Texas revises history textbooks


Staff member
Apr 20, 2007
The Golden State
They can't revise history, but the next best thing is to revise the textbooks so that kids learn the "correct" version, right?

Texas School Board's Vote Could Make Nation's History Textbooks more Conservative

Yes, and what does "conservative" mean to the Texas School Board?

The tentatively approved curriculum would, among other things, question the assumption that the Founding Father's wanted a secular government and tout the superiority of American capitalism. The board also consistently voted down attempts to include more references to Hispanic role models in American history.

Oh. So, conservative means that the FF wanted to have a religious government, American capitalism is sup.erior to other people's capitalism, and those darned minorities didn't really play much of a role in our history after all.

Now we know what conservatives believe.
They can't revise history, but the next best thing is to revise the textbooks so that kids learn the "correct" version, right?

Texas School Board's Vote Could Make Nation's History Textbooks more Conservative

Yes, and what does "conservative" mean to the Texas School Board?

Oh. So, conservative means that the FF wanted to have a religious government, American capitalism is sup.erior to other people's capitalism, and those darned minorities didn't really play much of a role in our history after all.

Now we know what conservatives believe.

just THINK how GREAT AMERICA would NOW be if we abided by the CONSTITUTION as originally Written and allowed obama types only 60% of a FULL VOTE!! WE WOULD NOT BE facing the DISASTER of Obama today nor many of the other radical leftist crazy federal give away programs of "DISTRIBUTION OF WEALTH"!
OUR FOREFATHERS WERE INDEED BRILLIANT, They knew where our troubles festered!
They can't revise history, but the next best thing is to revise the textbooks so that kids learn the "correct" version, right?

Texas School Board's Vote Could Make Nation's History Textbooks more Conservative

Yes, and what does "conservative" mean to the Texas School Board?

Oh. So, conservative means that the FF wanted to have a religious government, American capitalism is sup.erior to other people's capitalism, and those darned minorities didn't really play much of a role in our history after all.

Now we know what conservatives believe.

Yep, the American Taliban at work.. Nothing but a bunch of religious freaks who wish to force everyone else to believe in their childish superstitious nonsense..
They can't revise history, but the next best thing is to revise the textbooks so that kids learn the "correct" version, right?

Progressives have been doing just that for decades...

I'd prefer children learn facts and truth but it seems the American Public School system abandoned such trivial things long ago in favor of political agendas.

BTW, you couldn't find a more biased source for that? Should have checked the Daily Kos, they probably portray this as the rise of Theocratic Fascism in America... Ask Popeye, he'll tell ya.
Progressives have been doing just that for decades...

I'd prefer children learn facts and truth but it seems the American Public School system abandoned such trivial things long ago in favor of political agendas.

BTW, you couldn't find a more biased source for that? Should have checked the Daily Kos, they probably portray this as the rise of Theocratic Fascism in America... Ask Popeye, he'll tell ya.

Religion belongs in church or at home. If some people want to delve into superstition and waste their lives believing in fables......fine. Just keep that BS out of our public schools...
Religion belongs in church or at home. If some people want to delve into superstition and waste their lives believing in fables......fine. Just keep that BS out of our public schools...

I feel the same way... Keep your Religion of AGW away from schools and politics, keep your Religious views about the forced redistribution of wealth out of schools and politics. I don't believe in your fables of an angry planet that will punish us for our sins, I don't believe in your fairytales about a Collectivist Utopia that's accomplished by Progressively violating individual rights.

just THINK how GREAT AMERICA would NOW be if we abided by the CONSTITUTION as originally Written and allowed obama types only 60% of a FULL VOTE!! WE WOULD NOT BE facing the DISASTER of Obama today nor many of the other radical leftist crazy federal give away programs of "DISTRIBUTION OF WEALTH"!
OUR FOREFATHERS WERE INDEED BRILLIANT, They knew where our troubles festered!
No doubt.....​

"I hope we shall... crush in its birth the aristocracy of our moneyed corporations, which dare already to challenge our government to a trial of strength and bid defiance to the laws of our country." - Thomas Jefferson


"I do not find in orthodox Christianity one redeeming feature." - Thomas Jefferson


"They [preachers] dread the advance of science as witches do the approach of daylight and scowl on the fatal harbinger announcing the subversions of the duperies on which they live." - Thomas Jefferson


....And, a toast to the Grand-Daddy of Bubbleheads!!!!


"Why should we subsidize intellectual curiosity?" - Ronald Reagan
I feel the same way... Keep your Religion of AGW away from schools and politics, keep your Religious views about the forced redistribution of wealth out of schools and politics. I don't believe in your fables of an angry planet that will punish us for our sins, I don't believe in your fairytales about a Collectivist Utopia that's accomplished by Progressively violating individual rights.

That's nice...but lets take a look at some of what the Texas Board of Education did:

To avoid exposing students to “transvestites, transsexuals and who knows what else,” the Board struck the curriculum’s reference to “sex and gender as social constructs.”

– The Board removed Thomas Jefferson from the Texas curriculum, “replacing him with religious right icon John Calvin.”

