3rd debate

Three debates.
Run by THREE knee-jerk left-wing hyper-liberal moderators.
All of whom--to a smaller degree--or larger one--steer things leftward.


The last debate I thought the mod did a really good job and asked really good questions. I admit though I only watched half then heard most of the second half on the radio. I will re watch it but I didn't have any complaints about the mod. I liked the first and last one best and the VP mod was ok but Candy was pathetic!
Romney and Obama are even more in agreement about foreign policy than they are about domestic issues. That came through loud and clear in the debate, as they both said the same thing in different words.

The real question isn't which candidate has the better political ideology, but which one is most likely to be able to get anything meaningful through Congress, and which one has the most experience with economic issues. The answer to that one is obvious.

there were critical differences not in words but hows. in short, there is no such thing as leading from behind.
I agree. I saw a lot of differences between the way Romney would handle issues vs how Obama has. Or I should say hasn't.
I agree. I saw a lot of differences between the way Romney would handle issues vs how Obama has. Or I should say hasn't.

and isn't that the only ral measure ?

all these terrible sanctions and leading from behind have done nothing to slow the march to nuclear weaponry in Iran.
and isn't that the only ral measure ?

all these terrible sanctions and leading from behind have done nothing to slow the march to nuclear weaponry in Iran.

Or the resurgence in Islamic jihadists. Including al Qaeda.
On the issue of ship counts -- it has nothing to do with ship counts, the point Romney is making is that we need a Navy capable of operating simultaneously in multiple areas around the world -- and this often requires more ships (the argument of which ships is a whole other debate) Like it or not, we are steadily losing that capability -- and we are changing the nature of the whole military make up to fight one war at a time -- not two.

Additionally, yes, we have these things called aircraft carriers -- and we have fewer and fewer of them. In recent times we have fallen from 15 to now 11, and soon to be 10 while we await the arrival of a new one in 2015. This slams deployment schedules, maintenance, and impacts our ability to quickly respond anywhere in the world with major power. Not to mention, it will likely increase delployment times for those carriers we have, meaning sailors are away longer, probably resulting in a lower retention rate, meaning we spend more on training, delayed maintence is also expensive...the list goes on and on.

There was a good article about this recently in Forbes I believe, but I can't find it.

Additionally, you miss the mark when you compare our fleet to that of a single other nation. Of course we are larger, better equiped, and more capable than any other nation in the world -- but our mission is not the same as their mission -- and comparing the two is like comparing apples to oranges.

Mitt is the one talking about numbers of ships not me. And if we can't defend the US with This Navy..lets just give up because outspending the top 5-10 nations can't save us..Special Forces , Ground Troops, Drones, and the Internet are going to the the weapons we need...not a super sized navy. Yes we need a good one, but the fact is we have that now and our navy is not going to be in any danger even if it got some cuts. If what we have is not enough..that means we are doing to much...not that we need to spend more on more ships.
if you are right then we should see the money come flooding in for your guy and the polls surge for him

if you are wrong the polls will stay the same and I will keep getting emails from obama begging for cash
and mitt will be your president in a couple of weeks
nice try, but no one expects the 3rd debate, more so given its subject to sway a large amount of voters...there are so few Undecideds and those that are...don't even watch Debates...they pay no attention thats why they can't figure out yet.
Romney will lead from strength. Thats far different than the current administration.

no its a bullshit Bumper sticker. We killed off many of the Top Al Quida leaders...the Top Pakistani Haqani network people as well...Bin Laden of course...Lybia is going threw trying to form a democracy now...rather then live under a Dictator who killed Americans...and we did not even have to invade or lose one American life in the war ( yes after we lost 4...still beats more then 4000) Iran is Crippled and has no econ and wants to talk...Syria there is nothing we can do...Unless you want to go in and fight a war that will end with fighting Iran...... Mitt can't even figure out what the hell to do, and just sat there saying your wrong but I would do the same thing as you...now thats leaders ship...Then again that was yesterday, I am sure he has changed all his policies again by now.
nice try, but no one expects the 3rd debate, more so given its subject to sway a large amount of voters...there are so few Undecideds and those that are...don't even watch Debates...they pay no attention thats why they can't figure out yet.

they certainly avoid paying attention as late as possible, sometimes till they're in the booth. most education for them has to be near subconscious.
The last debate I thought the mod did a really good job and asked really good questions. I admit though I only watched half then heard most of the second half on the radio. I will re watch it but I didn't have any complaints about the mod. I liked the first and last one best and the VP mod was ok but Candy was pathetic!

It happens because a bunch a right wing trolls won't be happy unless Glenn Beck does it...O god the moderator asked what they would do about Iran....what a liberal Question!

you guys are just pissy because you lost the debate and like always can't blame yourself so you blame the fucking media like children who can't take a loss , dust themself off and get ready for the next round. Grow a pair and stop pretending the boogie man is always out to get you..
You heard democrats all complain about the moderator not "doing anything" about Mitt.

You can never, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever let liberals gain a foothold in government--they take it as an ETERNAL MANDATE to rule by decree and dictate and enshrine a dictator.

They are FASCISTS--although they will go into cartwheels with foam slinging about the countryside if you CALL THEM ON IT.
Just study what fascism REALLY IS--it's methodology and history--and show me any differences.

when you say things like Liberals are Facist...you show that no one need listen to your pointless words
Romney and Obama are even more in agreement about foreign policy than they are about domestic issues. That came through loud and clear in the debate, as they both said the same thing in different words.

The real question isn't which candidate has the better political ideology, but which one is most likely to be able to get anything meaningful through Congress, and which one has the most experience with economic issues. The answer to that one is obvious.

Unless of course the Republican school children stomp there feet and cry again and will not do anything, even if they agree just to spite Obama.. of course if Mitt wins, the dems will be adults and actuly work with him..
no its a bullshit Bumper sticker. We killed off many of the Top Al Quida leaders...the Top Pakistani Haqani network people as well...Bin Laden of course...Lybia is going threw trying to form a democracy now...rather then live under a Dictator who killed Americans...and we did not even have to invade or lose one American life in the war ( yes after we lost 4...still beats more then 4000) Iran is Crippled and has no econ and wants to talk...Syria there is nothing we can do...Unless you want to go in and fight a war that will end with fighting Iran...... Mitt can't even figure out what the hell to do, and just sat there saying your wrong but I would do the same thing as you...now thats leaders ship...Then again that was yesterday, I am sure he has changed all his policies again by now.

They, the armed forces and CIA not we, have been killing off leadership for 12 years. Not surprisingly they have developed new leadership. I had to laugh when Obama broke out the "we have AL Quada on the run" after all the derision Bush got saying it. Very ironic.

Romney knows you can't leave it to the UN or NATO to do anything as nothing ever happens when they do it. Being a superpower requires that you impel the rest to do the right thing.

Iran wants to talk ? Have we heard that too ? From Hussein, Kim Jong Il etc ? Its a time killer while you do what you want to do. And all these crackpots know we fall for it. Do you see anyone trying this with Russia ? Lead from strength.