JPRD if you are going to defend Israel's terrorism and theft of the Palestinian;s land in terms of historical ownership then you are obliged to defend the rights of the native Amricans to get their land back
Otherwise your 'reasoning' is inconsistent and you are a hypocrite
It seldom works to explain oneself multiple times to someone who doesn't want to understand, but I'll try once more. Please pay attention this time???
1. Your claim that Israel came into existence as a result of Israeli terrorism and theft is a LIE! Israel was founded upon a United Nations' declaration. Within hours of that vote, Islamic radicals attacked Israeli settlements in overwhelming numbers. Those radicals were eventually defeated, but Islamic elements continued to attack and murder Israeli citizens when the opportunities arose.
2. The additional lands that you claim Israel "occupies" include the left bank of the Jordan River and the Golan Heights, and at one time also included the Gaza Strip. Those lands were taken by Israel AFTER Israel was attacked by forces of Syria, Egypt, and others. Those nations LOST their aggressive war against Israel, and the lands taken from them deserved to be taken in order to provide buffer zones against further aggression on their part! When you're attacked by those who demand your extinction, you do NOT continue to make your extinction easier for your enemies!
3. History is full of examples where lands have been taken from one group or another by a more powerful foe, some for the betterment of the world and some for the worse. Native-American history is full of examples where one tribe or another took lands from other Native-American foes, long before the first European arrived. In the case of the USA, the more-advanced culture prevailed against the less-advanced cultures. This is true also in the case of Israeli and Islamic cultures. The world would be a far less desirable place if Islamic radicals were running things.
If you want play real-life games, perhaps you should lobby to have the USA given to one Native-American tribe or another???? You could then find yourself a boat, and row to wherever you think you deserve to live. With any luck, you'll find a nation whose immigration laws aren't enforced, and one that would give you free healthcare and a steady income...... no, that won't work, for the USA won't exist anymore. Good luck! Oh, and if you don't like this option and want to remain where you are, then all your talk about giving the USA back to Native Americans is hogwash, and it is you who are the hypocrite! Get it now????