Trump's bid for The White House

Bail outs for oil??

These "level playing field" arguments are nonsense. People don't want a level playing field - they want a leg up at the expense of this case the "rich" (whatever that even means).
sorry not bail outs but tax breaks and money thrown at them to do what they are in business for that makes huge profits anyway
After watching Donald Trump:2016 Announcement
egomania, in my opinion, he's got billions of dollars worth of ego to boast about, "American Dream is Dead, I will bring it Back."

Furthermore, he says that "America needs truly great leaders..."

I admire Trump's brave and direct-to-the-point truthfulness about what he will do for his country and countrymen. At his 2016 Announcement for Presidency, did he sound like an obsessively self-absorbed American president? I know who is ...

Donald Trump has my vote...

Then you have no respect from me if you can look at this clown and think yea he is good...The Repubican party has like 15 people who would be better and I hate most of them,,,but they would still be better.
sorry not bail outs but tax breaks and money thrown at them to do what they are in business for that makes huge profits anyway

This is a common refrain from people that simply have no idea what they are talking about.

Let's examine a few facts about "oil subsidies":

In 2010 for example, it was estimated that roughly $4 billion was spent on "oil subsidies" in the United States. You, and the typical uninformed liberal, want to portray this as some needless handout to the "rich, greedy" oil companies. Of that figure, roughly $2.6 billion went to three items:

1) The Strategic Petroleum Reserve (this one is self explanatory)
2) Fuel Tax Exemptions for Farmers (this one gives farmers a fuel tax exemption for fuel they use on the farm)
3) The Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (this helps low income people pay their heating bills)

These three "handouts to big oil" accounted for 65% of oil subsidies in the United States in 2010.

In fact, Republicans (and some Democrats) made efforts to cut back on such subsidies - and were quite vocally opposed by people such as Senator Schumer and Senator Kerry. So the next time someone rants about those greedy oil companies collecting subsidies of the backs of the poor people, you can helpfully point out that in fact about $1.6 billion of it helps poor people pay their heating bills and helps farmers manage their farms.
I'm not trying to be mean or anything like that. I promise! But when you say "philophy" you do mean philosophy, right? My autocorrect wreaks havoc on a lot of my posts. Anyway, if I'm understanding correctly, what you're trying to say is people who adopt the philosophy that the constituton should NOT be pooped on, and some d- bag shouldn't be able to buy the most important job in the country so that they can fuck things up for years and years even after they leave office shouldnt be forgotten because we are at risk of it happening again if the d-bag's brother decides its his turn to buy it... Are just gullible?

Is it your assertion that the candidate that raised more money simply "bought" the election? Did President Obama "buy" the 2008 and 2012 elections by outspending McCain and Romney? Or do you have proof of voters being paid for their votes - if so, I am sure we would all love to hear it. If not, we would all equally love it if you stopped making claims with no basis of proof.

It happened. And gullible is believing its not going to happen again.

And yet your proof has not strange.

If it had been a democrat that lost the election and bought the presidency republicans would be going absolute nuts. But it was a member of their own party, so it should just be forgotten? Look at all the ridiculous attempts to get Obama kicked out of office with the most ridiculous scams and lies i have ever seen. But republicans would just let it go if he did what bush did?

Do tell all the attempts to get President Obama "thrown out of office". Did you arrive at that conclusion watching the formal impeachment hearings in the House that never happened - or the Senate trial that never took place either?

I don't like bigots, cheaters, spin doctors, or elitist who think they can do whatever the want and it's okay because they have money... and because they're white men, of course. But if i haven't seen someone's face on the cover of Forbes, I'm going to assume they aren't as bad of a person as they try to make us believe.

Great - another "white privilege" argument. o_O

But then again, I'm a dreamer.

I choose to believe that everybody has some good in them. No one is COMPLETLY bad. But then damn conservatives have to open their mouths and burst my bubble. Hell, they probably tell children in poor families that Santa isn't real. I'm not going into all the terrible names I call the right behind their backs, ( you know... like hypocrit, liar, republican, elitist, evil... Stuff like that). But all of those people should be ashamed of themselves. It makes me wonder if some of those hypothetical bad people had hypothetical parents at all, to teach them right from wrong.

