The 9 real facts of the Bin Laden "story"


Well-Known Member
Apr 4, 2008
How easily the people on this forum have swallowed the official propaganda line

1) Far from being holed up in a cave, isolated from the world, the Al Qaeda leader was in a palatial compound in Abbottabad only half a mile from the Pakistan Military Academy, the equivalent of West Point, in a city which is home to many high-ranking retired military officers.

The disparity between the past claims of bin Laden’s location—made by US officials up to and including the president—and his actual residence was widely noted. Time magazine observed, “How bin Laden was able to reside in a posh compound for months, if not years, surrounded by former Pakistani military officers remains unknown.”

2) Press accounts in the United States, based on descriptions supplied by the Pentagon, CIA and White House, depict a bin Laden fortress so obvious that it lacked only a neon sign on the roof advertising Al Qaeda. It had been built in 2005, apparently for the specific purpose of serving as a protected residence for the terrorist leader.

The house was huge—eight times the size of any of its neighbors, easily visible in satellite photographs—in a wealthy neighborhood not far from the center of the city. It was heavily secured, with walls as high as 18 feet in some places, topped with barbed wire, and a seven-foot high parapet around the top floor, suitable to concealing an unusually tall resident (Bin Laden reportedly stood nearly six foot five inches).

The house was valued at over $1 million, but the two brothers who were listed as owners had “no explainable source of wealth,” and the structure had neither telephone nor Internet access, evidently for security reasons. The residents burned their trash rather than leave it on the street for pickup.

3) While President Obama claimed in his Sunday night speech that US intelligence agencies only learned of the compound’s existence in August 2010, diplomatic cables obtained by the whistleblower web site WikiLeaks suggest that the US government learned of the Abbottabad site sometime in 2008, based on interrogations of an Al Qaeda leader, Abu al-Libi, detained at Guantaamo Bay.

WikiLeaks published a Twitter posting Monday giving some details of the cable, but a fuller release of material is expected. According to the posting, al-Libi had been chosen to be a special messenger for Al Qaeda in 2003 and was to be based in Abbottabad. He moved his family from Peshawar to Abbottabad in July 2003 to carry out this assignment.

4) Abbottabad has been variously described as a regional city and a distant suburb of Pakistan’s capital, Islamabad, a short helicopter ride away. It was certainly a focal point for the activity of Pakistan’s huge military apparatus, which has ruled the country for most of its 65-year history.

The city of 100,000 is strategically located, just inside the territory of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa state, where most of Pakistan’s Pashtun-speaking population live—ethnically related to the largest population group in Afghanistan—and only a few miles from the heavily militarized Pakistan-occupied portion of Kashmir.

A brigade of the Pakistani army’s Second Division makes its headquarters there, and so also have, in past years, Islamic fundamentalist guerrillas who sought to infiltrate the Indian-held portion of Kashmir and conduct terrorist attacks. One Pakistani-born columnist compared the city to Colorado Springs, Colorado, where the US Air Force Academy is located, featuring the same noxious combination of military brass and religious fundamentalists.

5) There are conflicting accounts of the role of the Pakistani security forces in the actual raid. Pakistani officials claimed Monday that their forces had actually assisted in the attack, but this was dismissed by Obama administration officials, who claimed that Islamabad was only told of the raid after bin Laden was dead.

According to the British Guardian, the four helicopters carrying the Navy SEALs lifted off from Ghazi airbase in northwest Pakistan, where they would certainly have been observed flying east towards Abbottabad, not west towards the mountainous region on the Afghanistan border, the usual zone of operations for the US special forces. The helicopters flew straight into one of the main centers of the Pakistani military, in the middle of the night, supposedly without anyone noticing.

6) Top US officials involved in the raid’s planning and execution held meetings with their Pakistani colleagues in the weeks immediately preceding the attack, and after operational planning meetings had begun at the White House. CIA Director Leon Panetta, who was said to have been in overall charge of the operation, met with Ahmad Shuja Pasha, head of the Pakistani ISI, on April 11.

