A prediction


Well-Known Member
Apr 4, 2008
Zionist strategy since the mid 19th century has been mainly concerned with taking as much land in Palestine
by any means necessary.

When the Ottoman empire ruled the area, bribery and corruption were the preferred tools.

When the British reduced immigration zionist terrorism was used to drive them out.

When the British left, the new state of Israel, drove out huge numbers of Palestinians off their land.

Large numbers of massacres were carried out.

We do not hear ANYTHING about these atrocities, of course.

Israel , as admitted by Begin, started the 1967 war and acquired much more land.

The West Bank is still under occupation and now populated by ILLEGAL settlements.

International law prohibits building settlements on occupied territory.

The West Bank is still Jordanian territory.

And now Gaza.

My prediction is that the Palestinians, mostly refugees,will be driven off their land and be forced by warfare out
of Gaza.

Hamas, promoted by Israel as a counter to the PLO have played their part well.

Who benefits ?

Comrade Stalin
Victorious in The Donbass
Zionist strategy since the mid 19th century has been mainly concerned with taking as much land in Palestine
by any means necessary.

When the Ottoman empire ruled the area, bribery and corruption were the preferred tools.

When the British reduced immigration zionist terrorism was used to drive them out.

When the British left, the new state of Israel, drove out huge numbers of Palestinians off their land.

Large numbers of massacres were carried out.

We do not hear ANYTHING about these atrocities, of course.

Israel , as admitted by Begin, started the 1967 war and acquired much more land.

The West Bank is still under occupation and now populated by ILLEGAL settlements.

International law prohibits building settlements on occupied territory.

The West Bank is still Jordanian territory.

And now Gaza.

My prediction is that the Palestinians, mostly refugees,will be driven off their land and be forced by warfare out
of Gaza.

Hamas, promoted by Israel as a counter to the PLO have played their part well.

Who benefits ?

Comrade Stalin
Victorious in The Donbass
Israel brought civility to the region when they reclaimed their historic homeland from the tribal barbarian nomadic warlords.
You do not think that the current apartheid regime in Jerusalem are a bunch of tribal barbarian warlords ?

Tribal. Tick

Barbarian. Tick

Warlords. Definitely a big tick.

There was street lighting in Cordoba when London was a squalid village on the Thames and Washington DC was a mosquito filled swamp

Comrade Stalin
On the offensive in Donbass
You do not think that the current apartheid regime in Jerusalem are a bunch of tribal barbarian warlords ?

Tribal. Tick

Barbarian. Tick

Warlords. Definitely a big tick.

There was street lighting in Cordoba when London was a squalid village on the Thames and Washington DC was a mosquito filled swamp

Comrade Stalin
On the offensive in Donbass
The overwhelming majority of cops in America are respectable, civilized citizens in spite of the false accusations of degenerates against the entire police system in America. Goode people do not slander all blacks just because a sizable number of them are violent racist criminals and rebels against America and civilization should not hate most or all cops for true or false allegations against some.

Likewise, Israel is not the problem in the Middle East at the moment, the murderous tribal barbarian savage Arabs and Muslims are.
that's right .. every single Arab and Muslim is a murdering savage


every single zionist is an angel

Meanwhile..back at the prediction

The IDF, who have never killed an innocent civilian are preparing mass ethic cleansing..

Comrade Stalin
Victorious in the Donbass
that's right .. every single Arab and Muslim is a murdering savage


every single zionist is an angel

Meanwhile..back at the prediction

The IDF, who have never killed an innocent civilian are preparing mass ethic cleansing..

Comrade Stalin
Victorious in the Donbass
Leftist Communists: Christians and Jews are wicked people who deserve to be mass murdered and condemned for retaliating against their murderers.
Marxists are not players in this conflict.

The topic is prediction, not your simplifications.

Comrade Stalin
Leftist Communists: Christians and Jews are wicked people who deserve to be mass murdered and condemned for retaliating against their murderers.
Since you brought up the issue, how many Iraqi citizens were killed by Christian armed forces in the last 30 years ?

Comrade Stalin
Marxists are not players in this conflict.

The topic is prediction, not your simplifications.

Comrade Stalin
American Marxists cannot help themselves. They support the dummass commie/false Arab religion opinions of Middle East genocidal terrorists.
Zionist strategy since the mid 19th century has been mainly concerned with taking as much land in Palestine
by any means necessary.

When the Ottoman empire ruled the area, bribery and corruption were the preferred tools.

When the British reduced immigration zionist terrorism was used to drive them out.

When the British left, the new state of Israel, drove out huge numbers of Palestinians off their land.

Large numbers of massacres were carried out.

We do not hear ANYTHING about these atrocities, of course.

Israel , as admitted by Begin, started the 1967 war and acquired much more land.

The West Bank is still under occupation and now populated by ILLEGAL settlements.

International law prohibits building settlements on occupied territory.

The West Bank is still Jordanian territory.

And now Gaza.

My prediction is that the Palestinians, mostly refugees,will be driven off their land and be forced by warfare out
of Gaza.

Hamas, promoted by Israel as a counter to the PLO have played their part well.

Who benefits ?

Comrade Stalin
Victorious in The Donbass
The land now known as the West Bank was once owned/ruled by the Jews. It was later owned by the Babylonians, then the Persians, then the Medes, then the Romans. Turks then claimed the area, followed by the Ottoman Empire and then the British. When the British left the general consensus was that the Jews and Arabs would jointly own the land, but the Arabs never accepted the Jews in any portion of the Middle East, which resulted in continual conflicts that are still ongoing today. For years Jewish settlements in the land of Israel were bombed indiscriminately by rockets from Arab nations until the six days war when Israel took control of key areas including the West Bank.

The Jews have owned the land of Palestine since God gave the land to Abraham and his descendants many thousands of years ago. The Palestinian people were never given the land by anyone, they never bought the land, they never won the land by war, nor were given the land for promising to be at peace with their neighbors.
When the Crusaders took Jerusalem in the first crusade, they killed all the Muslims and Jews.

When Saladin took back Jerusalem, Jews and Christians were allowed back to live there.

The current Israeli government government is an abomination.

Comrade Stalin
Transferred to Syria.
a further prediction

Benjamin Netanyahu has always lived with the fact that his brother Yonaton was the commander of the successful rescue of hostages
at Entebbe in july 1976. Yonaton was killed in this operation.

The egregious Bibi will attempt to emulate this rescue.

It is not likely that he will succeed.

Comrade Stalin
When the Crusaders took Jerusalem in the first crusade, they killed all the Muslims and Jews.

When Saladin took back Jerusalem, Jews and Christians were allowed back to live there.

The current Israeli government government is an abomination.

Comrade Stalin
Transferred to Syria.
Israel has not been bombing civilian targets in Arab villages for 50 years like the genocidal maniacs have been wickedly bombing them. Don't try to pretend the terrorists are more peaceful and civilized than their Israeli neighbors.
a further prediction

Benjamin Netanyahu has always lived with the fact that his brother Yonaton was the commander of the successful rescue of hostages
at Entebbe in july 1976. Yonaton was killed in this operation.

The egregious Bibi will attempt to emulate this rescue.

It is not likely that he will succeed.

Comrade Stalin
Jewish lives will be lost but at least the Jews will exact retribution on the Arab terrorists for their decades of unrelenting bloody murder of innocent Jewish civilians.