rudy loses defamation lawsuit, disgusting behavior by trump also of course

The evidence that OJ murdered his wife was overwhelming, yet no court convicted him of murder. Likewise, the evidence of voter fraud is overwhelming even though no court has ruled evidence of voter fraud is proven or disproven.
The OJ trial is not related in any way to this. Trump lost, and he lost by seven million votes, and claimed he won by a landslide.
The leftist officials have charged him with bogus crimes, and he will be found guilty because that is how 3rd world fascist leftist governments and their bent court systems work.
Leftist officials???
You mean like the 6 republican godbotherers on the SC. Oops. I shouldn't have said that.
Leftist officials???
You mean like the 6 republican godbotherers on the SC. Oops. I shouldn't have said that.
Leftists see courts as being corrupted by conservatives on the bench. Maybe their suspicions are fueled by the multitude of leftist courts willing to rule against taking Democrat voting fraud cases in order to benefit of the Democrat party.
All you need is proof
All you have is whining and right wing blather
You must have forgotten the hatred that so many Democrats openly expressed toward SCOTUS justices who ruled in favor of the unborn instead of in favor of brutal murders of the unborn advocated by deranged bloodthirsty Democrats.

The clearest example of a corrupt Democrat court was in the Roger Stone case where hateful Democrat prosecutors tried Trump associate Roger Stone on false charges before a hateful biased Democrat judge with a raving mad lunatic leftist Democrat jury forewoman. The fascist leftist Democrat kangaroo court also recommended jailing Stone for 3 times the normally prescribed minimum sentence for real violations of the law because of their hateful vengeful animosity toward him for speaking the truth in a world filled with Democrat lies.
You must have forgotten the hatred that so many Democrats openly expressed toward SCOTUS justices who ruled in favor of the unborn instead of in favor of brutal murders of the unborn advocated by deranged bloodthirsty Democrats.

The clearest example of a corrupt Democrat court was in the Roger Stone case where hateful Democrat prosecutors tried Trump associate Roger Stone on false charges before a hateful biased Democrat judge with a raving mad lunatic leftist Democrat jury forewoman. The fascist leftist Democrat kangaroo court also recommended jailing Stone for 3 times the normally prescribed minimum sentence for real violations of the law because of their hateful vengeful animosity toward him for speaking the truth in a world filled with Democrat lies.
View attachment 11850
i have forgotten nothing about the fact that you morons have not proven your lies. lol
i have forgotten nothing about the fact that you morons have not proven your lies. lol
Democrats keep "fighting like hell" to prevent purging voter registries of the names of ineligible voters, as well as "fighting like hell" to prevent votes being tied to voter IDs that would prevent thousands of illegitimate votes being cast without being noticed.

Michigan’s Secretary of State Fights to Keep Dead on Voter Rolls | The Heritage Foundation 8-31-22

Michigan’s Secretary of State Fights to Keep Dead on Voter Rolls
Democrats keep "fighting like hell" to prevent purging voter registries of the names of ineligible voters, as well as "fighting like hell" to prevent votes being tied to voter IDs that would prevent thousands of illegitimate votes being cast without being noticed.

Michigan’s Secretary of State Fights to Keep Dead on Voter Rolls | The Heritage Foundation 8-31-22

Michigan’s Secretary of State Fights to Keep Dead on Voter Rolls

let me know when they do anything illegal and you morons prove your lies about the stolen election. lol
otherwise all you have is whining and right wing blather
let me know when they do anything illegal and you morons prove your lies about the stolen election. lol
otherwise all you have is whining and right wing blather
Refusing to purge voter rolls of the names of ineligible voters is illegal, yet Democrats continue to "fight like hell" to keep their rolls bloated so they can cast more illegitimate votes while escaping detection.

New Judicial Watch Study Finds 353 U.S. Counties in 29 States with Voter Registration Rates Exceeding 100% | Judicial Watch 10-16-20


New Judicial Watch Study Finds 353 U.S. Counties in 29 States with Voter Registration Rates Exceeding 100%
Refusing to purge voter rolls of the names of ineligible voters is illegal, yet Democrats continue to "fight like hell" to keep their rolls bloated so they can cast more illegitimate votes while escaping detection.

New Judicial Watch Study Finds 353 U.S. Counties in 29 States with Voter Registration Rates Exceeding 100% | Judicial Watch 10-16-20


New Judicial Watch Study Finds 353 U.S. Counties in 29 States with Voter Registration Rates Exceeding 100%

lol. their methodology was misleading and unproven.

all you morons have is misleading "analysis" by right wing biased organizations. never any proof.