Two weeks later, General David Petraeus, the US commander in the Afpak theater, visited Pakistan and met with General Ashraf Kayani, the current military chief. Two days after that meeting, White House officials made it known that Panetta would replace Robert Gates as secretary of defense, while General Petraeus would succeed Panetta as CIA chief.

General Kayani was in Abbottabad only a week before bin Laden’s capture, giving the commencement speech to a new graduating class at the Pakistan Military Academy. He told the graduates that his forces had “broken the back” of Islamic fundamentalist militants. “Let me assure you that we in Pakistan’s army are fully aware of the internal and external threat to our country,” Kayani said, speaking only a few hundred yards from the home of the Al Qaeda leader.

At least two other top Al Qaeda figures had been arrested previously in Abbottabad: Tahir Shehzad, an alleged Al Qaeda intermediary who had met with several French-born militants; and Umar Patek, the most recently arrested, in January 2011, a leader of the Indonesian Al Qaeda affiliate Jemaah Islamiya

7) Another curious issue is the treatment of bin Laden’s body. The claim that the US military disposed of the corpse at sea within 24 hours because of its deep respect for Muslim religious precepts doesn’t pass the laugh test. It seems certain that the body was bin Laden’s, since his supporters have confirmed the Al Qaeda leader’s death in statements to the press, but there is a smell of cover-up in the hurried dumping of the body, which more resembles the aftermath of a gangland hit.

8) Out of all this fragmentary information and loose ends, at least one conclusion seems evident: the least plausible story is the official one, promoted both by Washington and Islamabad for their separate reasons, that US intelligence only learned of the compound last August and only confirmed bin Laden’s presence there in the last few months.

It is obvious that bin Laden was the guest, if not the prisoner, of the Pakistani security services. If the American media were really to probe the circumstances of bin Laden’s life in Pakistan, instead of merely parroting the talking points of the Pentagon and CIA, it would have to raise the question of what US intelligence agencies, not just the Pakistanis, knew about bin Laden’s whereabouts over the past nine years.

9) In perhaps the most remarkable passage in Obama’s Sunday night speech, he recounted giving the order to incoming CIA Director Leon Panetta, in January 2009, to make finding and disposing of bin Laden the agency’s number one priority. The obvious implication—almost ignored in the US media—is that under the Bush administration, targeting bin Laden was NOT a priority.

This only raises further questions about the longstanding connections between bin Laden and US intelligence agencies, since he got his early training in terrorist methods as a CIA contractor in the mujahideen war against the Soviet Army in Afghanistan in the 1980s. No serious analysis of the 9/11 attacks can avoid the conclusion that sections of the US intelligence apparatus protected the Al Qaeda operatives and looked the other way as the plot unfolded.

Comrade Stalin of Gori
the conspiracy theories ( both sides ) rumble on...

obviously people just don't wan't to know///

“ "In politics stupidity is not a handicap”, Napoleon Bonaparte (1769-1821.)

For those who believe in omens, the triumphal announcement of the murder of Osama bin Laden, his son and various of his household (if it were he) by US., special forces, did not bode well.

Running at the bottom of Fox4O on the event was: "Reports: Obama Bin Laden Dead." On Fox News, anchor Gerald Rivero announced that Mr Obama had been shot: "President Obama, speaking from the East Room of the White House (told) the nation and the world President Obama is in fact dead, it was a US., led strategic ..." His co-anchor interrupted and he corrected to: "I am sorry, Osama bin Laden is dead, a strategic operation, they caught him in a mansion outside Islamabad." (i) Fortunately the President was shown walking away from his lecturn, after the announcement.

Rumours of his death may have been exaggerated, but did not prevent the BBC and Sky News repeating them.(ii, iii.)

