2nd Boeing whistleblower killed.

Stray Bullet

Well-Known Member
Mar 17, 2024

Now this is getting pretty fucking obvious what’s going on here. Like WTF. It’s time to investigate. But Biden won’t care I guess. He gets thousands of people killed everyday. God forbid a company gets charged for doing something this bad. I’m sure they have an employee or somebody ready to scapegoat/frame just in case it gets taken seriously.
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Now this is getting pretty fucking obvious what’s going on here. Like WTF. It’s time to investigate. But Biden won’t care I guess. He gets thousands of people killed everyday. God forbid a company gets charged for doing something this bad. I’m sure they have an employee or somebody ready to scapegoat/frame just in case it gets taken seriously.
It clearly states the problems leading to his death but in true idiot style you invent a conspiracy.

Why would Biden are? Does Trump care? You're point is?
It clearly states the problems leading to his death but in true idiot style you invent a conspiracy.

Why would Biden are? Does Trump care? Your point is?
Every media outlet I’m looking at for it has an element of suspicion and rightfully so. If you like giving corrupt big companies who are being investigated the benefit of the doubt then that’s on you. Doesn’t seem like a very liberal position though.
Every media outlet I’m looking at for it has an element of suspicion and rightfully so. If you like giving corrupt big companies who are being investigated the benefit of the doubt then that’s on you. Doesn’t seem like a very liberal position though.
It's no different suggesting the Clintons had a hand in murdering 50 people associated with them.
It's just conspiracy nuts. USA is full of them.
It's no different suggesting the Clintons had a hand in murdering 50 people associated with them.
It's just conspiracy nuts. USA is full of them.
I think this has more merit. A lot of the Clinton stories are just retarded sounding and are clearly designed for a right wing agenda.
It's no different suggesting the Clintons had a hand in murdering 50 people associated with them.
It's just conspiracy nuts. USA is full of them.
Seth Rich may have been the last of Clinton victims since the Clintons are fading from the scene into rest homes of Democrat abandonment.
I think this has more merit. A lot of the Clinton stories are just retarded sounding and are clearly designed for a right wing agenda.
When criminal leftists cannot cover up a political murder they simply call it a conspiracy theory to stop rubes from thinking any more about the evidence.
Seth Rich may have been the last of Clinton victims since the Clintons are fading from the scene into rest homes of Democrat abandonment.
Are you saying they had a direct input into the demise of him?
A simple yes or no will do.

Let's see how good you are big mouth.

Now this is getting pretty fucking obvious what’s going on here. Like WTF. It’s time to investigate. But Biden won’t care I guess. He gets thousands of people killed everyday. God forbid a company gets charged for doing something this bad. I’m sure they have an employee or somebody ready to scapegoat/frame just in case it gets taken seriously.
Hey it's not like the 737Max had alien code as part of the autopilot or anything. OOPS
Are you saying they had a direct input into the demise of him?
A simple yes or no will do.

Let's see how good you are big mouth.
Crowdstrike testified under oath before Congress that the DNC emails given to Assange were copied by a DNC employee inside DNC headquarters and were not stolen by Russians.
I don't believe you.
That is your loss.


This was, again, the firm hired to investigate the Democrat National Committee servers and computer network to find out who did it, to find out who hacked them. The president of CrowdStrike told Schiff's committee they didn't know. They couldn't find out. They couldn't learn. They couldn't say for certain the Russians had hacked the DNC server.

They could not say for sure that the Russians were involved in letting Podesta's emails out. Well, now, folks, for crying out loud, that is only the entire basis for the entire Russian collusion claim! That the FBI was refused permission to see the DNC server, they hired CrowdStrike, CrowdStrike was said to...

They didn't publicly say it, the DNC said this, that the people they had hired, CrowdStrike, demonstrated that their servers were hacked by Russia. And so that was part of this two-year, never-ending pack of lies about this story. It turns out that the president of CrowdStrike couldn't figure out who had hacked the DNC server.
That is your loss.


This was, again, the firm hired to investigate the Democrat National Committee servers and computer network to find out who did it, to find out who hacked them. The president of CrowdStrike told Schiff's committee they didn't know. They couldn't find out. They couldn't learn. They couldn't say for certain the Russians had hacked the DNC server.

They could not say for sure that the Russians were involved in letting Podesta's emails out. Well, now, folks, for crying out loud, that is only the entire basis for the entire Russian collusion claim! That the FBI was refused permission to see the DNC server, they hired CrowdStrike, CrowdStrike was said to...

They didn't publicly say it, the DNC said this, that the people they had hired, CrowdStrike, demonstrated that their servers were hacked by Russia. And so that was part of this two-year, never-ending pack of lies about this story. It turns out that the president of CrowdStrike couldn't figure out who had hacked the DNC server.
How is any of that related to Boeing killing the whistleblower?