What did Einstein believe ?

the annoying thing

Well-Known Member
Jan 17, 2022
Much has been written about Einstein and God. Was the great scientist religious? What did he believe in? What was God to Einstein? In what is perhaps his most famous remark involving God, Einstein expressed his dissatisfaction with the randomness in quantum physics: his “God doesn’t play dice” quote. The actual phrasing, from a letter Einstein wrote to his friend and colleague Max Born, dated December 4, 1926, is very revealing of his worldview:

Quantum mechanics is very worthy of regard. But an inner voice tells me that this is not the true Jacob. The theory yields much, but it hardly brings us close to the secrets of the Ancient One. In any case, I am convinced that He does not play dice.

Einstein’s View of God
Nancy Ellen Abrams and Joel R. Primack
Did Albert Einstein believe in God? In 1992 when astronomer George Smoot announced
the discovery of ripples in the heat radiation still arriving from the Big Bang, he said it
was “like seeing the face of God.” A somewhat more modest astrophysicist, whose
theory had correctly predicted the discovery, was quoted as calling the ripples, “the
handwriting of God.” Are these references to the Creator sacrilegious or legitimate
interpretations? Either way, they are part of a search that Einstein began – the search
for language to communicate the sacred dimension of doing science.
When Neils Bohr and others were developing the quantum theory, it was spiritually
unacceptable to Einstein that the ultimate nature of reality was randomness. “The
[quantum] theory yields much,” he wrote to quantum physicist Max Born in 1926, “but
it hardly brings us close to the secrets of the Ancient One. In any case, I am convinced
that He does not play dice.” Generations of physicists have been profoundly influenced
by the faith of the man who wrote, “I am a deeply religious nonbeliever....This is a
somewhat new kind of religion.”
Recently an article in the magazine Nature reported the results of a poll that was first
taken more than 80 years ago and repeated in 1998. Originally 40% of scientists had said
they believed in God. People who assume God is incompatible with science were
surprised that the percentage of scientists who answered yes in 1998 was the same.
They expected far fewer. But if the question had been worded differently, there might
have been even more. Einstein and the many scientists who are his spiritual companions
were excluded, since the poll asked scientists if they believed in a personal God who
answered prayers. To Einstein the concept of a personal God was naïve, and it was the
main source of conflict between science and religion. God was not a father, king, or
confidant. Nor was God the source of morality to Einstein. “The foundation of morality
should not be made dependent on myth nor tied to any authority,” he warned, “lest doubt
about the myth or about the legitimacy of the authority imperil the foundation of sound
judgment and action.” Ethical behavior, he wrote, “should be based on sympathy,
education, and social ties and needs; no religious basis is necessary.”
What kind of God, then, did Einstein believe in? “I believe in Spinoza’s God who reveals
himself in the harmony of all that exists, but not in a God who concerns himself with the
fate and actions of human beings.” The rock of Einstein’s faith was that the world is
rational. The fact is, the world doesn’t have to be rational. It can’t be proved to be. But
to Einstein, what made science possible was this faith: causes lead to effects not by
anyone’s changeable will but by the operation of natural laws. For him the greatest
sacrilege was belief in miracles. If miracles were possible then knowledge of truth was
impossible because there would be no truth. He felt no awe for a willful, human-like God

but for the brilliant simplicity of the laws that have guided the evolution of the universe.
“Whoever has undergone the intense experience of successful advances made in [science],”
he wrote, “is moved by profound reverence for the rationality made manifest in
existence.” He named this special reverence “cosmic religious feeling...which knows no
dogma and no God conceived in man’s image.” Cosmic religious feeling he defined as
awareness of a “spirit manifest in the laws of the universe – a spirit vastly superior to
that of man.”

Obviously, it can get confusing but to me he believed in some type of cosmic order a unseen creator so to speak . Of course that's what I think opinions will vary
When Einstein said he believed in some type of cosmic order was he referring to a god or something else obviously he didn't believe it was all Random and did not believe in the biblical god but seems to believe in some type of force .
Kinda interesting .
When Einstein said he believed in some type of cosmic order was he referring to a god or something else obviously he didn't believe it was all Random and did not believe in the biblical god but seems to believe in some type of force .
Kinda interesting .
This should have accompanyied your pathetic attempt to ridicule science.

I do not believe in a personal God and I have never denied this but have expressed it clearly. If something is in me which can be called religious then it is the unbounded admiration for the structure of the world so far as our science can reveal it.
This should have accompanyied your pathetic attempt to ridicule science.

