffing criminal conspirators. Giuliani also drew attention to a video of them after the election, which was first posted by the Trump campaign and showed part of a security tape of ballot counting in Atlanta. On social media, his podcast and other broadcasts, Giuliani said the video showed suitcases filled with ballots, when it did not capture anything but normal ballot processing, according to the defamation lawsuit and a state investigation.

Moss said her privacy was destroyed when she learned that Giuliani had accused her mother, Freeman, of passing some kind of USB drive to her like “vials of cocaine or heroin” as part of an elaborate vote-stealing scheme, she said. In reality, the object in question was a ginger mint. In his controversial call when he asked Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger to find votes to help him overturn his 2020 loss, Trump attacked Moss 18 times, and the former president called Freeman a “professional vote scammer” and a “hustler.”

The leading gop candidate for re-election is a disgusting human being, who only hires the "best people" like pathetic rudy

the "party of family values" has become "the party of hate and being obsessed with gays and transgenders"
Politicians can be disgusting, especially politicians viewed from the perspectives of critics from the opposite political party.
That's irrelevant. He did it thinking he was furthering the big lie. I'll bet he's pleased followed Trump now.
I'm afraid I cannot accept the unlearned opinions of those who think voter fraud did not occur in spite of all the unrefuted evidence to the contrary.
In the final analysis all unsaved sinners are disgusting. I don't know the man well enough to offer an opinion as to whether or not he is a disgusting degenerate rebel against God.
You are a wuss
You offer plenty of negative opinions about democrats
Cowardly Hypocrite
I'm afraid I cannot accept the unlearned opinions of those who think voter fraud did not occur in spite of all the unrefuted evidence to the contrary.
I don't care what a brain dead ignorant fool like you accept. It occurred and that's why they are all in court. Only a idiot like you would believe it didn't happen.
You're a nutter and there's millions of your type in USA.
I don't care what a brain dead ignorant fool like you accept. It occurred and that's why they are all in court. Only a idiot like you would believe it didn't happen.
You're a nutter and there's millions of your type in USA.
Don't try to convince me Democrat and leftist story lines are to be believed without question while every non-democrat report is to be assumed to be fake or untrustworthy. I don't buy such blind stupid obedience to political parties that promote looting, rioting, baby and cop killing and the like.
In the final analysis all unsaved sinners are disgusting. I don't know the man well enough to offer an opinion as to whether or not he is a disgusting degenerate rebel against God.
The gall of you to stand in judgement of others why admitted you find know him.
Unsaved sinners? Saved from what? You're religion has rotted your small brain.

You didn't mind when Trump rebelled against god. You never objected to his qpq in Ukraine or didn't god know about that.
You never objected to his attempted coup of USA but instead praised his efforts to install autocracy. Was that rebelling against god also?
How about rooting whores, was that allowed by god also but not rebellion?
None if your god shit has consistency. It only applies to anyone and anything you approve of. But simultaneously you make a hypocrite of yourself by not including those who deserve punishment.

Inject god into the argument is a pathetic excuse for not accepting you are wrong. Hiding behind religion doesn't give you immunity from criticism.
But when will you accept you're wrong? You would accept the truth if Biden was going to court but not Trump. There's the inconsistencies.
What he and his cohorts did is starkly clear and is proven. The court case is to establish punishment only but here you are still bitching about a court not proving the everything to be true.
Do you feel you just might be wrong? Even after this far? Come in man . You can't be that stupid that your religion warps your rational thinking. There's no reason to show that allegiance to any of those criminals regardless of their politics. Sadly you're a very naive silly man.
Don't try to convince me Democrat and leftist story lines are to be believed without question while every non-democrat report is to be assumed to be fake or untrustworthy. I don't buy such blind stupid obedience to political parties that promote looting, rioting, baby and cop killing and the like.
That's irrelevant. But you do support a party that encouraged and supported a coup attempt on democracy. Was that looting and rioting and killing cops??

Baby killing my arse. You silly gid has never given instructions regarding abortion. It's you godbotherers that took up the cause to give the impression of righteousness and purity while simultaneously going to church's to support paedophile clergy. You fucking hypocrite.
That aside, if they ever introduce retrospective abortion I'll certainly recommend they start with godbothering republicans.
Don't try to convince me Democrat and leftist story lines are to be believed without question while every non-democrat report is to be assumed to be fake or untrustworthy. I don't buy such blind stupid obedience to political parties that promote looting, rioting, baby and cop killing and the like.
I suspect you won't watch this because it's unpleasant and on CNN although CNN didn't make the statements. It really does show what a vengeful and lying GOP you are supporting.

I suspect you won't watch this because it's unpleasant and on CNN although CNN didn't make the statements. It really does show what a vengeful and lying GOP you are supporting.

The whole premise of the criticism of Trump's call is based on the unproven, unsupported claim that significant voter fraud occurred in GA. I condemn such hateful criticism based upon unproven assumptions. Raffensberger is up to his eyeballs in evidence of his incompetence, inaction, and possible collusion in matters of election security breaches in GA that strongly suggest a coordinated effort by Democrats to commit election fraud. Here are some of the many unresolved issues that he has failed in his duty to address and resolve:

1. Thousands of duplicated ballots have never been validated.
Why a Judge Has Georgia Vote Fraud on His Mind: ‘Pristine’ Biden Ballots That Looked Xeroxed | RealClearInvestigations
“We have what is almost surely major absentee-ballot fraud in Fulton County involving 10,000 to 20,000 probably false ballots,” said Garland Favorito, the lead petitioner in the case and a certified poll watcher who runs, one of the leading advocates for election integrity in the state.

He said the suspect ballots remain in the custody of the election officials and inaccessible from public view.

2. A whistleblower testified under oath that between 10,000 ands 20,000 ballots were fake.

3. Lost, deleted, or stolen voting machine records.

On the other hand, the identified fraudulent ballots in Georgia total 2 million for the 2020 Elections. These pertain to missing original ballot images, which are required by law to be intact to support the validity of the final ballot images. The missing original images may easily raise questions on the ballots being tampered or not.

4. Raffensperger violated GA election laws.

OPINION: The story behind Brad Raffensperger’s demotion in Georgia’s new election law (


The law also prevents any election official from mass mailing absentee ballot applications before they’re requested, which Raffensperger did for all Georgia voters last Spring as the COVID-19 pandemic ripped through the state. And the law now says the Legislature must be notified before the Secretary of State joins a legal consent order related to elections.

Raffensperger was part of a settlement in federal court with Democrats last March, which required election workers to confirm a signature mismatch with their peers and then quickly contact voters whose ballots are rejected and allow those voters to correct their forms.

Republicans, especially Ralston, fumed over both of Raffensperger’s decisions, particularly because he did not tell lawmakers before he did either.

5. Reports of fraudulent ballots remain unanswered.

BREAKING: VoterGA Finds Thousands Of Fraudulent Biden Votes In Georgia, Has Photo Evidence Of Falsified Tally Sheets - National File


BREAKING: VoterGA Finds Thousands Of Fraudulent Biden Votes In Georgia, Has Photo Evidence Of Falsified Tally Sheets
"Thus, the error reporting rate in Fulton’s hand count audit is a whopping 60%."

6. Court ruled Dominion machines in GA were in violation of GA election laws.

curling-v-raffensperger-rulling-101120.pdf (
Courts found Dominion machines in violation of election laws.

And more