Tennessee Governor signs into law bill allowing armed teachers

I don't have to prove armed teachers are saving lives as long as we continue to have no evidence of a single life being lost to a rogue gunman in front of an armed teacher.
Of course you don't have to prove anything if you are content to look like a right wing *****
Cool story bro
That's one person out of how many teachers duh
Let me know when you morons can prove arming teachers will save lives
I note you don't have the balls to answer the question: don't you wish someone like my daughter had been onsite at Uvalde, after the cops had decided to let the shooter commit mass murder inside their perimeter? If not, why?
I note you don't have the balls to answer the question: don't you wish someone like my daughter had been onsite at Uvalde, after the cops had decided to let the shooter commit mass murder inside their perimeter? If not, why?

i note that you actually expected anyone to read your entire long winded whine? lol.
sure, it would be great to have someone stop what happened there.
would arming teachers have done that? maybe so, maybe no. no one knows for sure, including you. Maybe she would have also been killed in a rush to shoot the shooter.
would arming teachers result in more deaths by killing innocent people on other days?
lets see if you have the balls to answer that question.
i note that you actually expected anyone to read your entire long winded whine? lol...
So you don't bother to read what it is you're responding to. That explains a lot, lol.
....would arming teachers result in more deaths by killing innocent people on other days?
lets see if you have the balls to answer that question.
We won't know until the fit hits the shan. What we do know is this: 34 states have approved armed teachers, and hundreds of schools nationwide have pulled the trigger (pun intended). With those kinds of numbers built up over the last 20+ years, surely you can cite at least one example of "arming teachers result[ing] in more deaths by killing innocent people on other days." Right?

So you don't bother to read what it is you're responding to. That explains a lot, lol.

We won't know until the fit hits the shan. What we do know is this: 34 states have approved armed teachers, and hundreds of schools nationwide have pulled the trigger (pun intended). With those kinds of numbers built up over the last 20+ years, surely you can cite at least one example of "arming teachers result[ing] in more deaths by killing innocent people on other days." Right?


so if it hasn't happened yet it will never happen? Have guns been stolen from teachers and used in later killings that weren't identified, bueller?

hundreds of schools? out of 100,000? a tiny number and statistically tiny. are the schools who will be armed now the same as those that have already? how many teachers have been armed out of "hundreds of schools"?

so how many lives have been saved by arming teachers, bueller?

so let me know when you can prove that arming teachers is a net positive using anything except right wing hand waving BS. lol
so if it hasn't happened yet it will never happen?...
I have no idea. Neither do you. What’s amusing about you – in a “there goes the short bus” kind of way – is your sanctimonious demand that I prove a 20+ track record of safety will be infinitely perfect, while not holding yourself to the same “standard.” Since teachers have never been permitted – let alone trained – to defend against any active shooter to date – can you prove trained and armed teachers won’t succeed? You whine about proof from me. Furnish some of your own, and I’ll be happy to entertain your asinine double standard.

...Have guns been stolen from teachers and used in later killings that weren't identified...
Now you’re just embarrassing yourself. Every armed teacher program is under the supervision of law enforcement, and all teacher weapons - & their serial numbers - are matters of record with law enforcement. If your fantasy had ever occurred, it would be a known quantity. I’d ask you to prove your assertion about guns stolen from teachers, but we know you can’t, and are too much of a hypocrite to try. You’re peddling a fairy tale for the same reason my dog licks his balls.

...so how many lives have been saved by arming teachers...
I’ll wager it’s much more than you think. I found this image online, but it’s identical to the signs posted on my daughter’s campus. Why do you suppose there hasn’t been a single active shooter at schools with armed staff? Maybe the same reason shooters tend to avoid police stations & gun stores?

... so let me know when you can prove that arming teachers is a net positive using anything except right wing hand waving BS. lol
How many lives have been lost at schools where staff were defenseless against an active shooter? That oughtta be easy enough for you to document. A few minutes of googling & some 3rd grade arithmetic. But we all know you don’t have the intellectual firepower to pull it off. You be sure to let us know when you can prove that arming teachers is a net negative beyond lefty weeping & wailing. lol
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I have no idea. Neither do you. What’s amusing about you – in a “there goes the short bus” kind of way – is your sanctimonious demand that I prove a 20+ track record of safety will be infinitely perfect, while not holding yourself to the same “standard.” Since teachers have never been permitted – let alone trained – to defend against any active shooter to date – can you prove trained and armed teachers won’t succeed? You whine about proof from me. Furnish some of your own, and I’ll be happy to entertain your asinine double standard.

Now you’re just embarrassing yourself. Every armed teacher program is under the supervision of law enforcement, and all teacher weapons - & their serial numbers - are in the NCIC database. If your fantasy had ever occurred, it would be a known quantity. I’d ask you to prove your assertion about guns stolen from teachers, but we know you can’t, and are too much of a hypocrite to try. You’re peddling a fairy tale for the same reason my dog licks his balls.

I’ll wager it’s much more than you think. I found this image online, but it’s identical to the signs posted on my daughter’s campus. Why do you suppose there hasn’t been a single active shooter at schools with armed staff? Maybe the same reason shooters tend to avoid police stations & gun stores?
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How many lives have been lost at schools where staff were defenseless against an active shooter? That oughtta be easy enough for you to document. A few minutes of googling & some 3rd grade arithmetic. But we all know you don’t have the intellectual firepower to pull it off. You be sure to let us know when you can prove that arming teachers is a net negative beyond lefty weeping & wailing. lol
Prove fewer lives would be lost by arming teachers since that is the claim being made
But we all know you don't have the intellectual firepower to do that
And they wonder why the country is full of nuts.
oh don't worry...the liberal teachers probably aren't volunteering for guns...or hopefully the school system in Tennessee is weeding them out of carrying weapons in schools seeing as that school shooters are generally dem supporters and/or insane.
oh don't worry...the liberal teachers probably aren't volunteering for guns...or hopefully the school system in Tennessee is weeding them out of carrying weapons in schools seeing as that school shooters are generally dem supporters and/or insane.
You know which party school shooters support? How so?
i note that you actually expected anyone to read your entire long winded whine? lol.
sure, it would be great to have someone stop what happened there.
would arming teachers have done that? maybe so, maybe no. no one knows for sure, including you. Maybe she would have also been killed in a rush to shoot the shooter.
would arming teachers result in more deaths by killing innocent people on other days?
lets see if you have the balls to answer that question.
Arming teachers to prevent another Sandy Hook massacre is the right thing to do in spite of the moans and whines of leftist morons who don't give a damn about protecting teachers and schoolchildren.
Arming teachers to prevent another Sandy Hook massacre is the right thing to do in spite of the moans and whines of leftist morons who don't give a damn about protecting teachers and schoolchildren.
It's the right thing to do if it saves lives overall
Which you morons haven't done