Yes, clearly everyone in the world who doesn't agree with you should just be ashamed of themselves....:ROFLMAO:
Some don't see this as a surprise, but I wonder why the timing? There must be some strategy as the candidates lay the path for theirs and not much was reported about Trump before the announcement. Usually there are months of rumors and lots of public appearances, either I missed it or wasn't paying attention.

He has the money and media image, but do other politicians really respect him? As a person who has everything money can buy, can he buy his way into the Presidency?
Do other candidates respect him? No.
Can he buy his way into the presidency? OMG, I hope not. I realize that money has corrupted our political system, but if a guy like trump can buy the WH, then it's a lot worse than I thought even in my most cynical moments.

He's started off by ticking off the largest and fastest growing minority in the country. Good start.
Is it your assertion that the candidate that raised more money simply "bought" the election? Did President Obama "buy" the 2008 and 2012 elections by outspending McCain and Romney? Or do you have proof of voters being paid for their votes - if so, I am sure we would all love to hear it. If not, we would all equally love it if you stopped making claims with no basis of proof.

And yet your proof has not strange.

Do tell all the attempts to get President Obama "thrown out of office". Did you arrive at that conclusion watching the formal impeachment hearings in the House that never happened - or the Senate trial that never took place either?

Great - another "white privilege" argument. o_O

Yes, clearly everyone in the world who doesn't agree with you should just be ashamed of themselves....:ROFLMAO:
I'm not sure but I bet it may be against the rules for you to challenge me for proof after one paragraph, and then make a smartassy comment about me not providing the proof I was challenged to provide after the next paragraph, when it's all in the same response... :p

Why do conservatives always look you in the eye and tell you to prove they pulled the trigger when they have the gun in their hand, but you don't have a camera. Denying the attempts to get Obama out of office because they failed like big, fat, smelly losers, doesn't mean they didn't try. It doesn't matter how many times you deny the truth. They tried and FAILED MISERABLY after Benghazi, the FAILED ATTEMPT to prove he isn't American because they had his birth certificate (another attempt to make a lie true by saying it over and over again), the attempt to sue the President of the United States because of of his executive actions,... how many of these do I need to list here?

There is a huge difference between "not doing something" and "doing it and FAILING".

A claim that money has nothing to do with who wins the election is ridiculous. If someone honestly believes that... well thats a very ignorant point of view. Did Obama use money to win? Yes he did. He got the democratic nomination because he spent enough money to make his name recognizable. Can you guess why I'm not president? It isnt about my criminal record, skin color, the fact that I am of the fairer sex, or anything else. Its because I don't have a billion dollars to sponsor my campaign.

i appreciate everybody's right to agree or disagree. And I don't hold people's opinions against them. But I also think its stupid to use a fallacious argument because you are banking on someone not having physical proof.

Rhetoric is NOT the bread and butter of a good argument.
@LilAnn Hold your horses... rein up your tongue. You are taking full liberal use of it --unproven and it's quite blanched with character assassinations. After all that rant, you still haven't provided evidences for your claims. But if you can't, still fine with me.

Obama won the elections, twice-- placed in position. He's a politician. He knows how to manipulate and play dirty by being Mr. Nice Guy with campaign tactics like, "Anti-Bullying, 100% Support for Israel..." propaganda into his presidential future (March 10,2011). Apparently, voters, and a significant number of them are "likely non-citizens" that helped Democrats get elected. They are through and through Left, for Pete's sake!
  • Read books such as: "Bullies: How the Left's Culture of Fear and Intimidation Silences Americans" by Ben Shapiro.
  • And, "The Case Against Barack Obama: The Unlikely Rise and Unexamined Agenda of the Media's Favorite Candidate" by David Freddoso.
  • "The People vs. Barack Obama: The Criminal Case Against the Obama Administration" by Ben Shapiro.

Read sites such as:

I highly recommend them. Sincerely, @AbeLincoln.
My humble opinion is that Donald Trump is just stirring the pot, but I think he could pull the country out of the fiscal hole that Obama has pushed us into. As far as electing a president who "cares about everyone," I really dread the thought of another Nanny and First Nanny living in the White House! How about a president who loves our country, and appreciates our place in history? It would be really nice to have a leader who understands American exceptionalism and the separation of powers and the purpose of our Constitution. I don't need one who cares about me. I'd prefer one who would mind his own business, and leave us grownups to mind ours.
I'm not sure but I bet it may be against the rules for you to challenge me for proof after one paragraph, and then make a smartassy comment about me not providing the proof I was challenged to provide after the next paragraph, when it's all in the same response... :p

Either you can substantiate your claims or you appears you cannot.