– The Board refused to require that “students learn that the Constitution prevents the U.S. government from promoting one religion over all others.”

– The Board struck the word “democratic” from the description of the U.S. government, instead terming it a “constitutional republic.”


Perhaps you, or any other wingnut, would like to tell me how they can possibly justify removing Thomas Jefferson from history books?
That's nice...but lets take a look at some of what the Texas Board of Education did:


Perhaps you, or any other wingnut, would like to tell me how they can possibly justify removing Thomas Jefferson from history books?

Could it be they are adding balance to the left wing BS that has infected the entire curriculum for decades?

“We are adding balance,” said Dr. Don McLeroy, the leader of the conservative faction on the board, after the vote. “History has already been skewed. Academia is skewed too far to the left.”
What would be great is if the leftwing loonies would be honest, for a change, in their criticism. Here are some of the issues being debated. I can see why the leftwing is upset since it is truth, and factual history, that is beong presented.

Of course, the mindless lemmings of the left would rather believe their mouth pieces then do any research on the subject themselves.


40 p.m. Amendments continue. Close to end. Cargill has an amendment. Explain the contributions of Founding Fathers, such as-John Jay, John Witherspoon, Benjamin Rush, John Hancock, others. Passes.

7:41 p.m. McLeroy amendment: add civil rights figures, concepts, adversarial approach by some Civil Rights leaders, versus Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Craig tries to take out word “adversarial.” Attempt fails. Bradley removes the word “adversarial” but adds “the Black Panthers” as a different approach than Dr. King.

7:27 p.m. Knight amendment-add landmark civil rights cases such as Brown v. Bd of Education, Mendez v. Westminster, Hernandez v. Texas, Edgewood I.S.D. v. Kirby, Sweatt v. Painter. Added.

7:04 p.m. Craig amemdment-add Medal of Honor recipients of all race and gender, Vernon J. Baker, Alvin York, and Roy Benavides.

6:49 p.m. Mercer wants to add Medal of Honor receipients, William Carney and Phillip Bazaar, along with Abraham Lincoln and Robert E. Lee.

Dan Quinn of Texas “Freedom” Network is totally losing his cool and exploding. He’s talking to Fox News reporter, Griff Jenkins, throwing out cuss word after cuss word, ripping on individual members of the SBOE, because he can’t stand that the conservative board members, like Cynthia Dunbar, are smarter than him when it comes to the law and legal concepts. He’s really burned up about the artist Bazaar, that was removed earlier due to her nude artwork not being proper for middle school.

It’s always easy to tell when the Austin liberals aren’t getting their way. Think temper-tantrum.

6:36 p.m. Review the human rights abuses including the oppression of Christians in Sudan

6:23 p.m. Regardless of what people may think about particular members of the SBOE, you have to marvel at their ability be so committed to their work and put in such long hours. Remember, they receive no salary, they have no staff, and no office.

5:43 p.m. John Danny Olivas is added to Social Studies standards. Raised in El Paso. Hispanic Astronaut. Added.

4:34 p.m. Cargill wants to remove Santa Barazza, whose artwork features nudity. This is for 7th grade. Mavis Knight, of course, supports Barazza. Doesn’t think SBOE should be responsible for this. Really, I thought this was a part of your duty. Berlanga is talking about what students would do in college. Uh, but this is not college, this is 7th grade. Berlanga is saying that this omission is racially motivated because Barazza is Hispanic. Of course, if all else fails, pull the race card.

Amendment passes. 10-4.

4:53 p.m. Victory at San Jacinto brought civil, political and religious freedom in Texas.

4:23 P.M. Bob Craig, to add Milton Friedman, McLeroy-to add Friedrich Hayak. Both pass.

4:11 p.m. Sociology section over. Now onto Economics.

4:00 p.m. Cargill amendment to add language about ” the importance of personal responsibility about life choices”. Passes. 10-5

3:40 p.m. Cargill asks to remove Sociology phrase: “differntiate between sex and gender as social constructs and determine how gender and socialization interact.” Passes. 9-6.

3:30 p.m. Long lunch break. Debate over removing section in Sociology about “institutional racism”, Cargill. Amendment fails. 3-11. For: Cargill, Leo, Bradley.

1:05 p.m. Dunbar proposes “constitutional republic” amendment. Passes, 9-3(2 abstain). Craig, Nunez, Knight against. All other Rs for.

1:00 p.m. Dunbar moves to add discussion about the conditions that produced the 14th Amendment, Bill of Rights, and the failed Blaine Amendment and Supreme Court rulings, and scope of fundamental rights.

Amendment passes, 8-7

12:49 p.m. Dunbar seeks to add language, some is directly from Declaration of Independence” explain major political ideas in history including the laws of nature and nature’s God, inalienable rights, divine right of Kings, social contract theory, and the rights of resistance to illegitimate government.

12:31 p.m. Mavis Knight make motion about Founding Fathers and the so-called “separation of church and state” and that they were supported “barring promoting of disfavoring any religion over all others.” This is a clear effort to try to indoctrinate students with a concept that is highly debatable. Dunbar is up, addressing this, countering Mavis Knight. Saying that this phrase is inaccurate. Dunbar is constitutional attorney, scholar and professor. Establishment clause and free exercise of religion is what is in the constitution. This “separation” viewpoint is inaccurate.

