A question for the "so-called" pro-life people:

What other recourse do we have when Congress does not represent us besides voting them out of office? If we really believe that taxation of any sort is "taking from the rich to give to the poor", then we, the people, need to vote against anyone who is in favor of taxation. The reason such an action will not happen is that only a few hold such extreme viewpoints. Why we don't vote out the people who have created the fiscal mess we see today is a mystery to me, as doing so would not involve any sort of extremism.

Very few believe that all or any taxation represents taking from the rich to give to the poor. But can anyone doubt that some taxation is exactly that. Can calling it what it actually is really be called extreme? Do you really doubt that the tax system we have results in money moving from richer people to poorer people? What do you think should be done to stop the taxation that IS taking from the rich to give to the poor? Voting them out will not work as long as there are more voting poor willing to abandon constitutional principles than those abiding by constitutional principles voting.

Let me answer one question. When congress violates the laws of the constitution it is not necessary for the people to vote them out of office since they should be impeached or jailed. The only reason that is not happening is because, based on your statement above, you do not even recognize that the tax system is taking from the rich and giving to the poor and apparently lots of other people also do not or don't care.
What other recourse do we have when Congress does not represent us besides voting them out of office? If we really believe that taxation of any sort is "taking from the rich to give to the poor", then we, the people, need to vote against anyone who is in favor of taxation. The reason such an action will not happen is that only a few hold such extreme viewpoints. Why we don't vote out the people who have created the fiscal mess we see today is a mystery to me, as doing so would not involve any sort of extremism.

what other recourse ?
thee is a reason the 2nd amendment was enacted
The thing you lot seem ignorant if is that we have had hundreds of years of the rich being unhindered

What we got from that was stuff like slavery, genocide, widespread destitution, poor to no education for most people and generally grotesque injustice

And you lot talk about educating the masses as a bad thing

The fact is the more educated people become in general the more left wing and less religious they become.

That is because they start using their intelligence and knowledge over their instincts and the prejudices they have developed as a result of the propaganda of the rich

You lot should come down from the trees and have a go.

Or just hurry up and die out like your kind is doing everywhere
Enough of your stupid attacks and non sense comments. US LEFTIES have posted more REAL FACTUAL INFORMATION than your whole bunch of lunatics put together!

YOU do not get your facts straight. . .it is too painful to realize how WRONG you are on most subject, so you avoid looking for REAL information and obviously, you can't post link to factual sources to support your arguments because. . .more often than not those factual sources would totally destroy your arguments!

By the way. . .how "straight" did the "Lefties" and most reasonable people get the FACTS of the election polls?
And how "factual" was your crazy notion of "unskewed polls" and "Rasmussen polls?"
And how close to the FACTS was that asshole who predicted a Romney landslide with 300 to 370 electoral vote?

Now. . .try to get your fact straight on that one!
I tried not to post..but this issue kills me...
You said... When you bash President Obama and every pro-choice person for agreeing that late term abortions MUST remain legal to protect the life of the mother. I am not just talking about late term...ANY ABORTIONS
You said...When you call YOUR PRESIDENT a MURDERER for signing the bill protecting women who have the terrible sadness of requesting a late term abortion,LATE TERM..You know contrary to what many like you believe, human beings are not constructed in the womb - they develop. In fact, all the major organ systems are initiated within the first few weeks after conception. This is a subject I know a little about..The process of embryonic development is a continuous process, with no obvious point at which the fetus magically becomes a "person." In fact, the development process continues well after birth, including many characteristics that determine our personality or personhood. the stages in human embryonic development are... Science tells us that the heart of the human fetus begins to form 18 days after conception.There is a measurable heart beat 21-24 days after conception.This is only 7-10 days after a women would expect to begin her menses. Since most women have cycles that can vary by this amount, they do not discover they are pregnant until after this point. Therefore, all abortions stop a beating heart, even "early" abortions. However, most abortions do not occur until 4-6 weeks after the fetus begins to form. The human brain begins to form on day 23 is formed enough to produce brain waves by 6 weeks, which means that most abortions destroy a functioning human brain. So to even consider late term is sick in my opinion...

The science of embryology(thats right science not some stupid Christian) tells us that human beings develop rapidly after fertilization of the egg. In fact, since the heart of the fetus begins to beat by 24 days, virtually all abortions (other than "emergency contraception") stop a beating heart. In fact, since most abortion occur between4-6 weeks, they also destroy a functioning brain. Even modern embryology textbooks agree that human life begins at conception. Since abortion ends human life, one must ask the question whether abortion is justifiable homicide or murder.

In the case of a mothers life.... justifiable homicide ..
I tried not to post..but this issue kills me...
You said... When you bash President Obama and every pro-choice person for agreeing that late term abortions MUST remain legal to protect the life of the mother. I am not just talking about late term...ANY ABORTIONS
You said...When you call YOUR PRESIDENT a MURDERER for signing the bill protecting women who have the terrible sadness of requesting a late term abortion,LATE TERM..You know contrary to what many like you believe, human beings are not constructed in the womb - they develop. In fact, all the major organ systems are initiated within the first few weeks after conception. This is a subject I know a little about..The process of embryonic development is a continuous process, with no obvious point at which the fetus magically becomes a "person." In fact, the development process continues well after birth, including many characteristics that determine our personality or personhood. the stages in human embryonic development are... Science tells us that the heart of the human fetus begins to form 18 days after conception.There is a measurable heart beat 21-24 days after conception.This is only 7-10 days after a women would expect to begin her menses. Since most women have cycles that can vary by this amount, they do not discover they are pregnant until after this point. Therefore, all abortions stop a beating heart, even "early" abortions. However, most abortions do not occur until 4-6 weeks after the fetus begins to form. The human brain begins to form on day 23 is formed enough to produce brain waves by 6 weeks, which means that most abortions destroy a functioning human brain. So to even consider late term is sick in my opinion...

The science of embryology(thats right science not some stupid Christian) tells us that human beings develop rapidly after fertilization of the egg. In fact, since the heart of the fetus begins to beat by 24 days, virtually all abortions (other than "emergency contraception") stop a beating heart. In fact, since most abortion occur between4-6 weeks, they also destroy a functioning brain. Even modern embryology textbooks agree that human life begins at conception. Since abortion ends human life, one must ask the question whether abortion is justifiable homicide or murder.

In the case of a mothers life.... justifiable homicide ..
Cash call

Would you be more favourably disposed to abortions if rather than remove the foetus clinically the doctor shot it with an assault rifle?