What will happen when Russians face war crimes

the annoying thing

Well-Known Member
Jan 17, 2022
Will they cry and beg for mercey ? Will they run and hide ? Will they deny deny ?
Will they be hanged or shot or jailed ?and what about collaborators like our stalin here ?
Will they cry and beg for mercey ? Will they run and hide ? Will they deny deny ?
Will they be hanged or shot or jailed ?and what about collaborators like our stalin here ?
I assume they will be put before somr courts. Not sure what penalties apply since we've moved on since Nuremberg.

That rat on here will fade into the sunset like the gutless wimp should.
Will not happen.

How many russian speakers have been killed by zelnsky's gestapo ?

Never any mention of Ukrainian war crimes of course.

Comrade Stalin
Will not happen.

How many russian speakers have been killed by zelnsky's gestapo ?

Never any mention of Ukrainian war crimes of course.

Comrade Stalin
What Ukraine war crimes defending themselves from a invading military dictatorship ?
Putin has become the new Hitler.
When young, unarmed children and the old are targeted, prisoner executions and curtain types of physical abuse use as torture. these are war crimes, its hard for me to be tough on the Ukrainians for executions as the Russians are the invaders and have not right to be there .
When young, unarmed children and the old are targeted, prisoner executions and curtain types of physical abuse use as torture. these are war crimes, its hard for me to be tough on the Ukrainians for executions as the Russians are the invaders and have not right to be there .

Anybody who commits real war crimes should pay for it. International law applies to everybody.

Just don't get your news from CNN.
Don't let the lying libtards dictate your views of this war. Libtards will find racism in anything like this idiot writing for Brookings(Sociologist Ray) who claims black refugees from Ukraine(All 5 of them?) are being denied entrance into border countries and it is Putin's fault.

Watch carefully how these liars operate.

There are many reports of Black people being refused at border crossings in favor of white Ukrainians, leaving them stuck at borders for days in brutal conditions. Ukraine stated they would first allow women and children on trains and transport out of the country to flee the Russian invasion. However, it seems they meant Ukrainian and European women and children. Videos show Black people being pushed off trains and Black drivers being reprimanded and stalled by Ukrainians as they try to flee. There are even reports of animals being allowed on trains before Africans.

Of course none of those videos are provided by this liar. Just like we had not one video of all the racism taking place at the University of Missouri. "Reports" and "videos" but you never see them. No specifics provided as to offending countries either. Poland? Romania? I doubt sociologist Ray could find them on a map.

So while I'm sure there have been Russian war crimes CNN and morons like this are not your best source.
Anybody who commits real war crimes should pay for it. International law applies to everybody.

Just don't get your news from CNN.
Dont be so ridiculous. You can get that evidence from any main newstream in Europe. The is NO doubt it happened so cut the wriggling around protecting him.
According to a book by this Stanford Political scientist the Bush administration committed 269 war crimes.

The book was published in 2008.

This 2015 Esquire article excoriates the Bush administration for it's war crimes and particularly DICK Cheney.

This shows how mindless and unprincipled libtards are.
According to a book by this Stanford Political scientist the Bush administration committed 269 war crimes.

The book was published in 2008.

This 2015 Esquire article excoriates the Bush administration for it's war crimes and particularly DICK Cheney.

This shows how mindless and unprincipled libtards are.
Does it? I think it shows what a pompous self opinionated narcissistic psychopath you are.