W Tax Cuts

Yes, but our Founders knew this and they did not want a democracy in the true sense of the word to avoid this problem- (THC do you know what a democracy is?) So, they structured a perfect constitutional republic. It worked very well for 200 years, but now the liberal vermin have infested every nook and cranny of our government and culture.

How do you like this analogy? The USA is like a beautiful well built house infested with termites (aka liberals). And, those termites have eaten the foundation to the point where the house is teetering and about to crumble.

I really like that analogy. It is so very apt.

Let's see... liberal vermin, meaning vermin who favor big, powerful central government over civil liberties (definition you already gave.)

According to your timeline, the government was kept small and unintrusive for 200 years, from 1787, when the Constitution was adopted, until 1987.

So, what happened in 1987 that suddenly started an out of control growth of government and decline of individual liberties?

Was it the beginning of deficit spending? That became popular around that time.

And, was FDR and the New Deal, then, a part of the halcyon days before those dreadful libs took over our country?
Let's see... liberal vermin, meaning vermin who favor big, powerful central government over civil liberties (definition you already gave.)

According to your timeline, the government was kept small and unintrusive for 200 years, from 1787, when the Constitution was adopted, until 1987.

So, what happened in 1987 that suddenly started an out of control growth of government and decline of individual liberties?

Was it the beginning of deficit spending? That became popular around that time.

And, was FDR and the New Deal, then, a part of the halcyon days before those dreadful libs took over our country?

Okay. You pick the number of years. It was an arbitrary number anyway.

It does take awhile for vermin (liberals) to destroy a nation from within.

Another analogy for you...liberals are like rust on a car. The rust like liberals slowly but viciously work their hideous ways to demolish all that is good.

It is very gradual you see, but we are coming to a breaking point now where the house collapses or the car completely rusts out.
Okay. You pick the number of years. It was an arbitrary number anyway.

It does take awhile for vermin (liberals) to destroy a nation from within.

Another analogy for you...liberals are like rust on a car. The rust like liberals slowly but viciously work their hideous ways to demolish all that is good.

It is very gradual you see, but we are coming to a breaking point now where the house collapses or the car completely rusts out.

well that settles it, prezbo must be a socialist because he's eating away like a virulently aggressive cancer.
Okay. You pick the number of years. It was an arbitrary number anyway.

It does take awhile for vermin (liberals) to destroy a nation from within.

Another analogy for you...liberals are like rust on a car. The rust like liberals slowly but viciously work their hideous ways to demolish all that is good.

It is very gradual you see, but we are coming to a breaking point now where the house collapses or the car completely rusts out.

I think it goes back to the 1980s, when the decision was made that the way to cut back the size of government was not to spend less, but to cut taxes and borrow the difference. Let's see, it was called voodoo economics, I believe.
WTH is this? Dems for W tax cuts. Really? This must blow the minds (non-functioning) of DF liberals everywhere....

Democrats Dissent on Bush Cuts

Two more Senate Democrats called for extending tax cuts for all earners—including those with the highest incomes—in what appears to be a breakdown of the party's consensus on the how to handle the expiration of Bush-era tax cuts.

Sen. Kent Conrad (D., N.D.) said in an interview Wednesday that Congress shouldn't allow taxes on the wealthy to rise until the economy is on a sounder footing.

Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner said the Obama administration will allow tax cuts for the wealthiest Americans to expire despite calls from a small group of Democrats to delay tax increases. Kelly Evans talks to John McKinnon in Washington.

Sen. Ben Nelson (D., Neb.) said through a spokesman that he also supported extending all the expiring tax cuts for now, adding that he wanted to offset the impact on federal deficits as much as possible.

They are the second and third Senate Democrats to come out publicly in recent days in favor of extending all the tax breaks for the time being. Sen. Evan Bayh (D., Ind.) made similar comments last week.
WTH is this? Dems for W tax cuts. Really? This must blow the minds (non-functioning) of DF liberals everywhere....

It's more likely to blow the minds of partisans on both sides who seem to think that the parties have to move in lock step.
The truth will set you free...
