Senate: states can opt out of HC, but can't opt out of paying for it???


Well-Known Member
Jan 23, 2009
San Diego, CA
Saw a number of commentators on TV last night, some of whom were Senators and Representatives. They were talking about the new "Opt-out" provision Harry Reid has announced, that comes with the Government Option he has put back into the Senate's plan.

They said it was hard to get details on exactly how it worked, and they expressed frustration over that. They also said that from what they were told, states could "opt out" of receiving this new Government health care option... but not opt out of paying for it, even if they didn't receive it!

This is bizarre, to put it mildly. Frankly, I'm not sure I believe it. Who on earth would put something like that out as a viable plan? Expecially for the ENTIRE COUNTRY?

Has anyone heard any more details?

Is this new Senate plan really as whacky as that?

Inquiring minds want to know!