You might be a democrat if

the annoying thing

Well-Known Member
Jan 17, 2022
A man convicted of holding a pregnant woman at gunpoint while his friends robbed her house and there's a cocaine and drug addict and was passing bad money is a heroScreenshot_20220729-165336.png
you might be a moron if you think posting pictures proves something. lol.

you're the moron who posted the picture about dems being "confused" about bill clinton being a husband...even though of course he is one. lol
you might be a moron if you think posting pictures proves something. lol.

you're the moron who posted the picture about dems being "confused" about bill clinton being a husband...even though of course he is one. lol
Cant take a little joking and a bit of truth hey .lol Another angry democrat who can not handle a bit of truth and a little humor .
My my your sensitive poor thing. I hope you didn't shed to many tears and suffer a severe case of butt hurt . Screenshot_20220618-231037.png
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Cant take a little joking and a bit of truth hey .lol Another angry democrat who can not handle a bit of truth and a little humor .
My my your sensitive poor thing. I hope you didn't shed to many tears and suffer a severe case of butt hurt . View attachment 1627
There's a bit of truth in all of those photos , lol and thats what makes it funny and annoying as hell to you.
And yes your but hr a bit because you do not want me talking about such things that make your political choices questionable which reflects on you as a man . SO its preferred by you to attack me and my posts to attempt to belittle me and the truths in my posts do you will not have to accept the truth about your political party you have chosen to belong to.
You see Im a real man and can admit the republ9can party is not perfect and I dont agree with all of its policy's and actions , The meat head patrol, here has proven to me they are not capable of comprehending that reality of that. You had some hopes of being a honest man who I could talk to openly and fairly but blew it early on. actually find you smarter than the other members . But still lack the honesty and have huge inflated ego .
Sam shame I have some fine old school democrat friends and was one at one time .
We need to be Americans first and political idealist last .
"little joking"? zero percent joking. lol.

"bit of truth"? ok, what is the "truth" in bill clinon not being a husband? lol
the problem is that your "little joking" obsesses about one party in general, and one family in particular, and its not really "joking", its attacks.

that's hateful and anti-american.
why don't you do the same things for republicans? why did you defend trump's handling of covid which anyone objective can see was terrible.
why don't you do the same things for republicans? why did you defend trump's handling of covid which anyone objective can see was terrible.
The Thing chose George Floyd as his first victim to make fun of in this thread. Mr. Floyd was murdered by the police. Those police responsible were found guilty and have started their prison sentences.
The OP was racist and very insensitive.
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The Thing chose George Floyd as his first victim to make fun of in this thread. Mr. Floyd was murdered by the police. Those police responsible were found guilty and have started their prison sentences.
The OP was racist and very insensitive.
George floyd was a life long criminal and a poor example of what a hero is. Hes a looser and held a pregnant woman at gun point while his buddy's robbed her home He was a drug addict and a con man , for every arrest the average felon commits many more crimes . Floyd was a criminal he dint commit any heroic act or save anyone he was common trash and a dope head and ws high on drugs when arrested and was trying to pass counterfeit money . Far from a hero and if this is the kind of man liberals place on a pedestal for the youth of America to look to as a hero they are idiots and morons .

Here are black heros for the black youth of America to look up to

Rosalind Brewer​

Dr. Kizzmekia S. Corbett​

Victor J. Glover, Jr​

as much as I dont like him O bung hole is also a man to be admired for his achievements​

Rashida Jones,​

Ben Carson​

Shaquille O'Neal​

The Harlem hell fighters​

Tuskegee Airmen​

Black policemen black fbi agents black doctors​

those are heros not black men who commit crimes and robbery at gun point do drugs and pass fake money. Blm hates cops as so many liberals do and this is just a fact. they should look at them as hero not the adversary.
Im not making fun of George but the stupid people that look at him as a hero , its actually sad that people are stupid enough to do so and tells you all you need to know about democrats and their twisted perverted logic
A hero is some one to look up to and admire to emulate , if democrats want to emulate and look up to Floyd and the criminal riots that cost billions
And yet four police officers are serving time in prison for the murder of George Floyd. Four! Police seldom end up doing time for killing people, even innocent people. Yet, there they are, in prison.
It was never proven George use a counterfeit $20 bill to pay for cigarettes, it is only alleged that he did so. Where did he get the bill in the first place? He didn't have the expertise to make it.
For anyone curious enough, It is easy to google George Floyd and read what actually happened. Nobody said Floyd was a hero. Derek Chauvin sure wasn't.
Chauvin knew George and did not like him and took advantage of the situation to get rid of a problem, even though Floyd was being cooperative.
Chauvin, being police, thought he could get away with this murder. He had gotten away with killing others. He was wrong this time. No wonder people have a problem with the police. This mind set of the police killing people, is too prevalent across the country.
Gc Ac¹
And yet four police officers are serving time in prison for the murder of George Floyd. Four! Police seldom end up doing time for killing people, even innocent people. Yet, there they are, in prison.
It was never proven George use a counterfeit $20 bill to pay for cigarettes, it is only alleged that he did so. Where did he get the bill in the first place? He didn't have the expertise to make it.
For anyone curious enough, It is easy to google George Floyd and read what actually happened. Nobody said Floyd was a hero. Derek Chauvin sure wasn't.
Chauvin knew George and did not like him and took advantage of the situation to get rid of a problem, even though Floyd was being cooperative.
Chauvin, being police, thought he could get away with this murder. He had gotten away with killing others. He was wrong this time. No wonder people have a problem with the police. This mind set of the police killing people, is too prevalent across the countr

He won't react to that. He's a republican and racism is in their DNA.
Gc Ac¹

He won't react to that. He's a republican and racism is in their DNA. lol your very wrong first my family is mixed rce dun dun as I have said here many times . I have spent a lot of time in black community in Ohio Baltimore and kentucky where my family lives . So I know more about it then you will ever know.
The fact is floyd was not a hero but a criminal no matter how he died I have no respect for him as hes a predator on people expecially in his own community. Common thug and pin heads tried to make him out to be a hero . He was a waste of skin and a danger to his fellow humans . A common thief and dope head f thats what you call a hero them shame on you I hope you get what you deserve .