12:05 p.m. Debate over “U.S. free enterprise system” phrase. The unelected teacher groups recommended that this phrase also have (capitalism, free market) in parentheses afterwards.

11:15 a.m. Amendment to put back in standards that studuent will learn issues raised by “judicial activism and judicial restraint.” Amendment passes. Tie vote and SBOE Chair Lowe casts deciding vote. Against-Bob Craig, Knight, Allen, others. Wow.

10 a.m. Major debate has broken out on adding Congressional Medal of Honor recipients. SBOE Member Mary Helen Berlanga and Mavis Knight want amendment to specifically add MOH recipients specifically that our Hispanic and African-American. SBOE member Bob Craig and others want to add MOH recipients for individuals of all race and gender.

What our interview with Fox News National. http://video.foxnews.com/v/4093859/history-being-rewritten

7:51 p.m. Albert Einstein and Thomas Edison get put back in the World History courses.

World History. SBOE member Hardy prto use the letters A.D. and B.C. to signify time, i.e. before or after Christ was born. Some left-wing educrat must have changed the dating system to “B.C.E.” this is ridiculous. SBOE member Knight says that in the “Social Studies community” uses the letter B.C.E. Just another attack on Christ and Christians. They just can’t stand the impact and influence of Christianity throughout the world.

3:11 p.m. Woman testifying about the God references all over Texas buildings and areas. Talking about “God” added to State Texas Pledge. She calls this the “Rest of the story.” Spiritual story of Texas.

Catholics, Father De Jesus was a famous Texan in history.

Texas Holocaust and Genocide Society. Wants Cambodia, Darfur, Rawanda, and Bosnia to examples of genocide.

12:00 p.m. Person testifying about wanting more Hispanics in the Social Studies. Wants the group MALDEF (Mexican American Legal Defense & Education Fund) to be specifically included. Says current standards don’t have enough Hispanics in the courses, but when asked for a number that he wanted, he refused to give a number.

Woman asking for Native Americans to be included. SBOE member Cargill says Native Americans are in 3rd grade, 7th grade and 8th grade. Cargill asks her if she has read the TEKS. Testifier says no, she hasn’t read the text of the standards.

Man asking for TEKS to include specifically Congressional Medal of Honor winners from Texas, including Hispanic winners. Sounds like a good idea, more talk about our military servicepersons is great.

School teacher and military veteran testifying, doesn’t like some proposals of writing teams. Wants to remind we are One Nation Under God. An earlier draft took out mentioning the importance of “family”. Thankfully, “famliy is back in.

Woman testifying, mother, wants Judeo-Christian values fairly and accurately taught in school. She also wants Milton Friedman.

Man testifying, member of Sikh religion. Aware that Sikh religion is listed in 6th grade, list of holidays. But also wants Sikhs added to two more sections of World History courses.

Wants Sikh heritage taught in Social Studies. SBOE member Pat Hardy says she offer to add Sikhs to World History.

NAACP representative testifying, wants U.S.Supreme Court decisions, Sweat v. Painter. included. Says Mirabeau Lamar said, “you shall know the truth, and the truth shall set you free..” Great quote, but Jesus is the source of this quote. From the New Testament of the Bible, Book of John 8:32.

Also, we’ll be working on other important Social Studies issues that still have not received an initial vote, including areas related to religious heritage, faith of our Founding Father, and founding documents.

On January 22, 1973, the U.S. Supreme Court handed down a decision that basically gave women the right to have an abortion through all nine months of pregnancy. THIS IS THE MOST DESTRUCTIVE DECISION EVER BY THE HIGH COURT. Over 50 million babies in the United States have lost their lives and countless lives of women AND men and families have been devistated.

Since this decision, we have had to pass laws like the Born Alive Infant Protection Act and the Partial Birth Abortion Ban Act, and countless parental rights laws to stop the outright expansion of the Roe v. Wade case.

Ballot Proposition #4: Public Acknowledgement of God-The use of the word “God”, prayers, and the Ten Commandments should be allowed at public gatherings and public educational institutions, as well as be permitted on government buildings and propoerty.

Republican proposition results on Public acknowledgement of God:

For: 95.14%

Against: 4.85%

All other Republican propositions passed as well (Sonogram, Tax Cuts, Photo ID, Control Government Growth
....And, Texas has come-up with the non-political "cure", right??


Why is it that you consistently ignore the truth, and support crooks, and liars?

It is the Texas legislators that will decide the textbook issue. The SBOE only makes suggestions.

However, in the list of changes being considered in my earlier post, which would you disagree with?
Written as if young people find out about hip-hop from their textbooks.

What a hoot !!!

"Minority board members also attempted to add hip-hop music to a list of musical and cultural movements that have influenced U.S. history - but that motion failed by one vote.

Opponents cited the often graphic lyrics in hip-hop as making it inappropriate for Texas students..."