What have we become.

Boris Norris

Well-Known Member
Jun 15, 2022
This should be concerning for anyone who is patriotic.

This country has sank to depths of an African country with two dictators fighting for power. The election of Trump has change the whole direction of the country.

Republicans elected a narrcissistic physcopath because he told them everything they wanted to hear. He polarised debate with a ledger bulging with lies and impossible predictions. He destroyed long fought for unity and traditions of bi partisanship in the greatest country on earth. He caused the deaths of hundreds of thousands of people through his negligence and ignorance and bravado.
He misused campaign funds to supplement his diet of sex. He is a proven sexual assaulter. He was impeached twice for breaking his oath of office.
When crunch time came he denied he lost which led us to where we are now.

Stolen secret documents and refusing to return them. He's now up on 90 charges and still mounting.
Included in the conspiracy is another 18 people who went to great lengths to steal an election by orchestrating fake electors and much more.

Rudy Giuliani was once revered as America's mayor but now he will be uncovered as a common criminal after he succumbed to the spell of Trump. His who reputation is worthless now. Other nut cases followed suit.

We've got a gun culture which is out of control and no one cares. The mere mention of tighter restrictions send the cowboys to the gun shops to buy more bullets. How does that solve the problem? The j6 riots proved they are not armed to remove tyrannical governments. Not a shot fired and a disgraceful exhibition of mad people under the spell of a fascist wanting to install a dictatorship.

We have about 50 million who still believe he is the rightful POTUS simply because he said he was. No evidence has ever been uncovered to prove that but they maintain the rage as if something will change that. Trump faces certain jail for his crimes but still they donate millions to help him pay his legal fees.
There's something wrong with these people who refuse to accept democracy because Trump told them different.

The j6 riot produced the republican backed grown men masquerading as defenders of patriotism and democracy. Silly name gangs and clans doing exactly the opposite for what stand for. You can't right comedy like it.
They are now serving jail time and wished they'd never listened to trump.

We have two raving lunatics, Taylor Greene and Brobert belching crap at the speed of sound and a big number of Congress doing the same.

If Trump loses the election of goes to jail, according to public nut cases, civil war will follow. How does everybody feel about that bearing in mind the reason is based on a lie. That would involve the military on their own citizens. Shades of Nixon in Ohio.

What can we do? After the fiasco of Trump, no government will attempt anything like that again which leaves it to fizzle out through the courts.

Am I the only one who can see it.
Am I the only one who can see it.
I can see it, I lived through it. I was a kid at the end of WW2. It was a time when the people of the USA were united, except for abject racism. My mom riveted planes, and ran a gasket punch. We were in a war economy, food rations, everybody recycling metal, fuel shortages. I have seen us go through the Korean war with almost the same fervor.

The Vietnam war was an inflection point where liberal and conservatism became more apparent to me. And now we are a disgraceful Ununited States of America. I don't read much about politics anymore and don't much care. Trump, DeSantis, used to incite me, but now they are just amusing. I don't worry about global warming, it's a done deal, and the ball is passed to the next generation who really should worry about it if they can get their faces out of their smart phones. I won't be shattered even if those silly Americans vote Marjory Greene as president. My life won't change.

Call me apathetic. I have my own fun things to do. I have participated in a tremendous rise of technology from vacuum tubes to massive nanometer circuits and AI. The technology will still rise, but the culture that uses it is rotting. This isn't my country anymore. And I don't care. That is the only way I can survive this crap.

I can see it, I lived through it. I was a kid at the end of WW2. It was a time when the people of the USA were united, except for abject racism. My mom riveted planes, and ran a gasket punch. We were in a war economy, food rations, everybody recycling metal, fuel shortages. I have seen us go through the Korean war with almost the same fervor.

The Vietnam war was an inflection point where liberal and conservatism became more apparent to me. And now we are a disgraceful Ununited States of America. I don't read much about politics anymore and don't much care. Trump, DeSantis, used to incite me, but now they are just amusing. I don't worry about global warming, it's a done deal, and the ball is passed to the next generation who really should worry about it if they can get their faces out of their smart phones. I won't be shattered even if those silly Americans vote Marjory Greene as president. My life won't change.

Call me apathetic. I have my own fun things to do. I have participated in a tremendous rise of technology from vacuum tubes to massive nanometer circuits and AI. The technology will still rise, but the culture that uses it is rotting. This isn't my country anymore. And I don't care. That is the only way I can survive this crap.

Sadly comrade you are right