I do not believe in a personal God and I have never denied this but have expressed it clearly. If something is in me which can be called religious then it is the unbounded admiration for the structure of the world so far as our science can reveal it.
First off Boris you lug nut I was not in any way ridiculing science or Einstein he is perhaps the smartest man to live in hundreds of years and Einstein did not believe in the religious god either as is obvious, he did not specify what . His own words ,Quantum mechanics is very worthy of regard. But an inner voice tells me that this is not the true Jacob. The theory yields much, but it hardly brings us close to the
secrets of the Ancient One. In any case, I am convinced that He does not play dice. that statement leaves a lot open for interpatient

He didn't believe in god but clearly felt there was some unseen or better put unknown force in the universe. I my self think he was referring to general natural occurrences but with some type of order. As I can not ask him and he didn't elaborate I will never know what he was suggesting .

Your natural reaction was to attack me and be hateful as is your typical response. And you have the nerve to say mark will not debate you ?
I started this thread so people could express's their opinions on him and offer some opinions on what he was referring to.
First off Boris you lug nut I was not in any way ridiculing science or Einstein he is perhaps the smartest man to live in hundreds of years and Einstein did not believe in the religious god either as is obvious, he did not specify what . His own words ,Quantum mechanics is very worthy of regard. But an inner voice tells me that this is not the true Jacob. The theory yields much, but it hardly brings us close to the
secrets of the Ancient One. In any case, I am convinced that He does not play dice. that statement leaves a lot open for interpatient

He didn't believe in god but clearly felt there was some unseen or better put unknown force in the universe. I my self think he was referring to general natural occurrences but with some type of order. As I can not ask him and he didn't elaborate I will never know what he was suggesting .

Your natural reaction was to attack me and be hateful as is your typical response. And you have the nerve to say mark will not debate you ?
I started this thread so people could express's their opinions on him and offer some opinions on what he was referring to.
I will always attack idiots like you who attack intelligent people and misconstrue the facts.

Your self assessment as some mountain of knowledge is fast becoming a depression in the ground.
I know exactly the game you're playing so stop your uneducated babble unless it is required elsewhere.
I will always attack idiots like you who attack intelligent people and misconstrue the facts.

Your self assessment as some mountain of knowledge is fast becoming a depression in the ground.
I know exactly the game you're playing so stop your uneducated babble unless it is required elsewhere.
did I attack Lug nut Einstein ? not at all I am not attacking him I generally agree with him but am looking for some clarification on what his point was , As he left a lot out . I want others opinion , And I did not misconstrue the facts I only reposted what he said and asked other what they think he was saying .
Your a real lug nut You know Boris science and theory's change and are not always exact especially when you enter the realm of how life started and the creation of the universe from nothing . There are many theory's on how the universe started as a matter of fact there are 5 major theory's beside the creation in the form of the bible . Science is researching and adjusting as verified information or theroys become available

did I attack Lug nut Einstein ? not at all I am not attacking him I generally agree with him but am looking for some clarification on what his point was , As he left a lot out . I want others opinion , And I did not misconstrue the facts I only reposted what he said and asked other what they think he was saying .
Your a real lug nut You know Boris science and theory's change and are not always exact especially when you enter the realm of how life started and the creation of the universe from nothing . There are many theory's on how the universe started as a matter of fact there are 5 major theory's beside the creation in the form of the bible . Science is researching and adjusting as verified information or theroys become available
Yeah I'm a lug nut because a brain dead old fart keeps telling me.

Admit it. You post was a poke at science disguised as genuine enquiry. You can find that info everywhere but no, let's have a dig at the atheists.

You're the lug nut if you think I can't see through that.
Yeah I'm a lug nut because a brain dead old fart keeps telling me.

Admit it. You post was a poke at science disguised as genuine enquiry. You can find that info everywhere but no, let's have a dig at the atheists.

You're the lug nut if you think I can't see through that.
no it was not you lug nut , How was I poking at science lug nut
Back to Einstein. Clearly one of the smartest men 8n who knows how long. I wish Einstein and Steven Hawking could of had 30 years you work together on good health. Hawking I admired the most to have his mind and his body fail him yet he still lived for science that did not help him .
Now he had no belief as Einstein did that there was something not god but something' . Hawkings was straight up a total 100 percent non believer.
With several different theories on how the universe started it gets interesting.
I so wish I could understand more about quantum mechanics and string theory whick Kuku os also a big follower of. But its all to mich for me at this point in my life . but i still have a interest in it
Back to Einstein. Clearly one of the smartest men 8n who knows how long. I wish Einstein and Steven Hawking could of had 30 years you work together on good health. Hawking I admired the most to have his mind and his body fail him yet he still lived for science that did not help him .
Now he had no belief as Einstein did that there was something not god but something' . Hawkings was straight up a total 100 percent non believer.
With several different theories on how the universe started it gets interesting.
I so wish I could understand more about quantum mechanics and string theory whick Kuku os also a big follower of. But its all to mich for me at this point in my life . but i still have a interest in it
Here's what Hawking thinks of the silly god

And it's no better for the Jesus junkies if they claim Einstein as one of their own.