However, as the bin Laden saga unravels, electoral suicide may be yet unavoidable. That the President quickly claimed responsibility for the liquidations ("Today, at my direction, the United States launched a targeted operation against that compound in Abbottabad, Pakistan...") is already beginning to seem unfortunate. Also being questioned is legality, with two independent, unpaid UN experts asking some un-charachteristically tough questions.

Christof Heyns' expertise is in extrajudicial, summary, or arbitary executions, and Martin Scheinin, an authority on human rights and counter terrorism, have stated the importance of knowing if: " ... the planning of the mission allowed an effort to capture bin Laden. "The norm should be that terrorists be dealt with as criminals, through legal processes of arrest, trial and judicially decided punishment,” they stated. “Actions taken by States in combating terrorism, especially in high profile cases, set precedents for the way in which the right to life will be treated in future instances.”(iv) That two such authorities should raise deeply concerning questions regarding legality, at the very, least dampens the President's parade.

Ironically, the 1st., May, the day Obama boasted that bin Laden's "demise should be welcomed ...", and saw the killing of Colonel Quaddaffi's son and three young grandchildren, was the day America celebrates "Law Day": "meant to reflect the role of law in the foundation of the country and to recognise its importance for society." An aspiration which might have passed its sell by date, some might think.

Since this "new day in the proud history of America", according to the Daily Mirror (3rd., May) forests' worth of news print has also shown huge anomalies, unanswered questions and contradictions, including mine (v) which noted some and omitted others, in danger of becoming a book, rather than an article.

A glaring anomaly mentioned by others, is the fact that Pakistani officials said there was neither internet or telephone connection to the home where the family and seemingly others resided, but it was cited as a "Command and Control Centre", by the US., Administration, who had also stated that the residents did not use mobiles either, for fear of their location being discovered. There was also, apparently no electricity, the world was initially told, but gleefully, apparently took away a "treasure trove" of computers and mobile phones.

No doubt the "Command and Control Centre" story (the same was said regarding Quaddaffi's son's modest, one story home) is because, were it not, bombing, or breaking, entering and killing looks a bit like cold blooded murder. The "burials" at sea might, some have queried, tend to confirm some missing bits of the story. Disposing of bodies in water (or concrete pillars and blocks) has long made forensic certainties difficult. No body, no forensics and no proof of wrong doing.

However, we have the videos of bin Laden's sad, deteriorating years. Wrapped up in a blanket, topped by a wooly hat, unkempt beard, sadly replaying himself, appearing on television. Shades of Saddam Hussein's unkempt appearance, proof for those who knew of his scrupulous attention to appearance, that he had been held by the US., for months. (By the way, whatever happened to that former US., soldier who alleged just that? All references also seem to have vanished.)

Anyway, back to the videos. There he sits, on the floor, in an apparently run down dwelling, zapping away at the remote (no electricity remember) presumably also in a fantasy world - or is that the Psych-Ops one?

The zapping on the remote is being done, and it is held in his right hand. All pictures that can be found, show him wearing his watch on his right hand (in this one he is not) and those with a gun, holding it in his left, or with it slung over his left shoulder.

Osama bin Laden was left handed. This from the FBI "Most Wanted" notice:

" Bin Laden is left-handed and walks with a cane."(vi)

So who is it in those videos?

Another day, another anomaly
Stalin, here is some advice. You know you have started a boring, uninteresting, and pointless topic, when the ONLY responses are from the person who started the topic.

I understand you are in mourning, due to the death of one of your heroes, and maybe Osama's death has affected your thought processes, but nobody cares about your conspiracy theories.
Stalin, here is some advice. You know you have started a boring, uninteresting, and pointless topic, when the ONLY responses are from the person who started the topic.

I understand you are in mourning, due to the death of one of your heroes, and maybe Osama's death has affected your thought processes, but nobody cares about your conspiracy theories.

No mate, they are YOUR conspiracy theories.

Comrade STalin