"60 Minutes"; This Evening

We have been lied to by so many public officials, news sources, and others in the last few years that I still remain unpersuaded that the American workers who are forced to fund the 'free Obamacare' with higher taxes on their earnings are enthusiastic supporters of the tax plan described as healthcare premiums.
You are welcome to remain ignorant
We have been lied to by so many public officials, news sources, and others in the last few years that I still remain unpersuaded that the American workers who are forced to fund the 'free Obamacare' with higher taxes on their earnings are enthusiastic supporters of the tax plan described as healthcare premiums.
It doesn't surprise me. You still think there's a god. Says it all really.
The health of a nation is the health of its people.People who live in many countries that have Socialized medicine live longer and are not bankrupted by hospitals.
Obamacare is more popular now than ever.
Where Russians Go After Speaking Out Against Vladimir Putin
June 23, 2024
Where American patriots go after being arrested by jack-booted democrat storm troopers:

Donald Trump's Popularity Is Soaring​

The health of a nation is the health of its people.People who live in many countries that have Socialized medicine live longer and are not bankrupted by hospitals.
Obamacare is more popular now than ever.
Universal healthcare is very expensive for working stiffs who have to chip in more of their income to cover the costs incurred by those who chip in less.
So not all Canadians are satisfied with their healthcare, Canada is a democracy and they can change it as they wish. Again, Obamacare was popular when it started and has gained in popularity every year. Trump is a nasty racist and hates everything Obama did ands would wreck it if he could.

The criminal Von Shitszhizpants belongs in prison.
So not all Canadians are satisfied with their healthcare, Canada is a democracy and they can change it as they wish. Again, Obamacare was popular when it started and has gained in popularity every year. Trump is a nasty racist and hates everything Obama did ands would wreck it if he could.

The criminal Von Shitszhizpants belongs in prison.
If Biden can get Trump out of the way before the 2024 election then democrats will be free to expand costly taxpayer funded Obamacare to millions of illegals.

https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2024/jun/24/adding-dreamers-to-obamacare-will-cost-at-least-7-/?utm_source=Boomtrain&utm_medium=subscriber&utm_campaign=newsalert&utm_content=newsalert&utm_term=newsalert&bt_ee=zmrCIq4QGsqWpgbdzMgPZVv7iHiSlkBHPZfPCsQ3MlvfCdaPkbJkdFbhlNCfG6pp&bt_ts=1719247559437 6-24-24

Adding ‘Dreamers’ to Obamacare will cost at least $7 billion
It's lookin' like INTERPOL still hasn't fit into any o' the conspiracies the MAGATS have dreamed up!