Vaccine manufacturer withdraws covid vaccine from market as lawsuits mount

Where's all the law suits Marky boy?
There was none? How did I know that? You lied again. God will not be pleased.
Where's all the law suits Marky boy?
There was none? How did I know that? You lied again. God will not be pleased.
I don't know, nobody told me they were suing officials for getting sick from the vaccine. Do you have evidence that those people are not suing?
I don't know, nobody told me they were suing officials for getting sick from the vaccine. Do you have evidence that those people are not suing?
You said the law suits were piling up. Now your backing out of that.

I haven't seen evidence of anyone suing them. You're lying as usual.
You said the law suits were piling up. Now your backing out of that.

I haven't seen evidence of anyone suing them. You're lying as usual. 11-13-23

Surge in Vaccine Lawsuits Forces Biden Admin to Hire More Attorneys

Published Nov 13, 2023 at 7:56 PM ESTUpdated Nov 13, 2023 at 9:59 PM EST

Surge In Vaccine Lawsuits Forces Biden Admin To Hire More Attorneys

The administration of President Joe Biden is hiring additional attorneys to help handle the workload from vaccine lawsuits after seeing a spike in people filing claims. 11-13-23

Surge in Vaccine Lawsuits Forces Biden Admin to Hire More Attorneys

Published Nov 13, 2023 at 7:56 PM ESTUpdated Nov 13, 2023 at 9:59 PM EST

Surge In Vaccine Lawsuits Forces Biden Admin To Hire More Attorneys

The administration of President Joe Biden is hiring additional attorneys to help handle the workload from vaccine lawsuits after seeing a spike in people filing claims.
Those aren't lawsuits against manufacturers, moron
Those aren't lawsuits against manufacturers, moron
Manufacturers cannot be sued because they worked out prior deals with the government to give them immunitity from lawsuits they were sure would follow from the damages done by their insufficiently tested vaccines.
Manufacturers cannot be sued because they worked out prior deals with the government to give them immunitity from lawsuits they were sure would follow from the damages done by their insufficiently tested vaccines.
The National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program
When Congress granted drug companies immunity in regular Court with the Vaccine Act, it established the Vaccine Injury Compensation Program. The no-fault compensation program is its own "court" created to compensate those who claim to have suffered vaccine side effects caused by vaccines.

Since the program's creation in the late 1980s, it has paid more than $4 billion to those who said vaccines harmed them

Right you file claims instead

Feel free to prove they were insufficient test3d, ly8ng moron
Manufacturers cannot be sued because they worked out prior deals with the government to give them immunitity from lawsuits they were sure would follow from the damages done by their insufficiently tested vaccines.
You have irrefutable evidence of that?
The pharmaceutical company admits there is a link between their vaccine and injuries and deaths, but claim the negative side effects are rare. How rare is debatable as dozens of lawsuits make their way through courts in the wake of hundreds of vaccine deaths and injuries.

Pharmaceutical company AstraZeneca says it has begun the global withdrawal of its Covid vaccine. Photograph: Dado Ruvić/Reuters


AstraZeneca withdraws Covid-19 vaccine worldwide, citing surplus of newer vaccines
So you think they are stopping the vaccine because of mounting lawsuits against someone else? Lol
The pharmaceutical company admits there is a link between their vaccine and injuries and deaths, but claim the negative side effects are rare. How rare is debatable as dozens of lawsuits make their way through courts in the wake of hundreds of vaccine deaths and injuries.

Pharmaceutical company AstraZeneca says it has begun the global withdrawal of its Covid vaccine. Photograph: Dado Ruvić/Reuters


AstraZeneca withdraws Covid-19 vaccine worldwide, citing surplus of newer vaccines
No where in that article does any pharmaceutical companies admit liability.
In fact, there's proof it saved millions of lives.
But if you want to blame someone, Trump was the one who pushed for the early release of anything injectable. Including disinfectant and horse drench. Don't forget the strong light you shove up your arse to kill it. That worked well.
The National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program
When Congress granted drug companies immunity in regular Court with the Vaccine Act, it established the Vaccine Injury Compensation Program. The no-fault compensation program is its own "court" created to compensate those who claim to have suffered vaccine side effects caused by vaccines.

Since the program's creation in the late 1980s, it has paid more than $4 billion to those who said vaccines harmed them

Right you file claims instead

Feel free to prove they were insufficient test3d, ly8ng moron
Two months was not enough time to properly test the vaccine but in the rush to provide assurances to the public that help from the government was on the way, the drugs were released to the public which have been serving for the last few years as participants in the testing phase of the drug.
So you think they are stopping the vaccine because of mounting lawsuits against someone else? Lol
I'm sure they have thousands of reasons for discontinuing the vaccine now that the 2020 election is over and there is no longer widespread panic being created by leftist news articles.
No where in that article does any pharmaceutical companies admit liability.
In fact, there's proof it saved millions of lives.
But if you want to blame someone, Trump was the one who pushed for the early release of anything injectable. Including disinfectant and horse drench. Don't forget the strong light you shove up your arse to kill it. That worked well.
No, none of those in pharmaceutical companies, the government, the media, or those people who funded the research that invented covid will likely ever admit wrongdoing or apologize for what they did.
Two months was not enough time to properly test the vaccine but in the rush to provide assurances to the public that help from the government was on the way, the drugs were released to the public which have been serving for the last few years as participants in the testing phase of the drug.
it wasn't enough time? ok. doctor mark, prove it wasn't. lol
it wasn't enough time? ok. doctor mark, prove it wasn't. lol
The drug companies and their used car salesmen have made their millions and are now closing up shop since the devastating consequences of their failures are increasing.