A Credo for Conservatives


Jun 8, 2009
Most conservatives agree that just continuing to support the old business-as-usual Republican Party is not an adequate response to the challenges of the times. Thus the great interest in Sarah Palin. (Sorry, liberal readers, this particular thread won't interest you.)

But we need to clarify a number of things as we move forward.

I believe that readers of this website will find this proposed Conservative Credo of great interest.

It is a slide presentation, and the questions raised in it range from principles to tactics. I don't personally know the author, but I know he has been very active in organizing the conservative movement in Seattle for the last several years.

I believe this Credo was meant only for discussion among Seattle conservatives, but it seems to me that it might be a useful focus for national discussion. Note that the author has told me it is just a first draft, and that the final version will no doubt contain changes.