Why do conservatives always look you in the eye and tell you to prove they pulled the trigger when they have the gun in their hand, but you don't have a camera. Denying the attempts to get Obama out of office because they failed like big, fat, smelly losers, doesn't mean they didn't try. It doesn't matter how many times you deny the truth. They tried and FAILED MISERABLY after Benghazi, the FAILED ATTEMPT to prove he isn't American because they had his birth certificate (another attempt to make a lie true by saying it over and over again), the attempt to sue the President of the United States because of of his executive actions,... how many of these do I need to list here?

Let's just be very clear. There is a clear mechanism in place to "remove" the President from office. At no time has this mechanism been undertaken in any way. Those are facts. Pointing to political fights where the opposition party disagreed with the sitting President (how surprising) and claiming that is akin to an effort to "remove" him from office is simply absurd on its face.

There is a huge difference between "not doing something" and "doing it and FAILING".

Again - please highlight when Republicans used the formal mechanisms in place to remove a sitting President. In the absence of that, your claim that they attempted to "remove" him from office is simply false.

A claim that money has nothing to do with who wins the election is ridiculous.

Probably why you would be unable to point to me saying such a thing here.

If someone honestly believes that... well thats a very ignorant point of view. Did Obama use money to win? Yes he did. He got the democratic nomination because he spent enough money to make his name recognizable. Can you guess why I'm not president? It isnt about my criminal record, skin color, the fact that I am of the fairer sex, or anything else. Its because I don't have a billion dollars to sponsor my campaign.

Elections are about more than name ID. Let's face it. Romney spent in the ballpark of exactly the same amount of money as Obama. Did people not know who Romney was? You have asserted in a previous post that an election was "bought" as if it was an unfair election in some manner. If you (or anyone) has proof of this, let's hear it. If not, then you are simply making an unsubstantiated claim with no basis in fact.

i appreciate everybody's right to agree or disagree. And I don't hold people's opinions against them. But I also think its stupid to use a fallacious argument because you are banking on someone not having physical proof.

I don't need your physical proof. But surely you can produce something to add some validity to your own statement.

Rhetoric is NOT the bread and butter of a good argument.

I agree - which is why I think you have presented a rather poor argument.
@AbeLincoln @BigRob

I'm going to address you both at the same time. I'm on 3 hours of sleep because I have an annoying puppy who likes to bite my hand at 4:45 am. So I'm not at my best, so don't expect a lot of big words.

Its true that no impeachment proceedings have been in the works. But the attempts have been made so many times. If the police are following you around, digging paper cups out of your trash can to get DNA, giving you a polygraph, and taking you in for questioning right when you are in the middle of a big presentation for possible investors they haven't tried to convict you, per se. But they have tried. Its still just as annoying, petty, distracting, and damning. Being suspected, of murder can ruin your life if you get convicted or not. Its about intent. And the intent has been there for almost 8 years. They just aren't as smart as the politicians in office while Clinton was President.

I realize immigrants are democrats. It wouldn't make sense for them not to be. But him allowing so many to cross the border had doodoo heads wanting to sue him. because thats what certain people want to do. Sue the President of the United States because they don't like him. It effing stupid. Whoever came up with that scheme should be flogged and stoned. That isn't about the party they are affiliated with, either. Its personal to the ***** who came up with it.
Hell, I would say the same thing if it was a Bush in office.

Mitt Romney did put out as much money as Obama. Thats when it comes down to who is less stupid than the other candidate. Paul Ryan's ugly ass posed on a weight bench lifting a 5 lb weight. It makes me really angry when they try to make us believe someone is good looking when they aren't. Especially when they are supposed to be running for the most important job in the entire country. Its not going to be beneficial at all to get a guy who can lift 5 pounds with one hand in the VP seat. I'm female and I can literally lift that with one finger. Literally. The person who came up with that strategy is probably the same one who thought suing the President was a good idea.

Anyway, @AbeLincoln your name makes me like you even though I don't know you.

And, finally, I always use make full liberal use of my tongue, (lol). Seri0usly, though, I'm kind of known for it.